Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Guns: If They are Evil, They are a Necessary Evil

"It will be necessary for men of peace to have guns, as long as men of violence do. We can't put all the force in the hands of evil." -- Louis L'Amour

For all the need to have fewer guns in America, there remains a need to have guns.

And, in the hands of the populace. 

I do not know the proportion of crimes cut short by citizens with their own guns. Nor do I know how many shootings are only made worse when citizens do intercede. If statistics show me wrong, I likely will change my opinion.

Until then, I hold that guns can make a difference. I am with those who argue that if the principal at Sandy Hook had had a gun, instead of just rushing the shooter, she would have shot him, shortening the carnage.

I'm with those who say that if you don't have a gun to defend yourself, then you are a sitting duck.

I'm with those who say that while it takes a while for the law to arrive, a gun already at the scene can stop the criminal about as quick as he is getting started.

Guns are not inherently good. But, if they are evil, they are a necessary evil. They are an instrument of death, but they can also be the instrument that saves lives. 

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