Did you catch the Sunday news item that 25,000 drug violence deaths in Mexico have occurred since President Felipe Calderon commenced his war on the drug cartels in 2006?
Sounds like he's ran into a little resistence, doesn't it? Twenty-five thousand is a staggering number.
Or was it the mass grave story, with 51 bodies being found, that caught your attention?
How many police officers does Ciudad Juarez (just across the border from El Paso) have? About 3,000, I believe, which evidently is not enough. Juarez is the center of the storm in the drug violence.
Oh, and unless they've been recalled recently, the Mexican government also has 7,500 troops deployed in Juarez. Now there's a number worthy of calling this a war.
I ran into a friend from my home town today, who had just returned from the Mexican border just south of Laredo. He went as far as the border on business, but was caught in a drug-cartel traffic jam. The drug runners hijacked some trucks and -- did I get this correct? -- killed 16 people? If per chance, that is not just a rumor, then they must have been killed on the Mexican side of the border or surely we would have heard about it. Maybe it was all rumor.
"It's a war zone down there," my friend said.
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