Saturday, March 8, 2025

In Ukraine

In Gaza
Outrage when civilians are killed
Where is the equal outrage
When in Ukraine, the graveyards are filled?

Women and children, just the same
Both wars have their share
But the concern is in Gaza
In Ukraine, some don't seem to care

Lives are lost 
And all lives are precious
The perpetrator of the killings
Is vicious
And pernicious

Killed and Never Coming Back

Killed and never coming back
More than 12,000 civilians in Ukraine
Putin bombs them, shoots them, kills them
With blood and horror, he does reign

He captures them
And they barely live on
Emaciated by lack of food
They are tortured just the same
And the man who's doing this?
Putin is to blame

Killed and never coming back
Putin is a terrorist
And that is just a fact

How Many?

The United States was a war criminal
This time
A bloody barbarian
Guilty of the highest crime

How many?
Civilians brutalized by the hands of war

The My Lai Massacre
March 16, 1968
The savage Americans
Sent hundreds to their fate

Small Man Must 

War is not friend to anyone on the front lines
Not to any who take the shrapnel wounds
No, all the kind words given to war 
Are from those tucked safely in back rooms

The large man makes the war
And leaves the small man to fight it
The large man calls for blood
And it's the small man who must provide it

Friday, March 7, 2025

Along with the Savings, Consider the Costs

If Trump got his way, the Department of Education would vanish. And how much money would that save us? No small sum -- $268 billion dollars. 

For the slash-and-gash fans, that goes a reasonable distance in solving our deficit woes. Somebody has suggested we shouldn't be spending more than we make, right?

But as important as gaining control of our spending is, other things are all so important. Let me float you a host of questions.

What of the student loan programs? More than half of our undergraduates receive federal loans to help pay for their college educations.

What of the jobs that will be lost if student loans are axed? Each college in the nation has a crew that administers the loans. Perhaps at some of these colleges, the role of dibbing out the loans might be a side task - I don't know. I do know it is a full-time assignment at many colleges. That is a lot of people heading for the unemployment line.

Speaking of people hitting the unemployment line, about 4,400 are employed by the Department of Education itself?

How about the people teaching special education? How many are there? Will they, too, lose their jobs, or will state and local funding be found?

How about those in DEI functions at our schools scattered across the U.S. Trump clearly would like to do away with these positions, but how many of them are there that we should be setting them up for unemployment?

Will the quality of education suffer? Federal spending soared in the '50s through the '70s as we sought to stay ahead of the Soviet Union in education. Is that no longer important?

How much time should state and local entities have to prepare for assuming the functions and expenses now carried by the DOE?

Will some children be left behind? Some state and local governments might take on all the functions, but others will choose not to -- or be unable to financially.

Don't just slash and burn, Mr. President. Along with considering the savings, consider the costs.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Art of the Deal

There is irony in this: We live in a nation where we are told we will lose our freedom if we lose our weapons; the government will first take our guns, then take our freedom. 
Freedom fades where guns are no longer found.

And now Trump has defunded the supply of weapons to Ukraine. I guess the moral of the story is, never fight with a borrowed gun. The Ukrainians are rallying to find weapons from other sources but, as Trump has observed, they don't have a chance without his help. He refers to it as their not having the cards, the U.S. has them all. 

Cards, guns -- whichever. Depends on whether you're playing poker or fighting a war.

Have you ever seen on of those old westerns where a gun-less man gets in a fight and someone throws him a gun so he can defend himself? That's Zelenskyy and Trump. Zelenskyy is in a fight and Trump is refusing to throw him a gun. Well, not completely refusing to toss him a gun. He notes Zelenskyy has a mine up in the hills and exchange for half of what's in it, he'll toss Zelenskyy a gun.

Whoever thought the art of a deal would ever come to a gunfight.  

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The Underworld

The U.S. went rogue that day
Nov. 4th
Electing a president who would be at odds
With East, West, South, North

But notably, the West
The free world
Some would suggest it was the day
The U.S. joined the underworld