Canceled, for a second straight year: Speed Week at the Bonneville Salt Flats. And, to me, we as a state ought to be more than just casually concerned. We ought to be doing everything we can to see that it gets rescheduled for a little later in the year, and everything we can to ensure this doesn't happen again future years.
And, everything we can to save the Salt Flats.
I'm thinking it is a big enough matter that state leaders should be weighing in and calling for action. I note the Utah Legislature is to go into special session here before long, to consider the prison relocation. And, I wonder but what this is not a big enough matter to call a special session for. The Salt Flats are quite a wonder. Speed Week brings in racers from various parts of the world. I am quite an advocate of preserving anything that makes us a draw to other parts of the world. I am quite a proponent of such things that bring tourism and acclaim to Utah.
To me, this is more than a news story and then we move on. To me, it is not enough to nod our heads, lament a little, then move forward. Forward really isn't forward if we leave this behind.
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