First Tea and now Coffee. Both are now in Utah, as the Coffee Party Movement has arrived, months ago in fact.
These Coffee Partiers claim civility as their calling card, taking a pledge in keep their tongues civil as they pursue reforming things. Now, there's a difficult task: keeping one's members courteous. Already, there's a story of how they hissed when Sarah Palin's name was mentioned at one of their meetings.
What was it Thumper's mom or dad taught him? "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"?
Mindy Parrish heads up the Utah Coffee Party Movement. As of two weeks ago, when I spoke to her at the Democratic Party Convention, as many as 40 people had attended individual meetings and altogether 130 had attended meetings since the first one March 13.
Democrats are attracting to the movement quicker than Republicans, but it is open to both. Parrish says she in the past has been an independent and "maybe just politically homeless."
Living up to their name, they often meet in coffee houses, but meetings can also be held in homes, should someone want to start a coffeeless Coffee Party club. Parrish is at
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