Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are unalienable rights. Does this not mean no country has the right to take them from us? And, when a country does take them, and the emigrant flees to another country, will the new country honor these vestiges of freedom?
Would that America would honor them, for it is their founder.
When a person flees, it becomes for the new country to decide whether it will honor life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Unalienable rights, we said. Can the new country, then, make them alienable? Can it label the newcomers aliens, and thus make that which was unalienable seem to be alienable?
And, that which was immutable, muted?
If these rights are unalienable, no country has right to rip them away. They stand. They stand regardless the clime, and regardless the country. They stand hundreds of years after one of the founders of the American states put pen to paper, saying, "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
Of all nations that should stand behind these words, the country that declared them should.
All men are created equal. Those born without are equal to those born within. God endows mankind with their rights, and governments cannot justly strip them away. Unalienable rights lose no value with the change of venue. They answer not to borders, and evaporate not beneath different skies.
If a person flees from one country to the next, traveling in peace and bringing no intent of harm, that country he arrives in cannot in justice lock him out.
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