Sunday, September 30, 2012

Applying These Scriptures to the World I See Around Me

These Latter-day Saints (and, aye, that includes me) have scriptures, and I'm reflecting on one from the Sunday School lesson today, and on ones that relate to it. If you are LDS, depending on where your ward is at, you might have studied Helaman 13-16 today, also.

Samuel the Lamanite, you know. Samuel the Lamanite chastened the Nephites for trusting those who said, Do this thing, for it is not wicked, and do that thing, for you will have no suffering for doing it. Indeed, do whatever thing your little hearts desire. ("Do whatsover your heart desireth," are the exact words in that scripture.)

Now, dear reader of this blog (supposing at least someone might read it), this is very much like what we read in a more famous passage. If you will be so kind, turn all the way back to 2 Nephi 28:7-8, where it says, "Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die; and it shall be well with us. . . . there is no harm in this; and do all these things . . . ."

Another scripture I should like to tie into all this is Helaman 5:2-3. We are told the government was established by the voice of the people, and that more people were choosing evil than good, and, as a result, their laws had become corrupted. Then, it says, "They were a stiffnecked people, insomuch that they could not be governed by the law."

Could not be governed by the law? Hmmm. Well, with apologies, that does sound familiar to what I see today. I believe in much of the sentiment of, That government is best that governs least. But, perhaps it can be taken too far.

One more tidbit from these scriptures before we reflect more on them all. Helaman 13:26 says if someone testified of their wickedness, they were angry with him, and called that person a sinner, and said he was of the devil.

Being a political-minded person, I wonder about such scriptures in a political context. I think of those who say, You cannot legislate morality. I think of those who decry what they call the morality police. I think of those who get mad at drugs being illegal, or prostitution, or pornography being illegal. I think of those who say, Let us do what we want. Let us do as our hearts desire. There is no sin in these things, in what we are doing. Who gave you the right to force your morals on us? Government should not be in the business of telling us what to do with own lives, and in their own bedrooms, and with our own bodies. We are not harming anyone, so we should not be made to suffer for these things. You are wicked beyond wicked to take an innocent person off the streets, and jail them for things that cause no harm. You are taking away our rights and freedoms, and are wicked, wicked for doing these things.

They refuse to be governed, even as in the days we read about in the Book of Mormon, where there were more people choosing evil than good. It was a day in which, "they could not be governed by the law."

And, as I look around, at the world I am living in, we are becoming more and more like that today.

Well, this is just my take on these scriptures. Doesn't mean I'm right. It is definitely what I find, though. It is what I see, as I try applying these scriptures to the world around me. But, perhaps those who think differently are right and I am wrong.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Treat the Inmate Right

In my off and abouts of the day, I heard tell of criminals on work programs, here in the Salt Lake Valley. Now, these criminals were working at the most reputable of places.

And, doing hard work, and being paid so little that they came away jaded, mad at the world because they were coming away with little to show for it.

And, I thought of an old roommate, and of the madness he displayed toward the court system, for how sometimes they expected him to pay fines so high he sometimes just couldn't scrape enough money together to pay it.

I think they may have excused him, for all though he went back to jail, it wasn't for failure to pay the fines, to my understanding. But, the point is, he became embittered towards the justice system, for expecting that which wasn't just.

They are going to find fault with the system, regardless, for it is the nature of man these days to find fault. But, I would that we wouldn't give them cause. All people deserve to be treated fairly, including inmates. In some ways, of all people we should treat fairly, the inmate is at the top of the list. If we are to rehabilitate him, we will need to deserve his trust. Nobody cares to follow someone who treats them wrong. If we want them to listen to us, and change their lives, and leave crime behind, then we must treat them right.

(A blank page was posted 9-29, but this was actually written the next day.)

Friday, September 28, 2012

Give that Prisoner a Job

Now, here's one of the real ills of our society, something we are doing way wrong.

Would you agree that prisons shouldn't be just about punishment; they should also be about rehabilitation? Would you agree that the things you want them to do once they leave the prison are things they should practice doing while in prison?

Every prison should have a work program. If work is something we want the person to do once out of prison, they should be doing it while in prison. They shouldn't have a free pass in life, just sitting in jail not working. I shake my head in mild amazement that we have prisons without work. Why have them practicing a life pattern of laziness?

But pay the prisoner, for goodness sake, and pay him (or her) a fair and equitable wage. Many of our prisoners are providers for their families. Why take that away from them? Providing for a family is a good thing. It is something we want to engender in them. It is part of being productive members of society, which is what we want them to be.

They should be paid respectable wages for their work. From the wages they earn, have them pay for their lodging, same as we all work and pay for our housing. Prison housing being more expensive than normal housing, we should make sure how much they pay does not keep them from netting enough to give to their families. Supporting a family is a good thing. Let's let them do that.

Never a prisoner without work. Even the person in for life, we should want to become a better soul. 

Of all people in our society, these are those we should make sure are getting jobs. Many enter our prisons not gainfully employed. So, having them in prison becomes an opportunity to teach them to work. If you want a person to be something, it is said, treat them as though they already are that person, and they will be much more likely to become it.

If ever our nation gets around to prison reform, this should be a part of it.

Death Should not be Our Form of Mercy for Unloved

Why allow a person to be born into a world where it is going to be neglected, abused, or abandoned? ask some of those who favor abortion.

While I don't like the idea of killing the unborn to save them from the world, I do side with the thought that we should encourage such parents to put the children up for adoption.

I think something like 20 percent of all pregnancies end in abortion. That's amazing. With that many lives being done away with, it does seem we should give more attention to adoption. If we could bring them into a good environment, instead of killing them, wouldn't we, as a society, do all in our power to do so?

If we are aborting them to save them from the world they are entering, let's deal with the problem: the world they are entering. Not that we can give them a perfect world to come to, but we can do a better job at seeing most of them into good, loving homes that have the financial means to take care of them.

Maybe us pro-lifers should, as some suggest, be working harder to improve the world the unwanted child is entering into. I don't think death is the answer we should give them, though. It is as if saying, "Life is not going to treat you fair, so we are going to take it from you." Death should not be the answer we give to someone facing a bad life. No, death should not be our form of mercy for the unloved.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Child's Bill of Rights

If you were to write a Bill of Rights of the Child, what would you put in it? Here's a draft, of what one might include.

Be it enacted, that we, the people of America, acting in the interest of children, do hereby declare that these rights will be extended to all the children of our nation.

1. That unborn children have the right to life.

2. That children have the right to two parents, one being female and the other male. We pledge to hold divorce to a minimum, even enduring uncomfortable relations with our spouses, in order to provide children this right.

3. That children have the right to our love. We pledge to love our children, to tell them we love them and to treat them with love. We pledge to give them the positive re-enforcements to make them feel appreciated and worthwhile in life.

4. That children have the right to our care. We pledge to provide them food to keep them healthy, and a home to keep them warm and out of the elements. We pledge to make the sacrifices required to provide them care and comfort.

5. That children have the right to not be abused. We pledge to never unduly harm our children, neither through mental abuse, nor physical abuse, neither through sexual abuse nor emotional abuse.

6. That children have the right to respect. We pledge to not treat them as subjects, but as a heritage and gift from God.

7. That children have the right to education.

Therefore, we, the undersigned, acting of our own accord, do so proclaim these rights, with this document being signed by every parent, and every adult who should so wish to enter their signature. We proclaim these things in solemnity, not attaching government punishments, but placing our names before the world, that each of us will so treat our children in accord with the promises of this document.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Love and Matheson: Both Sides Amiss on This

I like both Jim Matheson and Mia Love. But, I do not like some of the campaigning being done on either side.

Matheson has attacked Love for raising taxes in Saratoga Springs. From what I've seen, it was the responsible thing to do. Saratoga Springs had little choice. If the thought is that we should fear she will raise our federal income taxes, we know this probably won't happen, knowing Mia, so throwing the Saratoga thing at us is stretching to find a fault.

Then, I pick up a mailer from the Utah Republican Party, saying Mia cut property taxes in Saratoga Springs. Somehow, that seems a false face of how taxes did, indeed, go up overall.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Pillar of Light on Brigham City Temple

You know it was the Brigham City Temple dedication today?

Coming home from Idaho this morning, as we approached Brigham City, I looked ahead and saw a pillar of light formed from the moisture in the air from a short rainfall. I thought it would be wonderful if the pillar was over the temple, but from the landscape, it appeared Brigham City was yet up the road farther. Ready to dismiss the event, I jokingly said to my brother and sister, who were traveling with me,  that the stream of light meant someone up ahead was receiving a revelation.

Well, a two-step down the road, and we could tell the stream of light was, indeed, over Brigham City. The temple came into view, and the pillar of was hanging right over it. I didn't think to note it at the moment, but , to my memory, the temple was in the center of the stream of light.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Declaration's Words Ironic When it Comes to Abortion

I speak of abortion: Considering that pregnancy is the creation of life, is there irony to the words in the Declaration of Independence, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"?

Created equal, does it say? I fear that to many, the creation of the human means nothing. Not only is the embryo not created equal, in their eyes, but he (or she) should not have been created at all. Or, at least, if he has been created, he should be done away with.

And, what of their creator? I speak not of God, in this case, but of their parents, for they also can be considered creators. The Declaration says the creator endows the created with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Those parents who abort their unborn, however, refuse to grant any such rights, and suggests the unborn do not even have claim to such privileges.

I say we should give all men their rights. To those who say they have no such right, I say they discriminate. Discrimination on the basis of birth status remains discrimination just the same.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

150, Did You Say?

Bless the homeless, those without jobs, and bless those in need.

But, I do wonder a bit when I read in today's paper that the Department of Workforce Services in Utah determines who qualifies for 150 programs.

Back up and read that again. One-hundred-fifty? I wonder if I would cut any of them. Perhaps if I looked at each one, I'd say, "Yes, they all serve good purposes. They all are worthy."

I've posted recently that we need to cut the budget, but that instead of cutting programs entirely out of society, we should just remove them from government and place them in private enterprise, and private charity. Ive argued that if the economy is in jeopardy, and if stimuluses stimulate by injecting money into the economy, then doesn't it follow that if we take money out -- by cutting social programs -- then we will jeopardize the economy.

So, just shift them to private charities. Keep the money flowing through the economy.

But, I confess, 150 programs is a lot. We should, at least, review them and see what we are getting for our money.

Bless the Unborn, Bless the Immigrants

Tonight, on Facebook, the debaters I debate with had a thread going in which both immigration and abortion were discussed.

My too most favorite political issues.

I didn't have much time to participate, so I said, "Bless the person who just wants to come to America, and bless the person who just wants to come to earth."

I should have added this: "Why do we say, 'No,' to either of them?"

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Now Might Not be Best Time to Cut Social Programs

If we want to cut our federal deficit, then, for the moment, let's not do away with many of our social programs.

This might be the worst of times to do away with social programs.

When our economy teetered in 2008, we rushed to inject hundreds of billions of dollars. "Stimulus," you remember we called it.

So, if injecting money into an economy can be a good thing, yanking money out can be bad. So, let's be careful. Let's not too quickly end any of our spending.

Let's just go about our spending a little differently. Let's let someone else do it. Instead  of Uncle Sam, let those from the private sector (including you and I) do it.

Now, how does this translate as we deal with Medicare, disability insurance and a host of other social programs? If we were to keep all these programs, and at the same time balance our budget, we would have to increase our taxes.

And, that seems unacceptable to the masses.

The alternative might prove even harder. If we don't cut the programs, but just transfer them to private charities, it means we will have to come up with all the same money, but gather it through donations instead of compulsory tax payments. Yes, it does seem a guy who doesn't have to pay is going to be less likely to do so.

And, we will need to collect more through private donations than we are now collecting via taxes. The federal government might be able to secure loans and run up a debt, but I doubt charities will be able to. No deficit spending allowed for them.

So, can we do this? It will depend how good of a pitch we make, talking folks into donating. And, just as government taxes are progressive, we will need to collect more from the rich than from the poor. Charity giving already is that way, more coming from the rich philanthropists than from the less well to do.

It might be, we will need to continue government programs, or at least phase them out slowly instead of all at once. Let the private sector meet what needs it can, then fill the unmet needs with government programs. The danger with this is that it might grow the social programs unnecessarily. So, let's put a cap on how much government contributes, while letting the private charities grow as large as donations allow.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Save Schools, One Air Conditioner at a Time

Small things, let a politician do.

If elected, I think I would propose a bill calling for money to buy air conditioning for any public school lacking it. That's hardly solving the education needs, but just brushing in one small corner.

Still, seems a politician could almost become a hero over such a small thing. How is it that we have schools lacking air conditioning? How is it we allow this? We are not talking downstairs, below-the-earth's surface rooms that might remain cool. We are talking rooms needing air conditioning.

I don't know how many schools need it, or have other such small but vital needs, but come up with at least that much money, even if you have to raise taxes the minimal amount to do it.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Let's Pay off National Debt in about 500,000 Years

America, I turn to Tony Robbins to tell you how big your problem is. Our natiion deficit is $15.4 trillion. How much is a trillion? Well, a million seconds would take 12 days, a billion seconds about 32 years, and a trillion seconds would take almost 32,000 years.

So, pay off a dollar every second and it will take 32,000 years to pay off a trillion. I wonder if any of us will still be around when we times that by 15.4 to pay off the whole of our national debt.

Listen to Tony's video, if you like. Tony, in turn, calls on Iowahawk to help us see how large our debt is.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Chris Stevens a Hero of the Arab Spring

Listened to President Obama's remarks on the killings in Libya, and to Hillary's. Their thoughts represent well the spirit of America.

Hillary Clinton suggested the martyred be remembered. May they. Chris Stevens fought for freedom by diplomacy, not with weapons, and yet he died in violence. He helped forge a free nation in a place where a dictatorship once stood. Bless him, and bless his memory.

We have lost a hero of the Arab Spring. May I learn more about the others who have fallen, as well, and appreciate them for the sacrifice of their lives. Those of us who cherish the free nations that have arisen from the Arab Spring, and who hope earnestly that they might survive,  those of us who cherish the ties and friendship America established with these nations, we lament the loss of these good lives.

There is Way to Save Our Economy

No, this is not a story from the archives. It was published today, and underscores how trouble continues to loom if we do not rein in our national debt. The story points out that tax increases and spending cuts might be the answer, but says they might jeopardize the economy in the short term. I wonder if more than that, they might jeopardize the economy, period. Just as infusing money into the economy can be good, pulling money out can be dangerous.

But, mind you, the spending must be cut. Must. Simply must. This story should remind us we can do no less. Would that this story received greater play today, and shook us into action.

And, there is an answer. There is a way to cut government spending while not pulling the money out of the economy. As we reduce government spending, let's guide the private sector into replacing those dollars in the economy. For every government program lost, create it right back in the private sector.

One political candidate -- that would be Mitt Romney -- is suggesting we privatize Amtrak. Why should not Amtrak be a completely private firm, with no funds from government at all? Just as Greyhound survives without government money, so can Amtrak. (And, the timing is good, as Amtrak is experiencing record ridership.)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Put State Auditor on this Case

Travel expenses, and dinner expenses paid for government workers? I wrote three days ago that they should all be listed on a website, before the monies are even issued, in a kind of public notices type of thing.

I'd have the state auditor's office run the website, and also be charged with approving or vetoing any personal expense of any government worker. The auditor wouldn't need to take a close look at every little expense, if he or she did not want to, but his or her sign off on them would be required.

Seems to me I've heard the auditor could use more responsibility. This would give the office that, and would give us an elected official to answer for government money being spent on trips and lunches. Checks and balances are the wisdom of good government, let's do this.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Raise Teacher Pay Some, But Not Much

How little is too little, when it comes to teacher pay?

We are, as a state, 48th or 49th in the nation. I listened to a past teacher yesterday, speaking of breaking her pay down to $4.50 an hour after grading papers and everything was accounted for. And, as if such a poverty wage was not enough insult, she bought some of her own school supplies.

Imagine that.

So, it would seem, wouldn't it, we better do something? Suck in a big breath of air and raise taxes just a smidgen, because we simply can't leave it like this.

But, how much do we raise these salaries? Much at all? The website says Utah's average starting salary is $38,570, and our average overall salary $47,033. Throw some chairs my way, if you will (school chairs, preferably) but I'm not sure much of an increase is required.

I think of the stereotypical school teacher of the past, and do not imagine they were the richest of folks. And, I wonder if back then they were upset about their pay. Our school systems were once the envy of the world, and that envy came in a day when teacher pay might not have been all that great.

Bless the teacher, and raise the pay some, but not much.

"Government Only Thing' Debate Showcases America's Divisiveness?

A little bit of national debate have we had about the DNC advertisement (video) saying, “The government is the only thing we all belong to,”

Mitt Romney came back with a quick rejoinder, "We don’t belong to government; the government belongs to us.” Now, that's a powerful enough quote to be quoted for some time to come.

I love Romney's quote. But I do wish he had attached a qualifier, saying he wasn't trying to put the DNC down, wasn't trying to say there was anything wrong with the DNC quote.

The word "belong" can be used two ways. It can mean "part of," or it can mean "property of." While we don't all belong to the same religion, or the same community, or the same political party, we all belong to America. That is all the video was saying. Nothing wrong with that.

Which, then, does this controversy point out? Does it point out that the average person doesn't have time to study the issues, not so much as to even know the context of a quote before criticizing it?

Or, does it point out the ill will of people today? Because picking at each other, and misrepresenting each other is one of the problems America has. We are too divisive, too quick to find fault. We twist what each other says, and are not fair with each other by doing this.

My niece, Tracina Navarro, posted a great post on Facebook yesterday, pointing out that the same common courtesy taught in the classroom ought to be expected of our politicians. She wrote:

"So, I have a lot of time on my hands from the time my head hits the pillow, and when my brain actually shuts down. So I think I'll just share my thoughts. It might seem naive of me to say this, but I sure wish that the 'big guys' could run this country in the same manner my kids classes are run. The rules of common decency are required, everyone must respect the teacher, lying is not tolerated, each child is expected to put forth their best effort in to open their minds up to learn something new DAILY, they are encouraged to lead by EXAMPLE, often being asked to HELP each other and work together regardless of what 'level' they are on, and following the rules is required by ALL not just the popular kids. At home we try to prepare them for school by teaching our children healthy boundries, tolerance, compassion, and a genuine sense of what is RIGHT and WRONG. We expect them as parents to do these things to prepare for school, for life, but as parents and teachers of this younger generation...ARE WE PRACTICING WHAT WE PREACH? Getting fired up is one thing, firing upon someone is quite another. In the end, are our own 'values' getting lost in the passionate throws of politics? Have politics just turned into one more reason for hate, anger, intolerance, and greed to take center stage and divide us? I'm sad for the day our children find out the preaching done by us, might not be the rules that our "great leaders", or for some, even their own parents, really live by."

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Making Government Workers Accountable for Monies Spent

Why not every time a government worker wants to charge a personal expense to the taxpayer, it is first listed on a webpage at, And, it stays there long after the money has been spent?

Those not only in government agencies, but also quasi-government agencies would be required to list any personal expense charged to the government, kind of like the public notices we already have.

I do wonder but what too much spending occurs for personal matters. Accountability could help rein this in.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Seeking Not to be Qualified by Money

The Lieutenant Governor's Office posts profiles of the candidates, and it asked me what qualifies me for office. I wrote:

What should be the qualifiers to serve? I am strong in morals and ethics. I have worked at becoming a lover of all people, including those who have different beliefs and values. I know the art of persuading by reasoning, instead of tearing others down, and this will serve me in getting bills passed.

My views on the issues qualify me.

My status in life can also be a plus. I am working class, not management. I am not well off financially. I drive a beat-up car. I do think we could elect more people from this class of our society.

One of my biggest qualifiers is that I am not accepting political contributions. It does strike me as wrong that the biggest campaign contributors are often the same people seeking legislation. I'm sorry, but no legislator should have money coming to him (or her) from those seeking legislation, even if the money supports a good cause.

Nor do I like it that the person who spends the most is often elected. I would to be elected without placing lawn signs, or sending mailers, or making robo calls.

What are my qualifications? Not money. For once, elect someone who refuses to be qualified by money.

If Elected, I'd Take from the Rich

If elected, I'd take from the rich, not from the rich corporate executives, but from the rich publicly-funded executives.

Only $109,900 for a governor? That's not overly bad. But, just to be ornery, I'd trim it some, though not as much as I'd slice off other officials.

Like the head of UTA. He's making more than $300,000, and that is way to much.

Like school superintendents. It's late, and I'm not going to google them, but I'm thinking they are in the $150,000 range. That, too, is too much. I'd half them.

You can guess I'd chop the salaries of state university presidents.

Just 15-20 years ago, the CEO of the Workers Compensation Fund of Utah made $226,000 in total compensation. Surely, he doesn't still. Surely, a correction has been made. But, if he does, I'd first cut it, then chop it and then I'd slice it some more.

Axes were not so intended for chopping wood as they were for chopping such salaries.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Part of Money for UTA World Traveling Comes from Poor

UTA's lead official makes in excess of $300,000, and to some of us, that seems scandal enough.

But what if, to top it off, he were to take an out-of-state trip every 20 days, at the public's expense, of course.

Lee Davidson story in the Sunday Salt Lake Tribune deserves more than to end up a one-story-and-done thing. Yes, the UTA officials, who have run up $610,000 in travel expenses in just a year-and-a-half, can say they are only going out and about in order to learn about transit systems elsewhere.

But, this does seem too much. If you are making as much money as they make, take vacations to those places at your own expense and see the transit systems while you are there. Don't run up tabs on the public, which includes a lot of poor people. Some of them not only can not only afford visits to Hong Kong and Italy, but have to scrape just to come up with the bus fare across town.

Belgium, Hong Kong, Italy, Mexico, Sweden, Switzerland . . .

If you make a portion of your income on the backs of the poor, think twice before visiting these places at their expense.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

At Point of Death, Mother Teaches Greatest Lesson

I place this blog before the world, but am well aware I have few readers. I post daily, or almost daily. (That might soon end.) The posts are most all political, except maybe on Sunday.

And, with the Sunday post comes the thought that it might be read -- despite the small readership -- by those not of my faith.

Read on, if you are one of those I have just spoken off. Read, if you will the Sunday posts, as well. Today's is not likely to offend you. It is religious, of nature, but the thought I have tonight shares well with all Christian faiths.

My mother is ill, even to the point of dying. Some mornings I wake, and she is the first thing I think of. Most any day -- if not absolutely every one -- my thoughts turn to her throughout the day. I call her daily, earnestly telling her of my love for her.

Somewhere during the course of this past day, or perhaps it was last night, I realized this type of attention, this type of love, this type of devotion, is due to my God. Why should He not be my first thought in the morning? Why should not my thoughts turn to Him throughout the day? Why should I not tell Him daily of my love for Him?

Is there not a scripture saying, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength."

And, does not that scripture mean something? Does it not mean just what it says?

If I truly love the Lord in such fashion, I should think of Him first thing in the morning, and throughout the day. I should speak to Him daily, uttering my love for Him, and being earnest and fervent about it.

Perhaps my Mother is teaching me one final lesson, even as she possibly heads towards the grave. Love of the Lord is the first and greatest commandment. Perhaps, then, Mother (though admittedly unintentionally) is teaching the greatest lesson of all as the grand finale of all she has taught me.

A Little 30-Day War A Coming?

How close to war, Israel and Iran?

Seems I read a saber-rattling quote from Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad recently. But, I suppose you could say, What do you mean, recently. He is always threatening Israel's destruction.

As the arms confrontation escalates -- Iran seeking nuclear weapons, and Israel fearful of Iran's having them -- a pre-emptive strike from Israel certainly seems possible.

 “Time is running out,”  Israel's Binyamin Netanyahu warned the U.S. ambassador to Israel just days ago, urging the U.S. to do something. The pair reportedly had a extremely heated exchange.

Also in the news, this quote: "The home front is ready as never before," said an Israel cabinet minister. He said Israel is bracing for a war that will last about a month after Israel knocks out Iran's nuclear-making capacities.

So, all this news has a good side: It shouldn't be nuclear war. Israel would knock out Iran's potential nuclear weapons and would not then need to use its own.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Don't Kill the Child that Isn't Loved

So, there's this theory that legalization of abortion in 1973 has led to a reduction in crime. And, it's pretty well substantiated.

Just what are we anti-abortion types to do?

My thought is that we shouldn't be surprised that abortion might reduce crime. After all, isn't it a given that lack of love affects a child's upbringing? Many of the aborted children are in homes that do not want them. Lack of love. So, if a nurtured and loved child is less likely to grow up to be a criminal, then, of course if we get rid of these children, it leads to a reduction in crime.

But, does that mean abortion is the answer? Does this mean we should abort children to reduce our crime? No. Concluding abortion is an answer to crime is the same as saying we should take all children who aren't loved and kill them, as that will just as surely reduce our crime rates.

The answer isn't to abort the child, but rather to increase the love for it once it is born. How can we place the unwanted child in a better home? Adoption, surely, is one answer.

The unborn children are victims if they are unwanted. Why victimize them more by killing them?

Here's four of my posts from the Facebook thread that presented this video. No need to read them unless you want, as they say little more than what I have already said. They do give a little of what is in the video, though, so read that if you want.

John Edwin Jackson Interesting, I say, making three of us. Just with a listen-through of the video, no more, his evidence seems good, his assertion correct. He appears to be putting it beyond coincidence by noting that the five states that legalized abortion ...
three years before Roe v. Wade experienced a drop in crime three years quicker than the rest of the nation, and noting how the states that made abortions easier to get experienced a 30 percent greater drop in crime. It would seem all that is left is, did he do a fair study, and was the methodology fair? Off the top, I see no reason to think he wasn't fair, though.
John Edwin Jackson Though three of us say, "Interesting," perhaps we shouldn't be surprised at the study at all. Don't we already assume nurturing and love affects how the child turns out? Isn't that a given? Levitt's study is but a statistical verification of that. Parents who show love for their children are going to have better children. No surprise there.
John Edwin Jackson One could argue that by concluding abortion is an answer to crime is the same as saying we should take all children who aren't loved and kill them, in order to reduce crime nationwide. The answer isn't to have abortions, but to increase the love for the at-risk children, find a way to bring them into earth in a better environment.
John Edwin Jackson We don't kill already-born children because they aren't loved, so why should we kill those who aren't yet born because they will be brought into a world that will not love them enough? They are already victims. Taking their lives only increases the degree of being victimized. Though it be difficult, we must find ways to place the children into better environments. Adoption is probably the best answer.