Justified homicide. Salt Lake City police officer Bron Cruz reasonably feared Dillon Taylor was reaching for a gun, and shot him dead. So ruled Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill.
There is reason to believe the decision correct. Be sad for loss of Dillon Taylor's life. But . . .
If police receive a report of someone flashing a gun, and go to investigate, and find people who look like the suspects . . .
If one of them walks away, and does not follow orders to show his hands, but keeps them in his pants, manipulating them, yelling what sounds like, "No, fool," in response to the orders . . .
If one hand suddenly begins what looks like a drawing motion as he turns to face the officer . . .
The law says the officer is justified in using deadly force if he reasonably believes that use of deadly force is necessary to prevent someones death or serious bodily injury.
That can be a dangerous law. In this case, though, I'd say Cruz sincerely feared Taylor was pulling a weapon.
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