Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Twelve Suggestions for Meaningful Prison Reform

1) Love is essential in the reformation process. Many of the criminals ended up where they are due to a failed home experience growing up. Among other things, they weren't loved enough. It is said a person doesn't care how much you know unless he knows how much you care. So, the inmate doesn't care what reforms you would have him pursue until he knows how much you care. Love is the greatest motivator. If you show you love them, they often respond with gratitude to the point they want to do whatever you would have them do. Also, consider God, since your treatise deals with that. God is a God of love; he loves all his children. He loves them all. He leaves the 99 to seek the 1 in a 100. In Isaiah, it says (many times) something like, "For all this, his hand is stretched out still."

2) Many criminals were not taught right and wrong as they were growing up. So, when we have them in our prisons,  it is an opportunity to go back and teach them as if they each were still a child.  Correct them when they do not make wise choices.

3) Visiting privileges are often restricted. This is good when they are speaking through the glass window with family members or friends who are not desirable. So, change the setting. Have the family members join the inmate in a conferance room for an activity -- playing Monopoly, or whatever. As they interact, correct them when they mistreat each other. Teach them to love each other. Love at home? Teach them how it's done. Once they are released from prison, you do not want them to fall back into toxic treatment of their spouses and children. Teach them how it should be done and let them practice loving each other in the activities. Practice makes perfect.

4) We all have role models. Most always, I would guess, the criminal has not had a good role model. Try to change that. Bring in good role models from the neighborhoods in which they live, volunteers who want to help the inmate since they are neighbors. Have the volunteer and inmate sit and talk to each other, sharing feelings and beliefs of what is wrong and right. And, when the inmate is released and returns to his neighborhood, encourage the volunteer to pursue the friendship between them at that time. Encourage them to have barbecues with each others families or whatever.

5) Prepare them to be employable when they return to society. Teach them job skills. On this, I believe most of our prisons succeed. I wonder, though, if enough help is provided them in actually gaining employment. This is important; much of our criminal activity occurs because the criminal has bills to pay. If he cannot find a way to pay those bills legitimately, he resorts to stealing, selling drugs, or whatever. Lift them from that cycle. There is no member of society more in need of job-placement than the ex-con. 

6) Help them find a hobby, a passion. A job is a job, often, and it becomes important to foster a love of a hobby, whether it is chess, playing football, or whatever. I think I would discourage them from making guns that hobby. Wrong choice. 

7) Encourage them to attend church when they are released. There, on a weekly basis, the principles of right and wrong will be reiterated. 

8) In reforming them, turn to the principles of repentance taught in our churches. Help them recognize their wrong. Help them feel a remorse for what they did. Help them see the harm they inflicted on their victim. Direct them to confess their wrongdoing. Teach them that they should never go back to what they did.

9) Don't release them until they are ready. While they might have five-year (or however long) sentences, do not release them at that time unless they have repented and prepared for life outside the prison. Have them "graduate," if you will. 

10) Encourage homecomings for them. When they are released, have the neighors thow a party celebrating their release, and welcoming them with loving arms back into the neighborhood. I think this would kind of be following the pattern set forth in the Parable of the Lost Son. The father had a big party for the returning son. 

11) Throw away the orange uniforms. They only serve as reminders to the prisoner that he has fallen short of society's standards. I have heard of a study showing prisoners receive better sentencing when their appearance is good. That shouldn't be. They should be sentenced according to their crimes, not according to their looks. But, it does lead me to consider how the prisoner, himself, might judge his own self by his looks. If the dress of a person, and the hygiene, and the haircut and the appearance of a person make a difference in self esteem. And perhaps the head shaves should be done away with. The idea should not be to humiliate, even in these slight ways. No, the idea should be to give the person self-respect, selve-value. Built that self-worth; do not tear it down. A person becomes that which you convince them they are. Help them realize they have great value.
12) Give the prisoner positive reinforcement. Anytime he does something good, the prison guards should be recognizing it. This, too, will prompt the prisoner to see him or herself as someone of value and worth. 

A Fancy Word for Freedom
(Universal Version)

 A fancy word for freedom
Another word, that is
Is liberty
Now, there's a word with fizz

It tickles the tongue
It tickles the mind
Liberty, liberty
For you and me and all of mankind

All through humanity
Men have sought for this
And now in places across the world, it's greeted them
With a loving kiss

A Fancy Word for Freedom

 A fancy word for freedom
Another word, that is
Is liberty
Now, there's a word with fizz

It tickles the tongue
It tickles the mind
Liberty, liberty
For all of mankind

All through humanity
Men have sought for this
And now in America, it's greeted them
With a loving kiss


Two On a Hill

Two on a hill see farther than one
Two on a hill see far
If you have someone with you up there
You're going to see every star

You're going to see further, I swear
You're going to see far into the night
Everything that's above in the heavens
Is going to be within your sight

Look right, look left
Sweep your eyes all around
With two of you looking
There's nothing not to be found

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


When You Share Your Lights

Consider the story of Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson 
Friends they were, and friends to see, marvelous friends, I think you'll agree

Or how about Henry Ford and Thomas Edison?
Two friends for life
And that friendship was the best, the best of medicine

Then think of Robert Frost and a close friend who he took walks with
The writer Edward Thomas
And they gave each other quite a lift

Hans Christian Anderson and the just-as-famous Charles Dickens
Galileo and philosopher Cesare Cremonini
Yes, see how the plot thickens

And so you see how greatness often seeks a friend
Someone also great
And upon each other they do depend

Is there someone in your life
Who will help you climb to great heights?
For you can see greater acc
When you share your lights


Some Things Bear Repeating

Some things bear repeating
To help us remember them
Like the time Trump was president
And his cabinet was so glum

They'd keep their positions
Only for a while
Then they had to get out
Because things were just so vile

Now he's running again
To be president of our land
And we really need to listen
To those who know he ain't so grand

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Love Driven

Love only grows in the very best of soil
And if there are weeds in it
Your best efforts are all going to fail

The soil must be kept warm
For love to germinate
And it cannot have weeds
Like pride, and greed and hate

Love takes understanding 
Tolerance and care
Love means you see each other's trials
Of them you are aware

You can't be mean and love
It doesn't work that way
And if love is going to come
Both sides must keep their tongues at bay

America is divided
And so the lesson that I have given
Is that only love can change that
We've got to be love driven

McMaster is Just One Who Left

One of America's great military leaders, and one-time Trump national security advisor, is no longer quiet about Trump's ousting him from his position. He has held his tongue about criticizing Trump, but that has ended.

In his new book, “At War with Ourselves: My Tour of Duty in the Trump White House,” McMaster doesn't go easy on Donald Trump.

McMaster's disillusionment with Trump included hearing the president say troublesome things as,
 “Why don’t we just bomb the drugs?” in Mexico and, “Why don’t we take out the whole North Korean Army during one of their parades?”

Perhaps as damning as anything in the new book, is the number of high-ranking officials who defected from Trump when he was in office. Just counting those who left about the same time McMaster did, we have communications director Hope Hicks, national economics advisor Gary Cohn, and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

'We Love Hitler! We Love Trump!'

"We love Hitler, We love Trump"
They yelled as they hung KKK and Nazi signs
And you wonder if Trump doesn't seek their constituency
And they are those whom he wines and dines

It was in Howell, Michigan
Considered the KKK capital in that state
It was in July of 2024
That we saw this band of hate

Trump would shortly reward that bunch
The KKK in Howell
He'd campaign there for votes he sought
An act that was oh-so fowl

It seems Trump sees these as his people
His loyal following
It seems that's where he seeks for votes
And they reply with their adoring hollering


There Aren't Many Commoners

There aren't many commoners
Running for president
They might be paying a mortgage
But never paying rent

There aren't many commoners
People who've always been that way
People who didn't rise up to make it
Rich on another day

I think I want a president
One just like me and you
One who fights to pay the bills on time
And who's just trying to get through

Friday, August 23, 2024


No Matter, and No How
There is a path through the middle on this one
There is
Abortion should not be granted to everyone
To see that, you don't need to be a whiz

That baby in your tummy
Might be an inconvenience
You might just want to get rid of it
Sometimes, that is what we sense

But the baby is real
The baby is live
And it has a right to be born and live
And that's something only you can give

So, where's the middle ground
I spoke of as I started this poem?
For there truly is a time
When the baby should not call your tummy its home

When the doctor says you're endangered
When the doctor says abortion is right
Then you should have an abortion
And we shouldn't give you a fight

I supposed I am surprised
And shocked a little bit
That there are laws that don't allow abortion
When it's the only fit

Yes, I guess I'd shame these politicians
The ones who do not allow
For the baby to be aborted
No matter and no how


Morals Matter

Morals matter
Truth does too
But only to one party
And that's the one that's blue


Jay Sekulow is Dead Wrong -- and so is the Court

"This is bad," says an email from Jay Sekulow, chief counsel for the American Center for law and Justice. "And I don't think most Americans realize what's coming.

"Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are trying to change the Constitution to remake the U.S. Supreme Court and put your rights and freedoms in danger.

"Their devious constitutional amendments will reverse the Court's immunity decision for President Trump and other Presidents (a case we helped win) and enforce term limits for Justices on the Supreme Court."

It might be helpful for Mr. Sekulow to read the Constitution, for he is dead wrong. There are two places in that venerable old document that discuss immunity.

First, Article Two, Section 4: "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

Rather than absolving presidents of crime, this says they can and should be held accountable. That is the opposite of immunity.

Second, Article One, Section 3, Clause 7: "
Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law."

Is there any question? The president is liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgement and punishment, which is exactly what was happening when the Supreme Court bailed Trump out. I've always wondered what part of the Constitution the Court cited in its decision because it just isn't there.

No, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not trying to change the Constitution, they are trying to enforce it. Our Constitution is a living document, it can be amended when necessary. So, amend it. Don't allow Trump to get away with violating it. 

She Was Simply Buying Lunch for Her Volunteers That visit by Kamala Harris to Primanti Bros. restaurant in Pennsylvania? All the talk of how good customers were kicked out of the restaurant to make way for paid actors to come in for a photo-op?
Here's what happened, am I not correct? Kamala decided she wanted to buy a lunch for her volunteer campaign workers, just to show she appreciated them. That's all. From that, the Repubs twisted what happened into something that didn't happen and that is not right. It is a good thing to show your appreciation for your volunteers, not a bad thing. How was this ever been twisted into something negative? There were no paid actors. Indeed, there were no actors at all. They were simply volunteers Kamala was feeding. Bless her, for being so thoughtful towards her volunteers. I might well study this further some other day. But, from everything I know, the Repubs were dead wrong to attack her on this, twisting the story to make her look evil when actually she was being just the opposite. But, we are told, in the last days, there will be those who call evil good, and good evil.

Rumors Twirl

Rumors swirl and rumors twirl
And truth is left behind
When a story goes through the rumor machine
There's not much left that's kind

The honest truth from an honest tooth
Is something that's never said
The story is completely changed around
And changed from blue to red

Kamala had a photo-op
In a restaurant in Pennsylvania
And the rumor machine changed it to
Something I couldn't explain to ya

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Princess With a Sword

Hers is a compelling story
A compelling story, it is
About how her mother taught her to fight
And how she could face a grizz

And now Kamala is fighting for us
Fighting to save our land
And the princess with a sword
Is fighting Sir Donald and his terrible band

The fight is for freedom
The fight is for right
And we fight through the day
And we fight through the night

Join with Kamala
And fight for our land
You must fight on the right side
You must take the right stand

The Trenches of Hope

We've fought our way out of the trenches of despair
And into the trenches of hope
And we will continue fighting
You will not being telling us, "Nope"

The day was that all seemed lost
The day wasn't going our way
But now we're in a much better spot
We've regrouped, and are back in the fray

The troops of the Donald were conquering us
His troops were pressing in
But now we've got some hope in this fight
We've even got hope we could win

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Trump Is Being Misquoted

 There's this debate raging, about whether Donald Trump once said white supremacists are "very fine people."

   Very fine people, then? Did Trump really say that?

   It was 2017. Trump made his comments following a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, protesting the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue -- a protest that attracted counter protestors. If this is quoted correctly, Trump said,  "There were very fine people on both sides, and I'm not talking about the Neo-nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."

   Trump later explained that he understood there were those there who were not Neo-Nazis, not white supremacists, but who were there just in opposition to the statue being removed. Others, however, argue that no one was there except the Neo-Nazis and white supremacists. They organized the rally and it was only they who participated.

   Joe Biden says Trump's comments prompted him to run for president, not wanting a bigot like Trump to occupy the White House.

   Snopes, in its fact-check, absolves Trump. "
No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People'" says the Snopes headline.

CNN's Elle Reeve sides with those who insist Trump did, indeed, call the white supremacists "very fine people. "The 'hoax' claim is based on the idea Trump was right that there were some normal non-white nationalist people involved in Unite the Right. There weren't. It was conceived of by white nationalists at a white nationalist event 3 months earlier," she argues. I think I side with Snopes on this one.

Utah Legislators Stubbornly Stick to Their Mistakes

Their decision is coming back to bite them, but Utah legislators are not apologetic and do not even acknowledge their error. They plow ahead with all the same foolishness. They passed legislation forcing Utah Power to stick with coal and natural gas instead of converting to solar and wind. Now, because of their decision, rates are increasing 30 percent. But, instead of acknowledging their foolishness, they falsely blame other states. It takes a big person to admit their faults, but it only takes a politician to double down on their stupidity.

You've Got to Learn to Paint

You've got to learn to paint
If you're going to tell a lie
You've got to brush it on
And wait for it to dry

Paint the picture black
When it's really only
You can't tell the truth
About what others really say

Say they are Marxists
Fascists maybe too
You've got to repaint them
Before your lie will go through

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Little Utah Could Provide Electricity for Entire Country

    Little Utah, all by itself, if it were to exert the effort, could provide all the electricity needed for the entire country.

   And, it could do it with solar energy, alone.

   Yes, take this state's solar capacity not for granted. It ranks as one of the top 10 states for most sunny days. It has been listed as one of seven states with the best potential for solar. The Bureau of Land Management once identified 17 "solar energy zones" in the U.S. -- areas with the best potential for solar energy creation.

   And, Utah had three on the list. Yes, three of the best solar energy areas in all the U.S. were right here in Utah (one in the Escalante Valley, one in Milford Flats, and one in the Wah Wah Valley in Beaver and Millard Counties).

   There are no less than 18 million acres of BLM land in Utah that are available for solar panels -- with another 1.9 million with variances. 

   Think solar. And think how Utah could be a leader in turning the nation green.

   Well, while Utah's grand solar potential is not going to actually provide all the electricity needed for the full of America. But, if we tried hard enough, we could certainly provide enough for our own, and still have plenty to export to California and other states. 

Is Freedom of Religion to be Allowed?
How about Quoting from the Bible? 

When The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints added some guidelines on participation of transexuals in its meetings, the changes did not go over well with the Salt Lake Tribune. "New LDS Church policies relegate trans members to 'second-class' status, scholars warn," said the headline.

I tried to post the following in the comments below the story, but my comment was rejected for not following Trib guidelines -- most likely for being judged as transphobic.

"Bless the LGBTQ community. But, just as they have the right to believe as they do, so does The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. To a large part, this comes down to freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Many on this thread do not extend to the LDS people the right to believe as they do. The LDS people, for the most part, love those in the LGBTQ community. But they do not believe the lifestyle is within the parameters God provides for. Are they not to be allowed to believe this? Freedom doesn't mean you must conform to the beliefs of others, but that you can have a view that contrasts with that of others. 
"Passages in the Bible indicate God does not approve of the gay lifestyle. 'You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination,' it says in Leviticus Chapter 18. The story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis is of note. Residents of the city wished to rape the angels who retrieved Lot. The name 'Sodom'became the basis of the word 'sodomy.'
"Let the LDS practice their faith. Let them in their use of their church buildings adhere to their beliefs."

Then, I tried to post just the part that discusses what it says in the Bible. Again I was rejected. So, I offered this comment: "I just tried to post on what the Bible says about transexualism. My post was denied. I'm a little concerned if we are not allowed to quote the Bible. Wicked book, that Bible. Teaching from it should not be allowed."

Gas-Guzzling Neat-O

Kill the car
The electric car
The enemy of the people

It's not our ride
It's not on our side
It's not the car to purchase

We want a large gas-guzzling car
A gas-consuming neat-o
Not a car without even a gas needle

Why do we hate the electric car?
Why are we fearful of it?
We buy into the propaganda of hate
Propaganda is why we hate it

Childish Antics Might Destroy America

What is wrong with America -- or, more specifically, what are office-holding Republicans doing to destroy America? Both parties speak of weaponization of political efforts. Well, the Repubs are way ahead on that charge  -- and they are taking their efforts to levels that could destroy the land in which we live. 

Three U.S. House committees Monday issued a report Monday alleging President Biden with impeachable offenses. Nevermind that some Republican members of Congress are clearer thinking and have said the charges lack evidence.

No credence to the charges? No matter to this group. What is important is to punish Joe Biden. And while the legislators would only yank Joe out of office, what Donald Trump might do if he is elected would be much worse. Donnie would seek to throw Joey in jail. Sometimes I think Trump runs around in a child's tandrum.

And somehow too many citizens think Trump is justified and jump on the bandwagon, yelling, "Yeah, good idea, Donny -- throw Joey in jail."


But what is happening is much more dangerous than child's play. When you start throwing your political opponents in jail, you follow a blueprint for dictatorship that has been employed in third-world countries.

You destroy America.

Sunday, August 18, 2024


'Miracle' Might be too Big a Word, but 'Amazing' is Not

You can wonder if there has been heavenly intervention. No, I'm not saying there has, because I'm not sure there has, but I consider that there might have been. Pundits say this has never happened in America's history. Trump was up by maybe six points. Then, with Kamala Harris replacing Joe Biden at the top of the ticket, Kamala has jumped to about a five-point lead. That's an 11-point turnaround in just a few short weeks. 

"Miracle" might be too big of a word. But the turnaround is amazing, the same. 

People are praying on both sides of the issue -- some for Trump, some against him. Some are persuaded God is behind Trump. Then, there are those of us who believe God inspired the founding of America as a free country. To us, the liberty of this nation was necessary to make it a place where great things could be brought about. Would God then want a dictatorship to capture our country? Especially if the leader coming in was a wicked person?

Yes, I pray for America. I pray for freedom. I pray against a dictatorship. I pray against Donald Trump. The election is still a ways away, and who knows what will happen. Still, I thank the Lord for what has happened. I thank the Lord for the surprising, amazing turnaround. God bless America. 

Not the Same as Church

"The performing of the National Anthem becomes the most appropriate time to protest." Years ago -- six, to be exact -- I posted that.

"So is the Sacrament the most suitable time to protest church policies?" a friend asked.

Today, I replied -- awfully late, but we still often think of the kneeling-during-the-Anthem controversy.

Alas, I'm just seeing this six years later as it comes up on my Memories. America is about protest, allowing it. It is about free speech. Church is not about protest. We don't protest what God has done. We can protest against our government, but we don't do that with our God.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

They Know Taxes can be Exploited 

Comes a Facebook meme:

"The biggest scam in life: Paying taxes on money you make, taxes on money you spend, and taxes on things you already own, that you already paid taxes on, with already taxed money."

And my reply:

"What, did I somehow suppose they would suddenly draw to a stop in their efforts to stir us up? Trump's campaign is falling apart (hopefully), and I suppose I hoped it meant they were defeated. Of course not. Of course they will continue their efforts to destroy our land. Paying taxes is not a bad thing; it is a necessity of having a government. They have studied to learn what issues can be used against us, and to stir us up, and this certainly is one."

Without Rules, it Would be Chaos

A meme on Facebook says:

"JD Vance is the guy who mows your lawn when you break a leg. Tim Walz is the guy who reports your overgrown lawn to the HOA."

I post my reply:

"Don't agree . . . but it's funny."

Travis replies:

"Don't agree? Why? Because JD Walz started a snitch on your neighbor act? Remember, ones thoughts on communism is just another's way of being neighbourly."

I reply:

"Am I off on what you are talking about? I'm thinking you are referring to when Walz created a hotline (during the pandemic) to report those who were not following lockdown guidelines. You do not believe Covid was harmful. I believe it was, so I believe the efforts to fight it were right."

Says Travis:

"So if you label something harmful you have every right to abolish every freedom in the name of "Social Safety"? If that's the case please eradicate your home of electricity, stove, knives, gun, or yourself to ensure you, nor anything you own, presents any form of harm to others."

I reply:

"I realize the lockdown is perhaps the cornerstone of conservative claims that we have lost our freedom. I disagree. If the disease was harmful, and spreading to hurt others, you take steps to avoid it from being transmitted. From my way of thinking, saying we have lost our freedom is a stretch. We have a lot of laws and restrictions in our society. You can't drive unless you get a license, and when you do drive, you have to adhere to the traffic rules. You cannot take illegal drugs. To me, we would have anarchy and chaos without such rules. I often wonder if getting us to  that point (anarchy and chaos) is what those who teach against Covid are trying to accomplish."


Just Another Thing

Just another thing
That tells you who he is
It tells you he wants more power
Because he thinks he is a whiz

He wants to set the interest rate
He wants to control the Fed
He wants every power
He has such a big head

Friday, August 16, 2024

The Hitler Formula

Obey the Nazi Party
Love Hitler
And hate Jews
So if you're looking for what is happening today
There are three clues

Hitler had a formula
And do we see it today?
Obey the Republican Party
Love Trump
And send migrants away

Do I hear an echo?
Isn't history enough
To warns us of a future
Made up of the same stuff?

Peace, Justice, and Truth

Peace, Justice, and Truth should not be offered up on the altar of free speech. Free speech is important, but as with any freedom, it comes with responsibility. And, if freedom of speech is not wielded with responsibility, it will bring harm to those who failed to legislate it. Free speech can be weaponized, but legislation can make it less of a weapon. Yes, I do believe there are times for legislation. To me, that is part of avoiding anarchy. That government that governs least, often governs in anarchy.

Mark Robinson has Offended Many

Read about this guy -- Mark Robinson --  and 
wonder how someone like him could get so far in politics. How it is possible the electorate would endorse him? One thought -- one guess as to how -- is that this is what we have reaped by rejecting the mass media. This is the cost of believing you cannot trust the press. The media has reported what kind of a guy he is, but is the message even reaching the public? If they don't read it, they won't know it. And if they read it and don't believe it, it might well be because they have been indoctrinated to not believe the mass media.

Or, maybe it's just that people don't read the news at all these days. They are too busy with other things; no time to keep up with the news.

Let's look at the meme that has been circulating on Facebook. I assure you will indeed be surprised to think such as person could make his way into public office.


"Republican North Carolina gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson will speak at Trump's rally on Wednesday in NC. Robinson recently said that 'some folks need killing' when referring to political opponents, previously mocked gun violence survivors and claimed that mass shootings are 'Karma' for allowing abortion, said public school teachers are 'wicked people,' said we should 'go back to the America where women couldn't vote,' called LGBTQ+ people 'maggots' and 'filth,' and that's not the half of it."

Could such a man actually win the public over? Would such a person ever have a chance at speaking at a Trump rally? (I'll leave you to answer that.)

Seems a fact-check is in order.

On June 30, speaking to a church congregation, he said, "Some folks need a killing ... It's a matter of necessity." He reportedly was referring to those considered to be enemies of Christian America. Robinson said what he was taken out of context -- he was merely referring to enemies of the United States, such as Nazis in World War II.

CNN has reported that after the shooing at Marjory Stoneman High School in Parkland, Florida, he posted, calling the students "spoiled, angry, know it all CHILDREN," "Spoiled little Bas---ds" and media prosti-tots."

In an interview in 2019, he said: "Do you think that somehow -- people talk about karma all the time. Do you think that that's not swinging back around in this society and that people are seeing how human life is being devalued through the murder of all these infants? Of course it is. Of course they are. So, you know, it's just like that old thing that Malcolm X said years ago about the Kennedy assassination, about chickens coming home to roost."

In a July, 2023, speech, he called for parents to remove their kids from public schools. 'Y
ou need to come out from among them, make your own school,” he said. “Do not turn your children over to these wicked people.” 

Did he say America should go back to the day when women couldn't vote? CheckYourFact reports that this one is a misrepresentation -- his words were taken out of context. CheckYourFact provided the full quote: “This idiotic guy was on stage with Candace Owens a few days ago and asked her, ‘What America are we going back to to make America great again? The one where women couldn’t vote or Black people were swinging from cheap trees?’ I would say to him if I was standing in front of him, ‘I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn’t vote.’ Do you know why? Because in those days, we had people who fought for real social change and they were called Republicans. And they are the reason why women can vote today." 

It was in another church sermon, this one in 2021, that he compared LGBTQ+ people to "maggots" and "flies." He later doubled down on that, saying, 
"And yes, I called it filth, and if you don't like that I called it filth, come see me and I'll explain it to you."

Some of you reading this might think, Well, I favor home schooling, myself, or Well, I'm against homosexuality, myself, and justify what he said. That is wrong of you. You can favor home schooling without calling public school teachers "wicked," and you can oppose the LGBTQ+ lifestyle without calling those who participate in it "maggots" and "filth."

Fortunately, I think most of you will agree. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Looking at free speech as we consider Raygun

Reflect, if you will, on freedom of speech and the power of press as you consider the Olympic performance of Rachel Gunn, who competes under the name of Raygun. I mean, are there laws we should pass? Are there restrictions on free speech that we need? Should the mass media be muzzled, just a little, to protect Raygun?

See, she was laughed at and ridiculed after losing her three battles by a combined score of 54-0. Do we not need to protect her from such mistreatment?

First, let me say I watched a clip from her performance and thought it quite all right.

But, 54-0, embarrassing, right?

Second, let me say that from what I see and read, she was trying to do a little bit of a spoof on the sport; she was trying to come off with a less graceful appearance.

My verdict on free speech and the power of the press? There should be no law shutting people down in their criticism. That doesn't mean what they said was not hurtful. Gunn expressed surprise at the hatred heaped upon her. It was devastating, she said. 

So, what of the press, or as we call it these days, the media, even the mass media? They reported not just the criticism, but the expressions of support. There was a slice of humanity -- a large slice -- that came to her defense. The press printed their comments, and by doing so, reduced the harm that would have been much greater if the media had piled on.

I'm proud of the press. I'm proud it offered voices of defense and support. This is the way a free press is suppose to operate.

And it did.

Not One of Them is James

If Freedom has a first name
Doesn't it need to have a last?
And what about a middle name?
Knowing that would be a gas

But, wait, I think I know it
I know all three names
Freedom For All
So, not one of them is James

Frequent Flyer

He could talk the ear off a bear
And the skin off a potato
He could persuade you that the thing that smelled the worst
Was not a rotten tomatoe

His tongue was laced with lies
As it hung out of his mouth
And when truth headed to the north
His words turned the other direction, and headed south

He was always slick and smart and sly
And if you counted every lie
They would fill the River Kwai

Lies with but seconds in between
So many lies, you've never seen
His lying always caused quite a scene

Donald was the name
Of this famous liar
And when it came to lying
He was a frequent flyer

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Here's Hoping the Best for Wheat Farmers and all Farmers

I am, I suppose, protective of the farmer. So when I see a Facebook post saying a bushel of wheat brought a farmer $4.86 in 1972, same as it does now, yet bread cost only 25 cents a loaf back then, I become concerned.

Wondering if the wheat farmer, indeed, is in trouble, I messaged a few FB friends who are wheat farmers, and asked them. Only one replied, and he did not say whether he is struggling, he only confirmed that the figures in the FB meme were roughly correct. 

Found this, speaking of wheat farmers in Sumner County, Kansas: "Most producers should have some good wheat, but there were fields that suffered from either a prolonged lack of moisture or drowned out in recent storms. Quantity and quality exceed that of the last several years and are maybe even better than anticipated."

And, in a Spokane, Washington newspaper article, I found this: “The prices are well below the cost of production right now,” said fifth-generation wheat grower Terry Harding. “It’s very tough to make a living at this price point.”

And, from NBC news: "
Extreme heat waves and drought due to climate change have the potential to shock the global food supply and send prices soaring, according to a new study."

National news should be tracking the plight of the farmer -- not just the wheat farmer, but all farmers and ranchers. We rely on these people for our substance. What happens to them carries great weight in what happens to our economy. Here's hoping the best for the farmer. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


The Resistance

I joined the resistance today
Trump -- Donald Trump
We oppose him
Knowing he would leave our nation grim

We fight to preserve the nation
Against the coming of Donald -- Donald Trump
To say he'd be a worthy president
Would really be a jump

Ours is the chant of the patriot
Ours is the cause of the free
He reaches out to grasp the country
And have us bow on bended knee

Controling, reigning
And even chaining
But we are distaining of him
And remain freedom sustaining
Defiant, we tell him no
We tell him we are the resistance
And we'll fight you blow-for-blow

Our freedom is not something you can take
And our spirit not something you can shake

This Much Ballyhooed Project Will be a Plus

  Ryan and Ashley Smith, owners of the Utah Jazz and also known as Smith Entertainment Group, want to upscale the Delta Center, where the Jazz play, and make the sight lines good for hockey.

   That's part of bringing in an NHL team, a much ballyhooed move. The area around the Delta Center will also get some redevelopment attention. And, down south in Sandy, a training facility for the new hockey team will be built. And, just as up in SLC, redevelopment of the whole area is planned.

    Here's believing it all can be a plus for the SLV. I would guess all the figures to help us decide whether we should like the project have been out there, but I wish I knew them.

   1. What is the total cost of the two projects? That might be hard to establish as much of the Sandy project -- housing or whatever -- might be way down the road. Still, I'd like to know the total with everything in it.

   2. How much is expected in tax revenue? I would think that estimate would be in HB 488. The way some talk, you would think the taxpayers are paying the whole thing. It would be good to compare SEG's share to that of the taxpayers.
   3. How much new tax revenue will the two projects generate? Hard to speculate, again, but perhaps the legislative staff has also included that in the HB 400 notes. If the projects are going to generate more tax revenue than they cost, the argument against the development loses a lot of impact.

   From all I do know, I like the two projects. Community development can be a good thing. Nor do I see it as something that will also serve the rich, as many are arguing: the housing is not, if I am correct, and the bridge would serve pedestrians -- that doesn't translate into the rich.
   The hockey center in Sandy -- depending on prices charged -- will end up serving a lot of lower-income families. Involving youth in hockey is one way to keep the kids off the streets, and help them establish positive friendships instead of falling into gangs.

   From what I do know of the project, it will be a definite plus for the SLV and for Utah. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

DEI proved its worth

DEI proved its worth. It is hard to argue Black people and women were not discriminated against. When that happens, a law is appropriate to bring equality. If you are someone who doesn't like DEI, consider that those laws probably didn't hurt you much. If a woman took one job away from you, you could shuffle down the highway and get another. Your credentials were never questioned, so if you missed out on one $25-an-hour job, you could find another. Women and Blacks didn't have that luxury. They were discriminated against, not you, so they had difficulty getting the jobs, not you.

Sunday, August 11, 2024


Disqualify Them

We should listen, it's Donald Trump
Yes, this time we should listen, and take his advice
He's come up with some wisdom this time
So we should do what he says, and be precise

He was a little upset with some pictures of a rally
They showed tons of people for Harris showing up
Not so, said Donald, nobody was even there
Listen to what I'm saying, and don't interrupt

It took AI, he said, altering the picture
To make it look like people were there
"She should be disqualified because of the creation of a fake image," he said
What she's doing isn't fare

He called it election interference, and said:
"Anyone who does that will cheat at anything"
Well, take his word
If someone says something fake and false
Don't just give them a minor ding
Disqualify them from running -- make it sting

Trump was wrong, the pictures were real
AI didn't do it
Trump said it, himself
The person lying should be disqualified
Hey, Mr. Trump, looks like you blew it


Nothing Good

Nothing good can come of this
Nothing good at all
He's running to be our president
And to be dictator of us all

Nothing sweet
Nothing good
Nothing that will better our land
Our nation will fall
It cannot prosper
If we elect this man

Saturday, August 10, 2024


Love and Love Him

Donald J. Trump
Donald J. Trump
They shout his name so loud
They chant and cheer
And drink a beer
Of him they are so proud
They love and love and love him
They are his devoted crowd

Teflon and Rubber

The man is made of Teflon
The man is made of rubber
No accusation sticks to him
He bounces back so quick it makes you stutter

A man made of Teflon?
A man who bounces back?
It doesn't matter what you say about him
Doesn't matter how you attack

He's made of Teflon
Made of rubber
He gets out of anything so slick
You must think he's covered with butter

They Fawn at This Man

It is clear who Trump is and what he will do
But people fawn at him, the same
The CBO notes his tax cuts will add to the debt
4 trillion dollars -- should we not be upset?

And when he vows to be a dictator on Day One
The people laugh it away
They are caught in the web of his plots and designs
And they love him too much, I say

Devotion and honor they give to this man
And it doesn't matter what he will do
But he'll ruin us all and ruin this land
Before his reign is through


Lombardi Was Right

There's an election to be won
And you're thinking that you should run
First choose a party
Then remember the words of Vince Lombardi

It's not whether you win or fall in shame
It's whether you're good at the political game
And the first step you've got to take
Is to go after your opponent with a garden rake

Rough him up, and mock him too
Leave him in shambles by the time you're through
Just remember it's not whether you win or fall
What really matters is how many names you call

Lombardi was right when he said take good aim
Win or lose, it's how you play the game
And you can walk away proud as a king
If  you landed low blows while you were in the ring

Friday, August 9, 2024

 Laura Ingraham's Mistake

They ran Biden off the stage for as much
Gaffes, and gaffes, and gaffes
You've never seen such stuff

Laura Ingraham was among the many
Who faulted Joe for being mentally slow
And now it's come her turn
To make a mistake like Uncle Joe

"If you know Minnesota well, and I know it well
-- Especially Milwaukee -- It's changed"
She messed things up a little
Got the map rearranged

Milwaukee's always been in Wisconsin
I guess it still is
And she just flubbed up
On that school kid quiz

The point is
We all make such mistakes
And the ones who say they don't
They're the ones who are fakes

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Blame It On Texas

Blame it on Texas
Or Florida, or maybe even Utah
You're a Trumper because everyone else is
So you get caught in the same old buzzsaw

Our friends influence us
We listen to them
The fruit doesn't change as it falls from the stem

The same is true of Democrats
They, too, follow the crowd
And, they never even apologize
They are forever unbowed

But Trump?
How could you ever follow those folk?
It seems the only explanation
Is that you're suffering from heatstroke

No, Donald, You Were Never Even in a Helicopter With Willie 

   It's the kind of thing -- worse -- that Joe Biden has been accused of: embellishing events from his life to the point they become, well, lies.

   Biden insisted he traveled 17,000 miles with China's. China's Xi Jinping. False. He may have met with Xi -- who knows how many hours -- but there is question whether he traveled with him more than once. 

   Those who have riddled Biden for the absurdity of his 17,000-miles with Xi statement should consider that while Joe has a flaw, Trump's obsession for lying is multiple times worse.

   Thursday, the former president added to that legacy. When a reporter asked about Kamala Harris having dated Willie Brown, Trump responded, “I know (former San Francisco Mayor) Willie Brown very well. In fact, I went down in a helicopter with him. We thought maybe this is the end. We were in a helicopter going to a certain location together, and there was an emergency landing,” Trump told reporters.

   That story was quickly shot down. 
 “I’ve never been in a helicopter with him in my life,” Brown told CNN when asked about Trump's claim. Brown then invoked the L word. "There is no reason why her (Harris's) name ought to be mentioned anywhere near his lies, period.” 

   Turns out, Trump had been in a helicopter with former California Gov. Jerry Brown. The pair toured wildfire damage in 2018. But, if you think it just a simple matter of Trump confusing the two Browns -- no, consider his embellishment. He suggests their lives were in jeopardy and the helicopter was forced to land. A spokesperson for Jerry Brown said “there was no emergency landing and no discussion of Kamala Harris.”

   In Trump's defense, he probably was not trying to lie; he was just going by his memory. Some would say, however, that he is just an old man who gets things confused. Didn't we just have a problem with Biden on this same issue?

Small Family Farmers Need a Second Income

  Here's a shocker, even to me, who grew up on a farm of which my dad had to have a second job to make ends meet.

  "About 88 percent of U.S. farms are small family farms, with gross cash farm income less than $350,000. The households operating these farms typical rely on off-farm sources for the majority of their household income. In contrast, the median household operating large-scale farms earned $505,833 in 2022, and most of that came from farming."

  Move over, abortion and immigration, the plight of the small farmer should also be a political issue. I wonder what the two candidates would say if a moderator at the next debate queried them about the plight of America's small family farmers.

  Having food to eat is a must for all of us, right? So shouldn't we be concerned about the people who provide us the food?

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Did This Israeli Official Just Say Genocide is Justified?

One Israel official has suggested starving Gazans might be justified. What do you think of that?

"Nobody will let us cause 2 million civilians to die of hunger even though it might be justified and moral until our hostages are returned," said Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich.

Say what? Of course it is wrong. 

Smotrich's comments come not too long after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a speech to the U.S. Congress, claimed: "Israel has enabled more than 40,000 aid trucks to enter Gaza. That's half a million tons of food. And that's more than 3,000 calories for every man, woman and child in Gaza. If there are Palestinians in Gaza who aren't getting enough food, it's not because Israel is blocking it. It's because Hamas is stealing it."

What Bibi failed to mention is that, initially, Israel imposed a complete siege on Gaza. It took pressure from President Biden before Israel eased its restrictions and allowed the aid trucks to reach Gaza.

Seligson was Allegedly Involved in Vandalism, after All

It's easy to be wrong, easy to make a mistake, and I did. In a post yesterday, I expressed outrage that New York City journalist Samuel Seligson was arrested on felony hate crime charges. He filmed pro-Palestinian  protesters as they splashed red paint on homes of leaders of the Brooklyn Museum. I said he was not involved in any vandalism, and asked why he was being arrested on the hate crime charges.

As I went to bed after writing the post, I thought how something must be wrong. I should have listened to my instincts. Today -- checking on the accuracy of the story -- I came across a story saying Seligson was, indeed, allegedly involved in the vandalism.

Now, I do have an excuse: I was simply passing along the news as reported by The Associated Press. But, I should have checked on the veracity of the story. I am responsible for what I write.

Today, I find this in amNewYork Metro's website: "The Associated Press reported Tuesday that Seligson -- identified in the report as an independent journalist -- was not involved in the vandalism, and was only accused of documenting it. Police sources, however, told amNewYork Metro that Seligson allegedly served as the lookout in the series of vandalism incidents."

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

How is This a Hate Crime?

Tell me whether you think this is a hate crime or whether things are getting out of control:

A New York City journalist films pro-Palestinian protesters as they throw red paint on homes of leaders at the Brooklyn Museum.

What do you say? Hate crime? Because it happened. Samuel Seligson, uninvolved in any vandalism, was arrested on felony hate crime charges.

What do you say? Hate crime? Because it happened. Samuel Seligson, uninvolved in any vandalism, was arrested on felony hate crime charges.

New York City's finest -- why would they do this? Political bias? Why? How could justice in the U.S. be so wrong?

(Note: see correction in article headlined "Seligson was Allegedly Involved in Vandalism, after All")

Monday, August 5, 2024

Two People

Two people can be different
They don't need to be the same
Different customs, different races
One can be a man, and the other one a dame

Two people can be different
And still be good friends
They might see the world differently
See it through different lens

So if you have a neighbor
And you think that he is strange
Tell him that you love him
Tell him there's nothing he needs to rearrange

In the Early Olympics, Bull Meat was the Fare Britannica says: "In the early centuries of the ancient Olympics, the contests took place on one day, but the Games were later spread over four days, followed by a fifth devoted to the closing-ceremony presentation of prizes and a banquet for the champions."
   So, there was a banquet. That is of significant when we discuss the Olympics skit, since it portrayed a banquet

It would be interesting to know how much that banquet resembled the one in the skit. I'm guessing very little. Also, the banquet was for the athletes, as opposed to the Greek gods, if I am correct.
I also tried to find out if the current Olympics include a banquet or feast for the athletes. I don't think it does. Unlike what was in the skit -- it featured the Greek gods at the banquet -- one source tells me the banquet was for the athletes. The gods were interested in the festivals, though, so they watched them. That source did speak of how they sacrificed animals, the bull being stunned and its throat slit. It says the killing was followed by a great feast, with those present being invited to join in. That is hardly a description that fits with what was portrayed in the skit. No bull, no no assortment of the masses at the dinner table, etc. The skit people did a poor job of replicating the ancient sacrifice if that is what they were trying to do.

More  on the Olympics Skit

 This controversy about the Olympics skit, let's consider whether the ancient Olympics involved crosses, banquets, long tables, and the LGBTQ community.

   On a thread beneath a newspaper editorial that refers to the Olympics skit, a poster notes, "Christians didn't invent, nor do they have a monopoly on the ideas of a cross, banquets, or long tables."
   What does a cross or banquet or long table have to do with the Olympics? From my googling, I could not find much. I found no connection for crosses, long tables and drag shows and LGBTQ-type involvement.

   Banquets? I did find this, in Britannica: "The Games were later spread over four days, followed by a fifth devoted to the closing-ceremony presentation of prizes and a banquet for the champions."
   It is the Olympics were are dealing with here, not ancient Greek practices in general. Still, let's look at the ancient Greek practices. They did have crosses in ancient Greece, as the early Christians had them. I did not find red crosses, though. Nor did I find a cross with the bottom arm (if I can call it that) stretching longer than the other three. That cross might be used but by Christians going back sometime from today, but not to ancient Greece. Red represents the blood of Christ, so that the cross in the Olympic's presentation had a red cross might be of significance.

   Did the ancient Greeks have banquets? Yes, we read in National Geographic, "
In ancient Greece, wealthy men often gathered for decadent banquets called symposia. Not only an occasion for thinking and philosophizing, the symposium was also a place for enjoying women, wine, and song." Long tables, you ask? They became prominent in Medievil times.

   So, some of these things were present in ancient Greece. However, I found little connection between  them and the early Olympics. So why were they in the Olympics skit? Can anyone explain that?

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Surely They Must have Known Their Play had a Likeness

That skit at the Olympics, the one during the Opening Ceremonies, the one that drew ire . . . the controvery continues.

One thought that I haven't seen expressed is that the skit's directors and participants must have known about "The Last Supper." Most everyone has seen that painting. I would think the Olympic's people knew full-well that their scene replicated much in "The Last Supper" painting. They can argue all day that the skit was based on another painting, not da Vinci's "The Last Supper," but it is hard to argue they didn't know their skit had a lot in common with "The Last Supper." They went ahead with the skit, anyway. They thumbed their noses at Christianity.

Those who are inclusive of others, who seek unity in society, and who do not want to offend would not have plunged ahead knowing the likeness. They raised the cry of freedom of speech when they were done, but what they did was hurtful. Freedom of speech doesn't mean you cannot be hurtful, and they were.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Pride, in the Name of Patriotism

Pride, in the name of patriotism
It's time to step aside
You can see what Trump really is
So you need to get off his ride

You were wrong to ever like him
But you didn't know him back then
Now swallow your pride and admit it
He's proved how terrible he is, over and over again

Friday, August 2, 2024


They had this city named
Hundreds of years before she was born
They might not have spelled it right
But it's still her name that it adorned

Kamalot is in America
Guess who it was named after?
Kamala Harris, of course
The same who is mocked because of her laughter

Knights ride in on white horses
In the magical kingdom of Kamalot
And all the dragons have been slain
And the land has become a vacation playspot

There once was a black knight
Named Donald Trump
But when he jousted with Kamala
She knocked him on his rump

Thursday, August 1, 2024

That Olympics Skit Dust-Up -- What do We Make of It?

   That dust-up about da Vinci's "The Last Supper" and the skit at the Olympics which offered transsexuals seemingly portraying the apostles in "The Last Supper" -- is it over? Not if you have me to deal with. I'm not ready to drop it. Yes, I know the skit's people have made it clear it was based not on da Vinci's work, but on that of a painter out of the Netherlands, Jan van Bijlert.

   Yes, I said Jan van Bijlert. Now, you haven't heard of him, have you? I looked up a list of the 20 most-famous Dutch painters, and he wasn't on it. I also tried to determine if van Bijlert's "Le Festin des Dieux" is famous in France. I don't know whether we could call it obscure (but, perhaps we could), but neither should we call it well-known. It is on display at the Mussee Magnin, a museum in Dijon that contains about 2,000 works of art collected by Maurice Magnin and his sister Jeanne that was willed to the state in 1938. That  makes Mussee Magnin a national museum, which carries some weight of distinction for the pictures in it. But, were the paintings even on public display until 1938? If they weren't that doesn't speak to them being somewhat famous -- and "Le Festin des Dieux" is not one of the more-acclaimed pictures in the museum. Why is all this significant? Because those who say the skit in the Olympics Opening Ceremony was based on "Le Festin des Dieux," not "The Last Supper" have to deal with the question of why they picked a picture that was not well-known to base their skit on. Yes, they argue that da Vinci's "The Last Supper" is on display in Italy, well removed from the Olympics, while van Bijlert's "Le Festin des Dieux" is housed in Dijon, France, less than 200 miles from Paris. So, the assertion is that the skit in the opening ceremonies had to be inspired by "Le Festin des Dieux," not "The Last Supper." I'm not convinced. That's your proof that that there is no connection. Very weak.

   So, if you believe "The Last Supper" had nothing to do with the Olympic's skit, I say, not so fast. There are a few details yet to deal with. Details, details -- sometimes they get in the way. Will learning of them change your opinion? Do they convince me, or do I come away, saying, You're right, the skit wasn't based on the Last Supper? Listen up and we shall see.

   Water is thrown on the "The Last Supper" connection by pointing out that there is an almost-naked person in the foreground of the skit (an actor portraying the Greek god Bacchus). Now, where in "The Last Supper" is such a representation? Clearly, there is not, so they argue that the skit had to be based on "Le Festin des Dieux" 
(in English, that's "The Feast of the Gods," in case you've read news stories referring to it as that) because "Le Festin" does have Bacchus in the foreground. But, what about the skit? Yes, there is Bacchus in the foreground in some scenes, but not in the one in question. 

   "Le Festin des Dieux" and "The Last Supper" have much in common. Both have the characters situated behind a long table. None of the characters are in front of the table, but all behind it. Both have a person at the middle of the table who faces the audience. That person has a halo or aureole around his head in both pictures. In both pictures, he is flanked by other characters. The thought might come up: did one of the two paintings imitate the other? If so, which one is guilty? Weren't the Greek gods and their mythology around long before Christ and his apostles? Doesn't that settle it? No, it doesn't. "The Last Supper" was painted about 1495-98. And "Le Festin"? It was not created until 1635-1640. If one is copying the other, it had to be"Le Festin" copying "The Last Supper."

   One thing that is in one of the skit pictures that is not in "The Last Supper" is a red cross just above the lady at the center of the table (lesbian activist Barbara Butch). I tried to look that picture up again, but for awhile could not find it. Still, I knew I had seen it. Then, as I was closing all the windows on my computer as I had finished this study, I spotted it. It is in an picture from The Associated Press. That a red cross was in one of the pictures of the skit grants even more credence to the notion that the skit was influenced by "The Last Supper." A cross? Now, why would that be thrown in? I would question whether a cross is present in ancient mythology, but I know it is front and center in Christianity.

   As you might guess, this controversy attracted the attention of Snopes, which noted the denials from skit and Olympics officials and left it at that. Snopes didn't say the accusation that the skit was based on "The Last Supper is wrong," but it left you with that impression.

   Me? I believe I have studied it well -- even better than
did. And, yes, I lean towards believing the skit was influenced by da Vinci's famous work.