Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Although it seems obvious passing along negative things about people has to be part of public discourse, I find myself pausing at yesterday's post, thinking on the post from the day before.

Passing along the negative news about Huntsman definitely hurts him. If I truly loved him, would I pass something that hurts another person?

Perhaps a few checks are in order before negativity is passed along, even when the negativity has become widely disseminated as news. One, Should the information impact whether my listener will vote for the person being discussed? If not, I have no need to pass the information along. In the case of Huntsman, I have to decide whether his level of belief in the Church is a matter that should impact whether people vote for him. I believe a person should be elected on the merits of what they stand for, regardless of their church. I have voted against those of my faith. But I do believe religion should be a factor, though not the leading one.

Two . . . I'll come back to this post tonight. 'Tis time to go to work.

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