Sometimes, the problem with investigations is that they look only for crimes. It would be nice if the investigations into Russia's meddling in our election went beyond that. I would like to know what the Russians did, regardless whether a crime was committed. It was said that they used propaganda and disinformation to influence our election. That doesn't sound like a crime, but I would still like to know what stories they planted.
Same with the Donald Trump collusion angle. I hope the investigation doesn't just seek to find criminal offenses. I don't know that any crime was committed if Trump did get the Russians' help in being elected, but I would still like to know what happened.
I am not saying don't pursue criminal matters. If Trump tried to influence whether he was being investigated, that sounds criminal (to me), but it is something that arose as a sidebar to the original investigation of Russia influencing our election. I just don't want what was originally being pursued to be swept aside in favor of these later developments.
Nor do I want these later developments to focus solely on criminal matters. What has transpired, has transpired. I want to know. I think we, as a nation, deserve to know.
Impeach Trump? If he has committed a crime worthy of impeachment. But, I hope that isn't the drive behind the investigation. Instead of just focusing on those things that could push for impeachment, speak to all that has gone on.
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