Greenland awaits us with its Minerals
With global warming comes the melting of ice in Greenland. And with the melting of ice in Greenland, comes the availability of more minerals.
That's right: the mineral resources that have been covered by ice are being exposed. And it is no small haul of minerals that awaits. Isn't it ironic that the fossil industry that is causing so much of the global warming, now stands to benefit from it?
Also, let us not forget President Trump (if I can start calling him president three days ahead of his taking office) is pro-fossil fuels. With him wanting to buy Greenland, it piques our interest. If Greenland remains independent of the U.S., Trump will be obliged to follow his tariff promises.
But if it becomes a territory of the U.S., Trump might be more likely to do business with it minus the tariffs.