The hatred of a nation
will lead to the erosion
of its freedoms
will lead to the erosion
of its freedoms
There are at least three ways this will happen.
One, As one segment of society hates another, it will seek to restrict them. Blacks were once relegated to the back of the bus, and not allowed in certain restaurants, for example.
You may question some of my other examples, but I will give them, anyway.
A portion of those who oppose kneeling at NFL flag ceremonies might have hatred in their hearts, and they seek to limit the kneelers from expressing their grievances. (I said a portion; Not all those who would shut down the kneelers bear feelings of hatred towards them.)
And, a number of those who do not want people coming in from other countries bear a spirit of contempt -- even hatred -- for those immigrants. The immigrant loses his freedom to come here because of this hatred. You might say we are not losing a freedom in this, because no American is having his freedom taken, only those from outside this country. But, it is the freedoms of the nation, itself, that are being impinged on. If the nation once offered the freedom, and that freedom is taken away, then, yes, the freedoms of the nation are being reduced.
Two, The hatred of people leads to crimes against other people. Nothing represents the loss of freedom more than being shot and killed. And, when someone steals something, they are taking away another person's freedom to own and use that property. And, when they take someone hostage, they are taking away their freedom.
Three, Nowhere is the hatred of our nation more evident than in the division of Republicans and Democrats. They hate each other, plain and simple. Intimidation shuts people down. Freedom of speech becomes a casualty when someone castigates you for your beliefs. The weight of hatred crushes your desire to express an opinion. Thus, we have one of the reasons people often say they don't discuss politics. Some do so out of an unfamiliarity with the issues, but others have definite opinions but are timid about revealing them because of the hatred they fear from others.