Thursday, May 31, 2012

NYC Moves to Regulate Soda Pop Usage

The first place in the nation to limit the sale of sugary drinks? Possibly it will be New York City, where a proposed ban on selling drinks larger than 16 ounces would go into effect in March 2013.

Now, America has banned a lot of things. Marijuana, cocaine, and methamphetamine all come to mind. But those are substances that alter the mind.

Not so, soda pop.

Tobacco? It doesn't alter the mind. And, although it isn't banned anywhere that I know of, the government does limit how much tar and nicotine cigarettes can contain. One could argue the limits imposed on tobacco, though, are not so low enough as to affect the traditional product, whereas the limit of 16 ounces will take away a commonly sold size of soft drink (other than that they can simply buy two 16 ounce drinks instead of one 32 ounce).

Another precedent would be drink limits on alcohol, which are already around, such as a two-drink limit. Alcohol, though, is a mind-altering substance.

Still, a limit on the size of sugary drinks, should it be enacted, would be notable, since it would mark a step towards government regulation of food not considered healthy. The move does mark an inroad into the right of the consumer to buy what product he or she wants and however much of it he or she wants.

The NYC proposal is expected to be enacted.

1 comment:

  1. Sad the need for such law is beeing seen. As a people we haven't made the wisest health choices.
