Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Warn Them

You can tap them on the back
You can warn that they aren't listening
But they shrug and turn away
Sometimes with angry eyes glistening

Warn them of the time
We will have to pay the piper
Warn them it will be too late
To change the world's diaper

Once the atmosphere is ruined
It's too late to change
Not in the ocean
And not in the mountain range

Monday, December 30, 2024

Jimmy Carter Should have been More Appreciated While President

   Jimmy Carter's approval rating was 31 percent in 1980. Obviously, he was not a popular president. Nobody liked the guy (well, almost nobody). He was the same person 19 years later in 1999, believing in the same things. But, what's this? His approval rating as a former president jumped to 66 percent -- that's more than double.
   Carter is ranked as one of our most religious presidents. He was one of the most morally courageous and ethical presidents we have had -- right up there with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
   So, why so unpopular when in office and yet so popular a couple decades after he left office? Answer: We judge our politicians by their politics. Morals don't matter. But, once outside of the presidency, we are no longer encumbered by their politics. Carter won a Nobel Peace Prize. You have to appreciate that. 
   Bless Jimmy Carter this day. He should have been more appreciated while president. We, as the American people, should value virtue and goodness ahead of politics. We don't. It remains a failing of the American people to this day.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Andronnikov's Vow

Perhaps Maximilian
Maximilian Andronnikov will end this war
He calls himself "Caesar"
And he's prepared to leave everything on the battle floor

Reach Moscow or die trying
Is Andronnikov's vow
Conquer Russia
A feat never possible till now

Putin's warriors are fighting
A fearsome Ukrainian host
They have no time for Andronnikov
And perhaps they fear him the most

Will Putin be forced into peace
In the land of Ukraine
In order to turn his attention 
On this Andronnikov seeking his domain?

Friday, December 27, 2024

Temperatures Rise

Winter was not always so
Winter was winter
With snows that did blow

Oh, not to say that all winters are gone
There yet are bleak ones
There are those that hang on

But increasingly, unceasingly
The lawn never dies
As throughout the world
Temperatures continue to rise

A Day of Dark Skies

Hear the bells of warning
Awakening our land
A day of woe is coming
And that day is soon at hand

A day of dark skies
And storms across our land
A day when freedom flees us
And we bow to their command


The deepstaters are alive
They're doing very well
And they are every bit as dangerous 
As any cartel

Deepstaters in our capitol
Taking control so very soon
And once they gain entry
They will be our ruin

Thursday, December 26, 2024

 Bad Actors

This was not intended
The founding fathers would not have it so
Our nation ruled by the military
That's a shot across the bow

Some would say it's a conflict of interest
To fill a cabinet with military contractors
I must agree
They all are bad actors

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

The War

The war
Of 2024
When everything precious
From our heart was tore

Freedom and peace
From the west to the east
Honor and dignity
Were not of the least

Goodness and charity
Were lost that year
Every good thing
Was taken, I fear

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

 Invade them Tomorrow

He would take Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal
They would then belong to us
But taking them is going to cause a stir
It's going to cause a fuss

Why stop there?
Are there other lands to take?
Invade them tomorrow
Perhaps at daybreak

Monday, December 23, 2024

The Mountain Belongs to Alaska

The mountain belongs to Alaska
Let them make the call
McKinley or Denali
What do you say, y'all?

Politicians in Washington
Throwing their weight around?
Let's have some sanity
Those guys are unwound 

Sunday, December 22, 2024

They Are All Adding Up

Alas, alas, and woe is me
The press is already in his hands
He's turned the nation to social media
And the main media is being washed under the sands

Two million followers for Vani Hari
Who's on Instagram 
And six million following Patrick Bet-David on YouTube
They are bludgeoning the main media
Like a battering ram

Others like Hari, and others like David
They are all adding up
And as they are increasing
Their growth not ceasing
They grow to a dog from a pup 

 In a Dusty Village

In a dusty village
Far outside the city
Live two dozen people
Whom we should pity

They are the few
Rejected by the many
Kicked out of the city
Out of the land of plenty

Pilgrims, we should call them
But migrants, is what you say
Just a bunch of dirty people
And you wish they'd go away

Friday, December 20, 2024

Tribunal in Heaven

War is often necessary
But never is it kind
Death and dying
Are the only things you find

Dead bodies
Everywhere and all around
No time to bury them
Underneath the ground

I have a message for war
Signed by our God
There will come a tribunal in heaven
For war's death squad

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Break Things Down

They break things down as much as you possibly can 
Do Trump and his boys
But there's method in their madness
Their madness will bring them joys

What is broken becomes yours to fix
So, then you get credit for that
Being the person who fixes it
Is such a wonderful stat

Break it down, fix it up
It notches a win for you
And it's a win-win
For the people will love it when you do

Do it with Harm

Do it with harm, is Donald's creed
Do it with malice and hate
Do it to destroy America
Do it to bring that as our fate

Do it?
Donald will do it with harm
Do it?
Donald will sell the farm

You might not think he's all that bad
And, well, I guess you are right
But everything he does
He does in hate and spite

No, he doesn't want to destroy our land
But that will be the result
But when our nation has been swept away
Trump will be at fault

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

 Don't do It

Don't do it, Americans say
Don't throw our democracy away
Don't reign like a king
Don't turn our blue skies to gray
Don't, please don't, please don't

Trump smiles back
A knapsack thrown over his back
Filled with all the things
That a dictator brings

Don't do it
Just, please don't do it
The Americans say
Throw your plans away

Don't do it
Don't do it
Don't do it

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Elon Spots a Way

Donald comes along
Elected by the masses
And Elon Musk spots a way 
Aided by his glasses

He'll now get even more
His campaign spending will be rewarded
They say the rich get richer
But this is kind of sordid

An Invitation

An "invitation for corruption"
That's what Liz Cheney calls it
Elon Musk uses Donald Trump
To get so rich we have a fit

Government contracts, you know
Make him number one
The richest man in all the world
And with all that money, he sure has some fun

Turn Your Back

Turn your back on the rain
Turn your back on the wind
Turn your back on Donald Trump
Never elect him again

The storms are mostly his fault
Bringing wind, rain and snow
Turn your back on Donald Trump
Tell him he's got to go

Monday, December 16, 2024

Danny, Danny

Danny, I hope things get better 
40-point losses are stacking up
Nothing much to cheer about
No cause to erupt

Danny, you're presiding
Over the worst the Jazz have ever been
They just keep on losing
Again, again, and again  

Sunday, December 15, 2024

 The Mystery of the Drones

Whose drones are these?
And from wince do they come
You say they won't hurt us
But they might, at least some

Will they destroy our houses
Our lives and our homes?
There's very little safety
In the coming of drones

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Christopher Wray

Christopher Wray stepped out of the way
Leaving room as he left to soon
Trump's grip on the nation, grip on the land
Was now a strengthened hand, a harder command 

The Cannonball and the 409

Barreling down the track
Came the Cannonball
This brand-new train
Was the fastest of them all

Coming the other direction
Was the 409
Challenging the Cannonball
Asking if it had the spine

The 409 taunted
And the Cannonball laughed back
But when they met it the middle
They were both knocked off the track

 A Check-in on the Day

A check-in on the morning  
A check-in on the day
Sometimes skies are blue
Sometimes skies are gray

A check-in on my sweetheart
A check-in on my love
I am not the only one watching you
There is the God above

I'm thankful we're a team
In watching over you
God and I love you, dear
So, we tag team our peekaboo's

Friday, December 13, 2024

War is This

War is blood and death
It's fighter planes in the sky
It's fathers not coming home
It's armies of Jedi

War is mournful crying
It's bombs every day
War is the agony
Of hopes that run away

War is fighting in the streets
It's tanks, grenades and drones
It's graveyards
And unburied bones

It's atomic bombs, nuclear bombs
Chemical weapons, as well
It's the fury of Satan unleashed
In every valley and in every dell 
Proof is in the Pudding

The proof is in the pudding
When you bake the pie
Will Trump do Project '25?
Is that what's in his eye?

If he hires the project's people
If the project comes about
We'll know it's what he had in mind
All along, no doubt 
Count Them

Count them, Forbes magazine did
There are nine Trump nominees who were part of Project 2025
So, does Trump and 2025 jive?

Hide and watch
Hide and look
And we'll know if we're mistook 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

 You can't take it Back 

You don't have a ghost of a chance
To take down Donald Trump
Now that he's been elected
It's not just a speedbump

Mistakes are mistakes
And now you've made one
And you can't take it back
Once he has won

Throughout the Land

There comes a terror
Spreading throughout the land
And I fear that terror
Has spread from sand to sand

The terror set in
In the election
The election of '24 

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


We chased them in the Highlands
We chased them in the hills
Then we chased them in the valley
And in the valley rills 

We pursued them deep into the forest
And deep into the night
And come the morning sun 
We pursued them with our might

War is such a terror
War is such a fright
This killing of each other
Is never, never right 

Luigi Mangione

Luigi Mangione, why did you kill him?
The United Health Care CEO
You killed him because of botched health care
I guess you think that was fair

Luigi Mangione, you are heir to a fortune
Your family is very rich
I wonder what will happen now
If it's money you must ditch 

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Be Alone

Nikola - Nikola Tesla said it 
And now you can say that you have read it
"Be alone, that is the secret of invention"
It seems that's when the brain reaches a new dimension
"Be alone, that is when ideas are born." 
And if Tesla said it, it's not an idea to scorn 

Too Busy Having Kicks

Sober moments, you might say
Must simply wait for another day
Too much laughing, too much fun 
They're all we have room for today

Serious moments, our nation has
So many things we should fix
Things to be serious about
But we're too busy having kicks

A Thousand Years

What if we could live a thousand years
A thousand years in peace
Hate would decline
And love would increase

A thousand years of happiness
A thousand years caring for each other
A thousand years of loving
Like a sister and brother 

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Never Kills the Mouse

A cat with closed eyes
Never sees the mouse
Never cleans the floor
Never cleans the house

America is that cat
And Trump is that mouse
We'll never kill the mouse
We'll never kill the louse 
Blood Brothers

Trump and his blood brothers
Are ravaging the land
They've conquered the nation
They've taken command 

When Freedom's Lost

When freedom's lost
It's urgent
Fight the insurgent
Not a time to talk about the weather
Nor stand outside and smoke
Get up and fight the bloke

Winds of Change

Winds of change swept across the land
And we knew that trouble would soon be at hand
We would come to know him as President
And of all our woes he would be the embodiment

Change arrives with the wind
It erases what might have been
And it brings to power, Trump and his men

Unfit for Office

Who did we elect?
Who did we select?
He's unfit for the office
He's a derelict   

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Bring Injustice to Justice

Bring injustice to justice
Bring crime to a halt
Arrest everyone
Who has a criminal fault 

Friday, December 6, 2024

Society Housed in Bless

A society that's good
Whose people are moral 
A society marked by this
Is a society housed in bliss

 Legend of the Sand

Came the legend, the Legend of the Sand
In 2024, a wind swept over the land
Trump was elected, as sure as sand does fly
And the sands of time buried the land
And everyone did die

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

 Swept Away That Day

Is freedom but a fantasy?
Is that all that is left?
Cry for our nation
Cry like the bereft

Our nation's liberty
Was swept away that day
Everything crumbled
As if made of clay

 The Man and His Cohorts

The man and his cohorts
The man and his friends
Have designs on our freedom
To bring it to ends

They conspire and fire everyone good
They know how to conquer
At that, they are good


Teardrops from a tower
Fall upon our land
Some of them sparkle
And some of them offer hope
Can the tears save us?
Or is the answer nope?

 A Criminal's Cronies

A criminal and his cronies
Are all one and the same
Trump nominates those he loves
And they all share in his game

 Trump's Fixation

Trump has a fixation
With putting this nation in a fix
Really screwing it up
Is one of his better tricks

He laughs with joy as he goes about his work
How great are the things he can do
He's messing with this nation, and he's messing it up
It'll be one big mess by the time he's through

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Fool the people

Fool the people twice
Trump has that line down to perfection
Yes, twice now, he's won the election

But there's another line
That Trump is also good at
You can't fool all the people all the time
Unless they're drunk on wine

I think I made up the last little bit
But the words just seemed to fit 


Shauflin, it was
Who taught me
He was like a dad to me
Taught me about America
Land of the noble and free

Long ago as Shauflin looked ahead to our day
He warned me the day was coming 
When the skies would be dark and gray

He spoke of a coming election
When there would be a dark and shadowy man
Who would take away the freedom
All the freedom in the land

Monday, December 2, 2024

 It Was Not Until Donald Trump

The end of the line for democracy
In America
More than 300 years we've stood
As the land of liberty
It was not until Trump was elected
That we gave up being free

Sunday, December 1, 2024

 Hunter's Pardon

Wrong, it was for Biden to pardon his son
He committed a crime, but Joe made it undone
There is honor in upholding the law
Hunter didn't do that, and that sticks in my craw
Looking Down with Scorn

Rejecting our forefathers
Is what this nation has done
All that Washington fought for
Has now become undone

The election didn't go well for us
Liberty from us was torn
And if the forefathers are looking down at us
They are looking down with scorn

Trump Traveled this Road

This road leads to China
And Russia
To Venezuela
And to Cuba
It will never get you to Aruba 

Trump traveled this road
Conquered it, in fact
And now that we've elected him
We will not be able to go back