This is a point worth repeating. Most, perhaps, now believe we are born with the sexual orientation we must have for the rest of our lives.
I beg to differ, at least in part.
Oh, perhaps it is that the attraction we have for one sex or the other never leaves us, not from birth till death. That might be so. But, I suggest the preference of sexes might be changed. Very possibly.
Here why:
I'm thinking we all are born with sexual urges, sexual desires. So, we are all born with two things: sexual orientation, and sexual desires. (Perhaps not everyone is, but it does seem so.) Now, these are not the same thing. Sexual desires are related to sexual orientation, yes. But, no, they are not the same thing. One can affect the other and one can dominate the other.
And, if one can dominate the other, that means it can be the controlling influence.
Plus, there is another factor: Choice. Everyone has this, too. Now, if a person has sexual desires, that person can choose how they will be fulfilled, including whether to fulfill them with a male or a female. You may counter that there is no such choice, that the affection direction you were given is the affection direction you must practice.
But, remember, I said sexual desires are not the same thing as sexual orientation. Sexual desires are there regardless of the sexual orientation. Sexual desires are just this: the desire for fulfillment of sexual interaction.
And, that can be achieved with either sex, if you choose to let it.
A person might not even be looking for sexual gratification outside their given orientation, and it happens upon them, and they find it was enjoyable. So, their mind adjusts their sexual orientation to include the gratification they just had. How far that change goes, and whether it can make the original orientation dormant, I do not know. But, the new partnering choice can be the one the person settles into and ends up practicing. And, if you practice something, that is what you are.
Well, I think I have made a strong argument that sexual orientation can be altered. But, if I didn't persuade you, at least I came up with a new term for sexual orientation (affection direction).
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