I will tell you why humor is serious business if you are seeking to craft a noble society. People will joke and laugh whether you give them some direction in how to do it or not. Humor will always be part of a society.
And, there is nothing more telling about their character than what they find to laugh about. If they laugh at others, and about them, that does not reflect well on them..
In a a person's humor, lies his character.
So, if you can train people to enjoy good, clean, undamaging humor, you can wield a better society. Help them understand it is not good to joke at another's expense, even when there is substance behind what they laugh about.
If you can laugh with the person being joked about, that improves the humor. If the joke is more in the spirit of, we all make mistakes, and here's one, then that improves it.. But, that humor can still fall short, and better yet is humor where no specific person is targeted.
So, laugh at situations, not individuals.
Having a good house of comedy is important then, as it gives the people a place to come and partake of humor that doesn't pick at people. It becomes a training place, and an influence for good. In the evening's introduction at the comedy center, explain to the audience the harms of humor critical of others. Then, let the audience enjoy one of the laughingest nights of their lives, that they learn humor can be humor without being hurtful.
Such a house of humor benefits the community, And, if made it so it attracts people from outside the city -- depending on how successful the marketing is -- it becomes an influence for good on a national or international basis.
The character of a nation is affected by what it chooses to laugh about, so teach th art of good humor. Make it a value worth teaching, worth learning, and worth sharing.
And, reap a better society.
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