All good science will tell you man descended from ape. And, I'm here to tell you, that if he did, all good evidence is that it happened at about, oh, 4000 B.C.
Significant, isn't it, inasmuch as this puts it right about the time of Adam and Eve.
Ever notice how for those millions of years in this globe's existence, the human form is not considered to have had much intelligence? A cave man, is all he was, with a brain allowing him to go little beyond the making of a fire.
And, ever notice how the human type -- and we are drawing this from history and science and archeology -- became markedly more intelligent after, oh, about 4000 B.C.?
And, here's another did-you-ever-notice: Did you ever notice how the evolution of man -- that stuff Charles Darwin has us believing in -- seems to have come pretty much to a halt along about, oh, 4000 B.C.? No longer was the man changing from a beast with a hairy coat, and no longer was the man evolving from someone who dragged his knuckles across the ground.
Ever study the different ages of technology, of science, of the advancement of man? Well, the first of the bunch was the Neolithic Revolution. It was the first technological revolution in all the millions of years this world has supposedly been here. Ever notice just when it is that this Neolithic Revolution took place? It is said it was 5,000 to 8,000 B.C. That is just in front of the day of Adam and Eve. Is the time frame off, just a little, and in reality it took place beginning with 4,000 B.C.? Maybe, but probably not. But, even then, it remains significant that the human form roamed the earth for millions of years before time comes to give credit to a single age of technological revolution taking place. And, it is significant that that the first scientific revolution up just happens to fall right before Adam and Eve.
It lends credence to the theory that if mankind did descend from beasts, the transition came at the time of Adam and Eve, and in the form of Adam and Eve.
I'm not done. Ever open up your the encyclopedia to find out when recorded history began? It was about 4,000 B.C. That means of all the written records that have ever been found, there are no written records of what was going on before about 4000 B.C.
We have a term, that scientists and historians use, "prehistory." Prehistory is the period before recorded history. It is interesting -- and perhaps significant -- that prehistory falls just before the time we suppose Adam and Eve to have been here.
So, if man descended from ape, let us consider it probably happened about the time of Adam and Eve.
And, let's not rule out that they may have been two different creatures, man and ape. If there is such a distinction along about 4000 B.C., maybe it is because one did not descend from the other. Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, I believe I have left you reason enough to believe the Bible story of the creation is true -- and that there is scientific or historical evidence to back it up.
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