Bless the Gazans, and rush to their relief.
It is said 4,100 homes were destroyed and 17,000 damaged, that 100,000 are homeless, that 32,000 have no running water, and 100,000 have it every 2-3 days, and that 80 percent of the water is unfit to drink. It is said that 90 percent of the people suffer power cuts and the rest have no power at all, that 80 percent of the families are on food aid, and 70 percent live on $3 a day. It is said that 95 percent of the industries are suspended.
Oh, help is on its way. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas asked for $4 billion in aid. Participants in an international donors conference, led by Qutar's $1 billion, bettered that request, pledging a combined $5.4 billion.
But, how quickly will the help come? Will the blockade, which bans entrance of such things as cement, steel and glass, prevent the nation from rebuilding much at all?
Supposing things are as severe as the reports suggest, let the international community rush more rapidly to help. Let them reason with Israel that they must be allowed to bring in the necessary building supplies. Let the wells be repaired and rebuilt and let power be brought back. Are current efforts successfully handling food needs? If so, keep them up. But, the economy must be rebuilt, so the people can support themselves.
Is one possible answer relocating the Gazans? What countries will accept them? Are we looking around for alternative locations for these people, or are we assuming they won't move? Or, are we saying that Israel must not be allowed to win in forcing these people to move elsewhere? If relocation will help them, and if they are wanting and willing, then relocate them. At least offer them relocation. I have not heard word one about any nation offering to relocate them to that nation. Why not?
There is an old German proverb: Charity asks not the cause, only the need. Let us not consider whether Hamas, which governs Gaza, is as much to blame as anyone, and whether Hamas will benefit if the people are aided. And, let not ask if Israel will be aided if the people are relocated.
Let's just help them.
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