What think ye of Christ? There is much thinking of Christ that can come from the Book of Mormon. Among the great sermons on Christ, the great prophecies of Christ, are those in 1 Nephi 11, 2 Nephi 25, Alma 7. Taking just from those three messages, we learn:
1 Nephi 11. Prophets knew Christ would be born of a virgin who was living in Nazareth. And, there would be one who would come before the Redeemer, and who would baptize Him. And, the Lamb of God would heal the sick and afflicted of all manner of diseases and unclean spirits. And, the Son of the Everlasting Father would be judged of the world, and crucified by the people
2 Nephi 25. Prophets knew Christ would come among man in the flesh and would be rejected of men, who would crucify Him. And, He would lay in a sepulchre three days, and then rise from the dead, and all those who would believe on His name would be saved. We learn the were told when He would come (600 years from that time), and they were told what His name would be (Jesus Christ).
Alma 7. The time was not far distant that the Redeemer would come. This prophecy even gave us the name of His mother, Mary. And, the prophecy taught that He would suffer pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind. And, He would loosen the bands of death, and blot out the transgressions of the people. The prophecy also taught that the people must repent of their sins.
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