There is a way to save the economy. I do not favor Obama's solution, as it calls for massive federal spending and we are too much the debtor nation already. But there is a simple, untried but sure-fire way to save the economy.
I say sure-fire, because it seems to me nothing would prevent it from working, but you decide for yourself.
Obama is calling for making the old Bush tax cuts for the middle class permanent, but letting Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy expire.
I say, we don't need to tax the wealthy anymore than anyone else.
But, it is them we should look to for a solution. And, if we go about this right, they will stand in line to volunteer to help.
Injecting money into the economy is a good idea. But whose money should we use? So far, the party being called upon is Uncle Sam. But, he's broke. Let's not turn to someone who doesn't have money to be our big spender.
Let's turn to the rich. They are the ones with the money. And, these are the people responsible for prividing a large share of our jobs already. They are the experts in what needs to be done. Turning to them is turning to our experts.
Ours is a nation full of "millionaires and billionaires," most of them being good, solid citizens. And -- here's the thing to notice -- many of them double as what we call philanthropists, giving large sums to charity.
We may need to tweak their concept of charity a little, but I would think that for the asking, they would start a few new businesses. Starting and running businesses is what they do best. They are already giving to charity. Why would they not do this?
Let's appeal to the civic-mindedness in our wealthy, asking them to create companies that might not necessarily turn profits, companies geared not toward making money but providing jobs.
And, while were at it, let's create jobs for everyone.
I don't know how many times in world history its been done, but there really is no reason it cannot be done. Let's put a company at each pocket of unemployment, creating a company for the beggars and panhandlers, another for those on any Indian reservation where jobs are scarce, another for those on TANF (the common welfare program: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), another for those on Unemployment Insurance, and another for those at the homeless shelters.
And, so forth.
Let's take the jobs to the unemployed. There is no reason we cannot have 100 percent employment, 100 percent of those who are willing and able.
Government doesn't have to fix every problem. With this one, let's let our rich fix it.
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