Tonight, I wonder. We argue that guns are a preeminent right. We argue that restrictions on video games and music about violence would go against freedom of speech. We argue that people should not be forced to do as they should, that they should have free agency.
Well, tonight, I wonder.
I consider there might be value to the thought that if a society abuses its freedoms, there are perhaps some of them they should lose. A parent might let an older child use a gun, but if the parent is wise, if the child displays any tendency to use the gun for violence, the parent takes that gun away.
You will argue we are not children. I will argue that if we conduct ourselves irresponsibly, we are no better than children. What is good for the gosling (baby goose) is good for the goose and gander. I think of the student from Australia, gunned down by teenagers whose influences included hip hop music about violence, sex and drugs. I wonder if the student athlete was not worthy of our protection.
No, I am not ready to say, Outlaw violent videos and violent music. But, yes, I wonder. I wonder about the principle of giving more to those who cherish and wisely use what is given them, but taking it away from those who (at any age) are not ready for the blessings and responsibilities they are given.
And, I realize that to be effective, sometimes we might have to take the responsibilities away from our society, at large, not just from those who have already committed their crimes.
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