On a day of welcome news that Syria might surrender its chemical weapons, I found myself giving thought to a limited engagement.
As in, target Bashar al-Assad, surgically remove him, and consider whoever replaces him probably cannot be any worse. Remembering how we sought out Osama bin Laden, who was hiding, it would seem an easier task to seek out Assad, who is not. If killing bin Laden was justified, what of Assad? Or, would this be a dangerous trend, for we surely cannot make a practice and taking out every foreign leader who earns our sharp disapproval.
I felt sorry for bin Laden and sorry for Saddam Hussein. I would feel sorry for Assad. But, yes, part of me wonders if it would be the right thing to do. Just part of me. I'm not decided.
More, I wonder if this is what President Obama has in mind. No big mass attack. Just Assad, and we're out. And, I believe Assad must be fearing it. Today's news included him saying the order to use the chemical weapons cannot be pinned on him. Why would he worry about it being pinned on him, individually, unless he feared we might come after him, individually?
And, if he is willing to dismantle and turn in the chemical weapons, that, too, is a sign he might fear for his life.
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