So, what would be a great America, if we were to look to the future, and what we must do to be a great nation not of the past, but in times to come?
Is it in remaining the world's policeman? Is it in winning wars? Surely, that is one way to remain great. But, need that be the greatness we seek?
Is it in returning to the perch of having the best education system? Is the nation that leads the world in education, the same that leads the world, period? Surely education is important, and a well-educated society does reflect greatness.
Is it in having the most inventions and developing the most technology?
Is it being an economic power without peer? Is it in having the highest standard of living of any nation on earth?
Is it being the most refined in culture, of leading in movies, of dominating in sports?
Or, is greatness measured by how we treat our own, and the freedoms we offer them? Is greatness to be measured by the extent of our equality?
Well, I know it is not Sunday today, and, yes, my website is mostly a political one. But . . .
I know that many of the measurements will only be reached if we draw close to God. I leave you to argue with me, if you will, but I simply believe God will honor us if we honor Him. He will bless us if we seek Him. If we are to be great, it is possible it will come not from seeking greatness, but seeking God. I know many great nations have existed that have not exactly been God-fearing ones. Still, I believe it has been a formula for this nation, and if the principle has done us good in the past, it can do us well in the future. I say, dance with the one who brought you. We were founded on principles of religious liberty. Our forefathers relied on God. Much of our greatness is due to our turning to God.
If it has been the formula that has made us great, let's turn to God now and forever.
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