Tuesday, September 9, 2014

It is Congress that Should take More Responsibility in War

   When I heard about a week ago members of Congress taking President Obama to task for saying he didn't have a plan for how to deal with ISIS, I thought it a little ironic.
   For it is to them, not to the president, that the Constitution gives power to declare war. More, the Constitution say Congress shall define and punish piracies and felonies on the high seas. It says Congress shall make rules concerning captures on land and water. It says Congress will provide and maintain a Navy, raise money and support armies, make rules for the calling forth and regulation of land and naval forces, and  provide for the calling forth of the militia.
   It says that it is Congress that shall provide for organizing, arming, disciplining and governing of the militia.
   So, if you thought that Congress had little more to do than to sign off on a war when the president came calling with the request, go back and read the Constitution again. It sounds more to me like Congress is to be in charge, and the president is to do the bidding. The president is commander in chief, but I think of a commander in chief as being the lead officer executing what Congress tells him to do, not the person who organizes, governs and says when and where the wars shall take place.
   Who should have a plan for how we are to handle ISIS? It seems to me, Congress should be taking a bigger role in that.

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