Friday, July 6, 2012

Take the Most-Damaging Drug and Spike it

If society were in position to reduce murder, rape, and other violent crimes, should it do so?

Be quick to say, "Of course," if you will.

So, what of alcohol? If the website linked below is correct, alcohol is a factor in 40 percent of our murders and half of our rapes. Alcohol use leads to more violent crimes than any other drug. And yet, it is alcohol that is legal. Is not there argument, then, that of all drugs, the one that should be outlawed is the one causing the most damage?

I will pause to say maybe not all alcohol use should be prohibited, but much of it should. Can we look at all the harms and simply sit back and say, "No, people just would not accept a prohibition."

Perhaps they should. Perhaps the public should be educated. Perhaps we, as a society, should say we will do something about murder, rape, and violent crime when it is in our power to do so.

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