The man who has your ear, has your heart. If someone is not in good favor with you, often that would change if you gave them audience, listening to them and learning why they do what they do.
You are more likely to dislike someone being talk about than someone you take the time to talk with.
There are two sides to every story, it is said. Yet, too often, we come to judgement after hearing only one side. We believe the face before our face and agree that the other party is guilty.
What can we learn from this? If you are a person who sits over others, having a position of judgement or leadership, know it is wise to bring the accused in and hear their side of the story. And, if you are anyone who hears negative things of others (that includes us all), if you are inclined to act upon negative information, either by treating the person illy or by passing the gossip along, first talk to the person and learn their reasons and situations.
And, if you are on the other side, if you are the person being gossipped about, and seek fair treatment, get before those who you fear may wrongly judge you, and explain yourself.
(Updated 8/27/14)
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