Whistles and farts aren't the same music
(Index: Quotes)
"From here to heaven is a straight line," he said, pulling out a pencil and drawing a line on the map.
I was just intrigued that he had a map showing right where heaven was.
"Now, I do say it's a straight line," he offered. "But you need to know there are obstacles in the way. And some people think they have to veer off the path to get around them. Now, that hain't following a straight line. Get around the law, get around the rules, get around doing what's right . . . No, that hain't walkin' a straight line. Those people is a-always trying to get around doin' the things that they should."
He looked me in the eye, his own eyes bearing down firmly. "It hain't so," the old man said. "In order to get to go through the obstacles, you gotta go straight through them."
(Index -- Quotes)
(Index -- Stories)
That's When I'm Coming Through
When everyone has given up on me
That's when I'm coming through
When dark of night is darkest
And I'm lost in all the ruckus
That's when I'm coming through
When hope is lost and gallows sure
When hits come so fast, they're all a blur
That's when I'm coming through
That's when I'm coming through
Count me out, count me down
Say I count for nothing
Count me for a fool
Count me due to have my roughing
But when your abuse is heaped the highest
That's when I'm coming through
When your ridicule reaches the ridiculous
And your scorn becomes a stench
When you've laughed at me your loudest
Thrown at me your very last wrench
That's when I'm coming through
That's when I'm coming through
When you say I'm all done and through
That's when I'm coming through
(Index: Poems)
Making a telephone call to Lowe's, or Target, or several other companies should not be so difficult.You call them, and they transfer you around, put you on hold, and then tell you everyone in that department has gone home for the day and you will have to call back tomorrow. In the case of Lowe's, I just wanted to find out how much it would cost to buy some linoleum. Could not somebody just look it up and tell me and the call would be finished?
What ever happened to the day when you could just dial the number and someone answered right away -- and helped you?
The strike date came and went. Russia has not attacked, leaving us wondering if the whole thing is just a threat. But, with Russia amassing ever more troops at the Ukrainian border, we must conclude the attack could still come.
Is the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services moving toward a more accepting policy for immigration? Is U.S. Customs and Border Protection becoming more friendly to immigrants? Is the Biden Administation, itself, adopting policies favorable to immigration?
The U.S.C.I.S. has created a new statement restoring reference to the U.S. as "a nation of immigrants," and includes the verbiage "respect for all we serve," and "a nation of welcome and responsibility."
CBP is moving to reduce the power of quick response teams that have covered up abuse by agents. The quick response units have been accused of being a "a shadow police force."
The U.S. has quietly began deporting Venezuelans to Columbia instead of their home country, which should benefit those Venezuelans. The collapse of Venezuela's economy, together with political instablity, have created a humanitarian crisis, forcing more than 6 million to fee the country since 2014. Since many of the Venezuelans reaching the U.S. are fleeing conditions in Venezuela, the new policy saves them from being forced to return to that country.
You already know all the news about Russia and Ukraine.
Russia's attack will begin in just two days, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenzky.
Oil prices hit a seven-year high on fears of the invasion.
The stock market could take a tumble. It has already been impacted.
Russia has massed some 140,000 along Ukraine's border.
The U.S. has evacuated its diplomats.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has removed its missionaries from Ukraine.
President Joe Biden has promised "swift and severe" sanctions if Russia attacks.
Russia has already used cyber attacks on the U.S. Expect them to only get worse if Ukraine attacks.
Now that you've read all the latest news on probable Russian attack, is there anything you didn't know?
My take on the Canadian truckers blockade: The truckers should be tossed in jail.
The truckers call their blockade the 'Freedom Convoy.' And they are doing it because of COVID-19 mandates, including masking, isolating, and restictions on public gatherings.
In defense of the Canadian government, Ontario's premier has warned the truckers their offenses are punishable, explaining to them that they could lose their licenses. He said nothing of tossing them in jail, though.
Omicron may be a blessing. It doesn't really harm you. It spreads easily. And, it establishes herd immunity for the regular COVID-19. If most everyone is exposed to it, then it will provide immunity to most everyone. This would wipe out the disease. What a blessing!
The smash hit "Come and Get Your Love" was done by a band of Native Americans, a group that performs in headresses and other Native American garb. Their name, Redbone, denotes mixed ancestry, and the band members were of mixed ancestry. One of their songs, "We Were All Wounded At Wounded Knee," carries the message that what happened at that great massacre of Native Americans wounded humanity as a whole.
The story behind Redbone and "Come and Get Your Love," then, is an interesting one.
The Ukraine crisis leave one wondering. It has been a long time since the tensions began building. Will Russia pull the trigger or not?
It can be argued, and is surely correct, that Hans Christian Andersen is the greatest and most-inflencial writer of all time.
He wroted the Princess and the Pea, the Ugly Ducking, and the Emperor's New Clothes. He penned the stories upon which the Disney movies The Little Mermaid, Fantasia, The Little Match Girl, and the Red Shoes were based.
He invented the writing of fairy tales. His stories have been translated into more than 125 Languages.
Here's what Lloyd Newell, who has visited Andersen's hometown, had to say about him this morning on Music and the Spoken Word. "Hans Christian Andersen was born in 1805 in Odense, Denmark, about a two-hour drive west of here, the only child of a poor shoemaker and a laundress. Hans rose from poverty to the top of European society through talent and tenacity. . . . Andersen said of these tales: 'Every character is taken from life -- everyone of them -- not one of them is invented. I know and have known them all.' Consider just a few of his fairy tales that give us glimpses into deeper things, the Ugly Duckling, the Princess and the Pea, the Emperor's New Clothes, and, of course, the Little Mermaid. We know these characters, too, because there's a little of each of them in all of us. Like the duckling, we know what it's like to not fit in. Like the princess, we've all seen that something small can make a big difference. We've all been thankful for people like the boy at the emperor's parade, brave souls who declare what they see, or don't see, even when no one else will. And who hasn't,like the little mermaide hasn't faced wonderful opportunities tied to difficult choices. These tales live on, 150 years after Andersen's death, because they aren't just about ducks and mermaids. They tell us something about ourselves."
Waste Water treatment plant are being used to treat Covid. I don't understand that, but we must wonder about the expense. Did a private contractor take advantage of Covid funds by approaching the government to explain what it could do?
With America's debt climbing above $30 trillion, sound the alarm. We are saddling the future generation with a bill so high it likely never will get paid. The Pandemic? Stimulus money is part of the reason the debt is so high.
Russian dissident Alexei Navalny remains in prison, but one of his supporters, Violetta Grudina, has escaped Russia.
In 2021, Grudina announced her candidacy for the Murmansk City Council. In no time (it was that same day) Grudina's office door was painted with a swastika and someone shot out the window of her workplace. Weeks later, on the 15th of August, she was forcefully hospitalized on grounds that she had Covid. She, however, had tested negative.
In Arizona, there is a proposed bill that would allow the legislation to overturn elections if it doesn't like them. The bill was introduce by Rep. John Fillmore (R).
Fillmore's bill is unlikely to gain traction, but it shows that some Republicans believe they should have power to overturn elections.
Donald Trump lost in Arizona. Since 1952, a Republican has not lost except in 1996 an 2020. Fillmore's bill would allow Republicans to ensure that their candidate never loses again.