Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Price We Pay

"The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs
  is to be ruled by evil men," Plato said
And the words are as wise now as they were way back then

So, listen to Plato
And use his words as a prism
Let them help us view our day
And the coming of a prison

Indifference to public affairs?
Evil men, you say?
Indifference is how much attention we give
To a certain politician today

Carousing with women
Enlisting tabloid gossip
Tearing others down
What of all the evil
When Donald Trump is around

We can ignore it
We can be indifferent
But there's a price we'll have to pay
The rule of evil will rule our land
When Trump rules our day

They Call it Refuge

They call it refuge
You call it invasion
They call it the American dream
You call it invasion
They call it reuniting with family
You call it invasion
They call it seeking a job
You call it invasion
They call it seeking freedom
You call it invasion

Two different points of view
One of them right and one of them wrong  

Friday, April 26, 2024

Are Voters Fine With This?

There was a day
The people
The voters
Would never this allow

They'd be
Their past allegiance to him
They'd quickly

Many things
We could pick
For their outrage

I will name just one
For this alone
They'd run him off the stage

The National Enquirer
You know
-- Or at least you've now learned
Was hired
As a functionary of his campaign
For that
He would have been spurned

Kill the stories against me
Create ones against my foes
I'll pay you
For whatever shade of dishonesty
If you'll just
Lie and misconstrue


Every King Needs a Castle

Every king needs a castle
And every castle needs a wall
Donald Trump will need his wall
If he is to be our king

Make it tall and beautiful
Stretch it across our land
It will not only keep people out
But mark the domain of a king


Rule of Law and Word of Honor

There are problems with Donald Trump's immigration stand
Like, if it's legal
It's always good to keep the law
Be an American
Be an eagle

Americans keep the law
They don't seek to break it
Americans are honorable
They keep their word
They don't seek to shake it

Donald Trump is promising mass deportation
Largest in our nation's history
It's not just bluff and campaign talk
What he's planning is somewhat blistery

So, what of international law?
Promises we said we'd keep
What of rule of law, my friend?
You can believe in rule of law
Or you can just pretend

No contracting state shall expel or return a refugee
To a place he or she would be threatened 
Trump might not care about that agreement
What are we bettin'

How unfortunate we signed such an agreement, some might say
Do we really have to keep it?
We have our own laws
And international laws, we shouldn't need to obey

I wish for us to elect a president
Honorable and true
One who believes in rule of law
One who will see it through

One who will not tarnish our word of honor
But honor the agreements we have made
One who stands straight and tall
And calls a spade a spade

Thursday, April 25, 2024


Back to the Days of Christopher Robin

Back to the days of Christopher Robin
When he came and went as he pleased
Have you ever read the back-story on Christopher
I haven't either, but I'll make one up and see if it is believed

Christopher came from Mexico
An immigrant, he was
And Winnie the Pooh was out of Africa
And if you ask me why Africa, I'll just say "Because"

Well, they met down at the border
A little Texas town
Christopher was snacking on a tortilla
When Winnie came up with a bound

Winnie had traveled a long distance
But Christopher, not too far
Now, they both were wide-eyed about America
It was their guiding star

But Gov. Abbott ruled in Texas
And Trump was president at that time
And the two of them were greatly upset
Because the newcomers were committing a crime

Well, they rolled out barbed wire to stop them
And called in the national guard
Winnie got the worst of it
He got feathered and tarred

Well, do you remember how I started this poem
Telling you Chris came and went as he pleased
Well, it didn't actually work out that way
For Trump and Abbott refused to be appeased

Abbott tried to buy them a ticket
To a sanctuary called Old San Fran
But Trump insisted on deporting them
He said that was a better plan

So, Chris is back in Mexico
And Winnie in Cameroon
And I don't think they'll be coming here again
At least not any time soon

They are the Players, We are the Pawns

They are the players and we are the pawns
These powers that call out to you
They call for division, they call for hate
They tell you what you should do

Some on the right, some on the left
Some for Israel and some for Palestine
You can find them everywhere
Even though they're clandestine

They plant their people in social media
They could be a Facebook friend of yours
They plant them in every country
There are misters and monsieurs

They have influencers of the media
And sometimes agents who land media jobs
They even reach out to Congress
All told, they come in gobs

Watch out for all these players
Watch out, for they desire to enlist you
They are looking for willing pawns
And their recruits are not a few