Monday, January 31, 2022

Why Work if You Can Get Paid for Sitting on the Couch?

   Reports have it that people are leaving one job for a higher-paying one. And, word is that employment is up. It seems to me that if people in the better-paying jobs are quitting, which is resulting in vacancies being filled by the lower-paying workers moving up, it is because those who are leaving the higher-paid jobs are going on unemployment.

   Why work if you can get paid for sitting on the couch?

Biden Probably isn't Flying in New 'Illegal Immigrants'

    President Biden should respond to news reports that he is flying in "illegal immigrants" in at night, reaching airports all across the nation. If there is more to the story, he should defend himself by exlaining what is happening. 

   Then again, maybe the news reports are false. Maybe the undocumented people are not being flown in from out-of-country. It seems more likely that they are just being transferred from one detention center to another. That makes sense, because if one detention center fills up, you have to send them to another.

   If they were coming new to the U.S., what are we saying -- that the U.S. is putting them on planes in Mexico City and dropping them off inside the U.S.? 

Sunday, January 30, 2022

I do Another 1-80: Convention of States is Not a Good Thing

   I've flipped once, and now I'll flip right back to my original view. The Convention of States is not a good thing. 

   Who is behind it? I only found one person, Mark Meckler. Surely there are others, why doesn't the Convention of States Project disclose who they are?

  Nowhere on their page, do they give the text of the proposed amendment -- nowhere. There are some things they would put in it that are disclosed, such as putting a lid on deficit spending. But, the actual text is not there. Whenever there has been a proposed amendment in America's past, they've always given the text. How can you even decide if you are for something if you cannot read the text? And, if it includes changes throughout the Constitution, that does amount to a whole new Constitution.

     Abraham Lincoln said it best. "Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard to our liberties."

   The Constitution is a divinely inspired document. Why replace it?

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Convention of States is a Good Thing

    I was flat-out wrong in my blog today. The Convention of States is not to create a new Constitution, just to amend the current one. Bless them.

No Need for a New Constitution

    The Convention of States, is it a good thing, or a bad one? Those behind it want to call a constitutional convention to write a new Consitution.

   "Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution, Abraham Lincoln said. "That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard to our liberties."

   However well-meaning the would-be framers might be, there is no need nor reason to frame a new one. 

Friday, January 28, 2022

Suppression of Information Sweeping the Nation

    A new purging of books is sweeping the nation. In some cases, the books are not banned, just taken off school district's list of approved books. 

   Book banning is wrong, for the simple reason that it sometimes is done to suppress one political view or the other. Look throughout history how burning books was done to suppress political views, including how Adolph Hitler's book banning was part of his setting up the Third Reich. 

   These days, we also need to be concerned about how web sites are taken down, and how people are banned from Twitter and other social media platforms. And, we should also be concerned about efforts of those who oppose Critical Race Theory to outlaw information they deem harmful. And, we should be concerned about efforts to suppress history, such as the effort to not let the story of the race riot in Tulsa to be told.  

Thursday, January 27, 2022

From Ivermectin to Kalentra, Many Drugs are Used for COVID-19

   Did you know Ivermectin -- touted for use against Covid-19 by anti-vaxxers --is produced by one of the world's largest drug companies, Merck & Co. So then, those who believe the virus is but a way for Big Pharma to get us to use their drugs should take note that Merck, too, is Big Pharma.

   It should be noted, though, that Merck does not approve of its drug being used to fight COVID-19. 

   I had these thoughts while reading a story on how ingredients for meth and heroin are produced in Mexico. As I'm reading the article, it says, "It's hard to imagine what impact the COVID-19 pandemic might be having, given that key chemicals are in abundance inside Mexico." There was nothing else in the article that said anything about COVID-19. So, where did that come from? What does it have to do with ingredients for the two drugs being made in Mexico?

  It piqued my curiosity. What other drugs touted by anti-vaxxers are made by drug companies? Are there others besides Hydroxychloroquine (made by Pfizer), Ivermectin (Merck), and Chloroquine (Bayer)? Googling on what companies make drugs for anti-vaxxers, I found several other drugs mentioned. Though the article didn't specifically say they were to treat COVID-19, that is what the article was about, so I assume they are used to treat COVID-19.

   I found Plaquenil and Azithromycin by Sanofi, Remdesivr by Pfizer, and Kalentra by Abbott. And, there are probably others. Some of the drugs are made by more than one company.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

U.S. Companies, Working in Mexico, are Responsible for Meth, Heroin

   You will find this hard to believe. It is an American company, working in Mexico, that produces the drug essential to making heroin and methamphetamine. That is shocking -- that it is an American company that makes the drug essential to heroin and meth. Without this ingredient, there would be no heroin and there would be no meth. 

  Most heroin comes from Asia and Latin America, where opium poppies are grown. Factories extract morphine from the poppies seeds. 

  The American companies involved -- Avantar Inc., Celanese Corporation, and Eastman Chemical -- do not produce the drugs in the U.S, but in Mexico, where inforcement of drug laws are lax.  Avantor Inc. is, at smallest, a $12.3 billion company traded on the New York Stock Exchange. 

  If you wonder where the three companies are located, Avantar is in Radnor, Pennsylvania ; Eastman Chemical in Kingsport, Tennessee. Avantor is headquartered about 15 miles from Philadelphia, in a community said to have the largest open-air market on the East Coast, That community, as of 2017, was suffering from the worst opiod crisis in America.  

The Incredible Story of Jim Valvano


The incredible. miraculous story of Coach Jim Valvano, as told through the eyes of Thurl Bailey, one of his players: Norm Sloan had recruited Thurl to North Carolina, but he left North Carolina State for another job, and Valvano was hired as the new North Carolina State coach. Valvano came across as a pompous, egotistical person. When Valvano called a team meeting to introduce himself, Thurl wasn't going to go, but his mother persuaded him to. So, he went. "I know I’m going to win one," Valvano said. "I’ve dreamed about it. I know how it looks and feels, and I don’t know if this is the team or not, but I think we can get there." The team bought in and stayed with Valvano, and they won the national championship. So, was Valvano inspired from heaven? Did he have a revelation that he would lead a team to a championship? It seems clear that was the case, seeing how many there were who witnessed what he said and then they went on to see themselves win that championship, just as Valvano had said.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Anne Murray's Song is Applicable Today More than Ever

 This song speaks to our day. With Covid, and Ukraine, and volcanos, and earthquakes, we sure could use a little good news today. Anne Murray came out with this song in 1983, but it is applicable today more than ever.

"I rolled out of bed this morning
"Kids had the mornin' news show on
"Bryant Gumbel was talkin' 'bout the fighting in Lebanon
"Some senator was squawkin' 'bout the bad economy
"It's gonna get worse you see, we need a change in policy
"Just once, I'd like to hear the headlines say
"Not much to print today, can't find nothing bad to say
"Because, nobody robbed a liquor store on the lower part of town
"Nobody O.D.ed, nobody burned a single building down
"Nobody fired a shot in anger, nobody died in vain
"I sure could use, a little good news today
"I come home this evening, I bet the news will be the same
"Somebody takes a hostage, somebody steals a plane
"How I want to hear the anchor man talk about a country fair
"And how we cleaned up the air
"How everybody learned to care
"Nobody was assassinated in the whole Third World today
"And in the streets of Ireland, all the children had to do was play
"And everybody loves everybody in the good old USA
"We sure could use a little good news today"

A Clear Witness God is Protecting Israel

   A miracle in our times, happening just scant years before you and I were born. This shows the Jews are God's people, and he does watch over them and champion's their cause.

   In 1948, the Arabs swore they were going to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth. Surrounding Israel, Syria attacked from the north, Egypt from the south, and TransJordan from the east. The Israelis were badly outnumbered, both in the amount of troops and the weaponry. In one battle, 100 Israeli soldiers and two paramilitary units fought off the Arabs for five days. How does a country with such scant number of soldiers hold off a army that outnumbers them 25-1 and has vastly superior weaponry?

   It was a miracle, a clear witness that God is behind the Jews and will protect them. 

Monday, January 24, 2022

Putin is Twisting Arms to Make Countries Align With Him in War

   Vladimir Putin appears to be pressuring Venezuela and Cuba to join Russia in the fighting if Russia goes to war in Ukraine. Russia might have deployed forces in the two countries, though that has not been confirmed nor denied.

  Deploying forces in those two countries doesn't seem to translate to anything else, telling them that they must either side with Russia or get blown apart. Putin needs more allies in this conflict. NATO and much of the world have already sided with Ukraine. Putin perhaps is putting off going to war only until he has sucked all the countries to his side that he can.


 Faith hides not from questions, but knows the answers might be hidden.

Evidence Carlson is Harmful: He Wants U.S. to take Russia's Side

    More evidence that Tucker Carlson poses a great danger to the United States. He cannot understand why the U.S. is taking Ukraine's side instead of Russia's. Carlson doesn't want the U.S. to be dragged into a war, but that doesn't explain why, if we do get involved, it should be on Russia's side. 

Mayor Makes New Point as City Prepares Strictest Gun Laws in Nation

    Word has it that San Jose is about to implement the strictest gun laws in the nation. Tomorrow, the city council will vote on measures requiring gun owners to maintain liabilty insurance and pay a yearly fee.

    "While gun rights advocates argue that gun owners should not have to pay a fee to exercise their constitutional right to bear arms, the Second Amendment does not require the taxpayers to subsidize folks to own guns," said Mayor Sam Liccardo.

   That's a point we haven't heard before, and it makes for a sound argument.  

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Do Russia and China Seek World Dominion?

    How big the ambitions of Russia? Does it seek just Ukraine, or do its ambitions go further? What of China? Does it desire just to put Taiwan under its thumb, or does it have further global ambitions? 

   Consider World War II, and how Japan and Germany sought world dominion. And, look throughout world history, of the nations that have sought to rule the world. There is a natural tendency to want to conquer every country. Should we be surprised Russia and China might have ambitions for world dominion? Looking about at all the nations, I would guess Russia and China might not be the only ones. 

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Tonga Volcano was 500 Times More Powerful than the Hiroshima Bomb

   Did you hear about the great volcanic eruption Jan. 15 that ripped undersea waters near Tonga? It was just a week ago. A volcano so powerful the explosion sent a sonic boom zipping around the world twice, it's boom being heard as far away as Alaska, it's ashes contaminating 21 beaches in Peru. It created a plume of ashes and gas sky rocketing 34 miles up in the air. 

   How powerful the explosion? As powerful as six million ton of TNT -- more powerful than any nuclear test bomb ever.  How powerful, did you say? The explosion carried a force 500 times more powerful than the nuclear bomb that rocked Hiroshima, Japan.

   Such news should have screamed at the top of the world's newspapers. Funny thing, it only received limited coverage. 

Friday, January 21, 2022

Is Tucker Carlson One of the Most Harmful People in America?

    Tucker Carlson is one of the most influential conservatives in America. From his days of dominating after dinner debates in college, to his rise as the most listened-to talk show host in the country, Tucker is one of the nation's foremost gaslighters -- using the term for those persuade you the truth is not the truth. He might should be considered one of society's most harmful figures.

   After graduating from college, he applied for the CIA, but was rejected. He then worked for some small, but national newspapers before getting on CNN as one of the anchors of Crossfire, a popular debate show featuring both conservative and liberal co-hosts. He was booted from that position when management found that the shouting and talking over each other was not to their taste. He then took a job with MSNBC, but was let go for low ratings. 

  Today? About 4 million people watch his program each night, making it the most-watched cable news program in U.S. history.


Thursday, January 20, 2022

This U.S. Task Force Set About Killing Hundreds of Thousands

   Some of the U.S.'s largest bombs were illegally dropped on Syria's largest dam, the Tabqua Dam, in 2017, according to the New York Times. Had the bombs been successful in breaking the dam, the waters would have unleashed their fury on the valley below, where hundreds of thousands lived. Luckily, one of the bombs didn't detonate or the dam would have busted, killing the people below. 

   The U.S. initially denied any part. As it turned out, at that time, top officials were, indeed, unaware that a special unit had decided to bomb the dam. The Times reported that U.S. Special Operations Task Force 9 -- even after it had been warned knocking out the dam would cause hundreds of thousands of deaths -- chose to bomb the dam, anyway. The Times reported that the Special Operations unit, "used a procedural shortcat reserved for emergencies, allowing it to launch the attack without clearance."

   What "procedural shortcut"? How can an act of war be committed without Congress's approval, the president's approval, or even the approval of those high in the military? Congress should find out what the "procedural shortcut" was and outlaw it. Those Task Force 9 members who chose to drop the bombs should be held accountable. You don't set about killing hundreds of thousands in the name of the U.S. flag and not go without severe punishment. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

They Endanger the World

  They do not believe Covid is harmful. They do not believe the vaccines work. They do not believe it's helpful to wear masks. In today's news, we find ample proof. Before we relate news stories proving this, know that the Covid deniers endanger not only their own lives, but the lives of others who follow their examples. How much of the world is being taken down their path? I look at what is happening in Utah and know a good portion of our population. to their endangerment, is being led astray.

   News Item One: Anti-vaccination Czech singer Hanna Horka purposefully let her vaxxed-up husband and son give her the virus. In Horka's case, she wasn't trying to defy that the vaccine works, she was hoping that by taking the vaccine, it would make her immune. 

   News Item Two: Tucker Carlson of Fox News suggests taking the vaccine only makes you more likely to catch Covid-19. Does he believe Covid is harmful? The story doesn't say. 

   News Item Three: Utah Senate President Stuart Adams showed up for the first day of the legislative session (and each day since) despite having tested positive. This would indicate he does not believe the vaccine is harmful. Or, does he just believe that if you have recovered, you cannot infect others?

   The general message of these and other news stories will convince many that Covid is not harmful and that the vaccines do not work and that masks are not beneficial. Their examples are endangering a fair segment of the world's population. To a degree, they are endangering the world.  


Tuesday, January 18, 2022

By This Measurement, The Greatest Poet in History


They called him "the poet of the people" and he wrote more poems than any other poet ever has. Would you believe 11,000!! Online, I find John Bradburne credited as the most prolific poet in history, but he only wrote about 6,000 poems. Edgar Guest wrote about twice that many. His poems were syndicated and he also read them to a network of radio listeners. He was, by some ways of measuring it, perhaps the best poet of the ages, a national treasure. Today, in lists of best poets, he doesn't even get mentioned. He has his critics, and some of the criticism is valid. Still, if you were to make a national holiday for any poet, perhaps as good a pick as any would be Guest. Here's his most famous poem:
It takes a heap o’ livin’ in a house t’ make it home,
A heap o’ sun an’ shadder, an’ ye sometimes have t’ roam
Afore ye really ’preciate the things ye lef’ behind,
An’ hunger fer ’em somehow, with ’em allus on yer mind.
It don’t make any differunce how rich ye get t’ be,
How much yer chairs an’ tables cost, how great yer luxury;
It ain’t home t’ ye, though it be the palace of a king,
Until somehow yer soul is sort o’ wrapped round everything.
Home ain’t a place that gold can buy or get up in a minute;
Afore it’s home there’s got t’ be a heap o’ livin’ in it;
Within the walls there’s got t’ be some babies born, and then
Right there ye’ve got t’ bring ‘em up t’ women good, an’ men;
And gradjerly, as time goes on, ye find ye wouldn’t part
With anything they ever used—they’ve grown into yer heart:
The old high chairs, the playthings, too, the little shoes they wore
Ye hoard; an’ if ye could ye’d keep the thumbmarks on the door.
Ye’ve got t’ weep t’ make it home, ye’ve got t’ sit an’ sigh
An’ watch beside a loved one’s bed, an’ know that Death is nigh;
An’ in the stillness o’ the night t’ see Death’s angel come,
An’ close the eyes o’ her that smiled, an’ leave her sweet voice dumb.
Fer these are scenes that grip the heart, an’ when yer tears are dried,
Ye find the home is dearer than it was, an’ sanctified;
An’ tuggin’ at ye always are the pleasant memories
O’ her that was an’ is no more—ye can’t escape from these.
Ye’ve got t’ sing an’ dance fer years, ye’ve got t’ romp an’ play,
An’ learn t’ love the things ye have by usin’ ’em each day;
Even the roses ’round the porch must blossom year by year
Afore they ’come a part o’ ye, suggestin’ someone dear
Who used t’ love ’em long ago, an’ trained ’em jes’ t’ run
The way they do, so’s they would get the early mornin’ sun;
Ye’ve got t’ love each brick an’ stone from cellar up t’ dome:
It takes a heap o’ livin’ in a house t’ make it home.
Laura Davis, Mary Jackson Stewart and 3 others

Monday, January 17, 2022

Completely Cut China Off From Economic Interplay With Other Nations

    The world's eyes were turned to the Uyghur Muslims in China today, as a minority partner of the Golden States Warriors decried abuses China is committing against them.

   According to human rights activists, China has detained in excess of a million Uyghurs against their will. That's the largest number of ethnic or religious detainees since World War II. So, by that measurement, this is the worst human-rights crisis in the world. Nor is it just Uyghurs who are being detained. Those of the religious group Falun Gong are also being detained. And, they are being killed. At least  25,000 Uyghurs have been killed as China harvests their organs.

   Genocide. Genocide of no small numbers. 

   What can be done? Complete economic ostracism of China. No trade with any other nation. No foreign investment. Don't allow the Chinese to invest anywhere in the world. 

   Complete sanctions, complete economic ostracism, complete economic isolation of China. There will be some countries -- North Korea comes to mind -- that will trade with China anyway. But, keep the number of such countries to a minimum.

 Faith is the future through the eyes of prayer.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Faith is the strength to hold to that which is true, even when it is unpopular.

Signs He Might Place Nuclear Weapons Just Off U.S. Coastline

    Vladimir Putin is giving signs he wants to extend his influence through Eastern Europe, and that he might place nuclear weapons just off the U.S. coastline.

   Bless America. Bless the world. Still, I think we must stand up to this bully.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

This Accuses Trump of a Crime in the Capitol Attack

  This does not bode well for Donald Trump. The prosecuter said his "crimes follow through" the seditious conspiracy indictment against members of the Oath Keepers for their assault in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. This means (A.)  he is being tied to both the Oath Keepers and the attack on the Capitol, and (B.) he is being accused of a crime connected to it.

   The indictment this week against the leader of the Oath Keepers and 20 other members was one of the most significant indictments to date. They were indicted for "seditious conspiracy," the first such charge against anyone involved in the attack on the Capitol.

Friday, January 14, 2022

We Should Oppose Russia With All the Military Might We Can Muster

    U.S intelligence agencies believe Russia could mount an attack on Ukraine within a month, prompting the Biden Administration to signal Russia that it will arm Ukrainian militias to fight against Russia. 

   The U.S. should not respond with just weak-handed sanctions. We, NATO, the U.N., the Ukrainian militias, and all countries that can lend a hand should combine their military might to oppose Russia. Can Russia out-muscle the military might of all the world? I would think not. However, who knows how many contries Russia might be able to enlist to aid them. Iraq? Iran? Syria? Egypt? the United Arab Emirates? South Korea? Maybe even China. And, others might sign on. Depending on how many nations Russia could recruit, this could, indeed, be World War III.

   The thought scares me. We will hope I am wrong, overreacting. The fancy word is hyperbole. We can hope that is what my thoughts amount to. But, the same, we should oppose Russia with all the military might we can muster.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Evidence Mounts

    Says one news story: Oceanic temperatures in 2021 were the sixth hightest in recorded history, Says another: The past seven years have been the earth's hottest in recorded history. 

   So, evidence mounts that global warming is for real. And, as it does, world leaders should ramp up efforts to decrease man-made pollution. Perhaps we should let go altogether from using fossil fuels. Dire circumstances demand dire measures. 

(Index -- Climate change info)

No Shortage of Headlines

   "Russia warns it will sever ties with the US if it sanctions Putin over Ukraine crisis"

   "Russia, at an Impasse With the West, Warns It Is Ready to Abandon Diplomacy"

   "Ukraine crisis: US warns 'drumbeats of war' are sounding as talks with Russia end with no breakthrough"

   "Democrats push rival bill sanctioning Russia over Ukraine"

   "Russia Suggests Military Deployment to Venzuela, Cuba if Tensions With U.S. Remain High"

   There is no shortage to the headlines I see today on the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Is there a way to prevent war? I am seeing no good way, other than hoping Russia is just threatening and doesn't plan on carrying out its threats.

Correction, Apology

  I suggested Coach Quin Snyder might be to blame for the Jazz's four-game slide. I suggested he might not be encouraging and positive enough with his players.

   But, upon further review, the Jazz were simply up against a team that had them way out-sized when they lost to Cleveland 111-91. The Cavaliers started three players 6-11 or taller. The Jazz, on the other hand, didn't have a center available to even play in the game.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

They are Still the Fringe, But They Wield More Power

    They were once considered the fringe. You would look at them and ask, Oh boy, how could anyone be so off-kilter? I speak of the right-wing extremists. Today, I read a story from the Jerusalem Post on the extremists in Idaho (I'm surprised the Jerusalem Post is concerned about Idaho and would write such a story), saying the extremists have been emboldened. Emboldened by how they were able to carry off a insurrection in our nation's Capitol? Emboldened by what they have been able to do in Idaho, their home state? Whatever it is, we have arrived at a juncture where the far-right is "emboldened". Not only that, but many of our friends and relatives believe in the cause of these extremists.

All You Need is Love -- And a Positive and Encouraging Coach

    A coach must instill positivity into his players. You can't just yell at them. You can't tell them that if they don't hit their shots, you'll find someone else who can. 

   Love, they say -- All you need is love, love, love, all you need is love. That and positivity. Vocalize it too them whenever you see them doing well. "Way to go! I love you, each of you."

  I will wonder if Coach Quin Snyder is failing in this department. In the last few games, the Jazz have gone from being one of the best teams in NBA to being the worst. 

No Solution in Ukraine

   Russia appears serious about going to war with Ukraine, whether other countries also fight or whether instead of fighting, the U.S. and other countries hit Russia with sanctions.  

   The solution? The way to avoid war? How to persuade Russia not to go to war? I cannot think of any solution, and I don't believe anyone else can, either. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Despite Coming Thaw, Russia Still has Options in Ukraine

    Sanctions against Russia if it attacks Ukraine? That could happen. Among other things, Russia is demanding that Ukraine not be allowed into NATO. The window of time Russia has might shortly close, as the coming spring thaw will bring quagmire conditions making it difficult for Russia to maneuver weapons, equipment, and troops into Ukraine. Then again. Russia is already moving helicopters in. The helicopters could drop troops and equipment directly down on attack sites. And, what of an air attack? Russia could bomb sites in Ukraine.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Do We Refuse to Help Ukraine?

   If Russia attacks Ukraine, it could lead to World War III, according to reports. How to avoid it? If we tell other countries they must step in and help us defend Ukraine, well, that would be World War III. Do we, then, decide to sit tight and do nothing?

Sunday, January 9, 2022

A Different Day, a Different Thought

   Another day's thoughts about Trumpism and the extremists, these thoughts differing somewhat with what I wrote last night.
   The Globe and Mail in Canada is predicting America will fall to a right-wing dictatorship. And, I consider all the news about how the right-wingers were emboldened by Jan. 6, 2021, and the riot that they created. How their hopes for overturning America are only growing stronger.
   Bless this nation. I know not where it is headed. I still have hope, despite all the signs that a coup is coming. I still believe America can survive and turn back the revolt. 

Saturday, January 8, 2022

'The Guns Will Come Out at the Last Minute'

    " 'The guns will come out at the last minute': The next wave of far-right extremism" So reads a MSNBC headline. I click on it, but get access to little more than the headline. Where's the rest of the story?

   But, it gets me wondering. Are we reaching the point where most people are realizing how dangerous the far-right is? Are most people finally coming to their senses how damaging Trumpism is? Are they saying, Wait a minute. I no longer want to be part of this."

   I hope so. 

Friday, January 7, 2022

Humans not so Much Worse than What Driverless Cars Will be

  Cars whip down the freeway, with little room between them. With four lanes often merging to three and some cars passing each other and changing lanes, split-second decisions are needed to avoid accidents. The whole scene seems eerily similiar to what it would be if computers were making all the decisions.

  We look at the day when computers will actually run the traffic, the day of driverless cars. We should consider how humans do not do so much worse than what the computers will do.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Wonder at how Republicans cannot See the Wrong in the Insurrection

  Shake your head in wonder at how Republicans do not see the wrong in what happened a year ago today. Now called Insurrection Day, Democrats gathered at the Capitol today to mourn what happened a year ago. Most Republicans skipped the event, save for former Vice President Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz Cheney, who is now a Wyoming U.S. representative.

  They rose up in rebellion against America. People were killed. One wonders how Republicans cannot see the wrong in what happened.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Whether the Jews or China, Both Accusations Seem Trumped Up

  I cannot help but reflect on how COVID-19 is now being blamed on the Jews. That makes we wonder about how China is being blamed. I see a likeness, and it doesn't reflect well on China's being blamed. Anyone can trump up charges, and that's probably all either one of these accusations are. 

Entrepreneur Says Jews are Euthanizing America with Vaccine

The Jews are using the COVID-19 vaccines to euthanize the American people. That's the claim of the co-founder of one of the world's more successful high-tech firms, Dave Bateman.

He was already to longer the CEO of Entrata, and when news broke of Bateman's claims, he was pressured into resigning his position as chairman of the board as the company disavowed him entirely

Entrata announced in 2021 that it is the fastest-growing software company in real estate. Founded in 2003, in Lehi, Utah, Entrata offers software automating tasks managing multifamily developments. As recent as last July, the company said it was processing in excess of $20 billion in rent payments for more than 20,000 apartment communities throughout the U.S.

Monday, January 3, 2022

The Russians Might be Changing the Vote Count

   It seems it has been forgotten that Russia attacked our election system in all 50 states. If they have done that, clearly their goal is to change the vote counts. If we know they have done this in other countries -- or do we forget that as well -- Surely that is their objective in the U.S.

  One wonders how it is that these things are lost on our memories. One possibility -- probability -- is that the Russian propaganda machine has done it.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

This was a Miracle

  Bless me, for I can find nothing non-religious to write about. If you read, you will know why I think this was a miracle. You may even come to say, You're right, John, that is a miracle.

  In the middle of the night last night words from the 23rd Palm popped into my head. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, thou wilt be with me. What makes this a miracle is what happened the next day, about noon. My church leader and his wife came over, bringing a Christmas gift.

  It was a picture book with the 23rd Psalm.

  The words from the psalm came to me out of nowhere last night. And, the next day, I was presented a book with those very words in it. The odds are astronomical. 

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Violence begets violence. When one has a gun, another goes to get one.

(Index: Quotes)