Monday, February 18, 2013

Maybe Food as Food is a Welfare Answer

Okay, maybe we should change things up, big time, with many of our welfare assistance programs, no more issuing checks, or debit cards, or Food Stamps.

Part of the reason to do this, is to fight fraud. 

The best way to avoid fraud is to have a system where it can't take place. In fact, that might be the only way. We don't know how many store clerks help their customers out a little, letting them use Food Stamps for cigarettes or pornography or whatever. But, this could help stop it. 

Deliver the food as food.

Now, you might warn me that there is going to be a whopping big delivery bill for all this. But, I mean this: Why-oh-why does it have to be the government delivering the food? We have food banks everywhere. Many of the food recipients live close enough they can pick the food up. Food banks also often deliver, though, so let them when they have to.

Expand the charity food banks. Let them build bigger warehouses. They are already doing this (providing food), so why take the job away from them? Why not just expand their role? Instead of expanding government, for once, expand the public's role. And, let the public continue to donate to the food banks, encouraging more contributions to cover increased expenses. (Food banks, though, already get federal dollars, so we should be looking for ways to shift that as much as possible back to public donations.)

I read a story recently, of how since we jacked up our cigarette taxes in Utah, now as much as one-third of the cigarettes are now contraband. I don't smoke, but it seems almost all cigarettes sold are sold at established, reputable stores. Are the clerks actually selling one-third of the product as contraband? I do very much doubt it. I can hardly imagine. But, it does make me wonder how many clerks are helping their welfare customers out. 

Well, as I close, I do see what might go wrong, and it is that the food banks might become too reliant upon the government for their support. Our charities will need  to go out and hire sizable new staffs, expand their warehouses and such. So, we must make it so that the money being allotted can only be allotted to pay for the client's food bill. The food bank must be forced to get the new money from public donations. You might say this won't work. I say it might. I say just because the public must participate more, does not mean it won't. I do believe in an America that steps up when something needs to be done. I do believe in an America that doesn't think the government has to do everything. I believe in an America, in fact, that actually would welcome this change.

And, I believe in starting a shift of welfare from the government's shoulders to the shoulders of the public.

So, while I ought to whittle my mind some more on this idea, it is a thought worth whittling.

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