It was always, Innocent until proven guilty, until the Castle Law came along. It was always felt the burden of proof should belong to the prosecution. If your offense is invading a home, however, you should know the law has been changed. If you are invading a home, you are now presumed guilty. Oh, and I'm not talking about being presumed guilty of trespassing into a home. No, you are presumed -- by your presence -- to have threatened the life or well-being of another. And, it is presumed he has the right to kill you. If you entered his home secretly, the law suggests that the only reasonable thing for him to do, is to kill you. So, the law has always been, Innocent until proven guilty? Till the Castle Law came along? But, gun-rights advocates got that changed. Their lobbyists persuaded our legislators to do away with this principle of justice when it comes to entering a home. Death to all who enter here, is the more correct principle nowadays, it seems. We talk about the power of the gun lobby. I cannot think of having more power than being able to get rid of the principle of innocence until proven guilty. Note: For those who want to read Utah's Castle Law, it says: The person using force or deadly force in defense of habitation is presumed for the purpose of both civil and criminal cases to have acted reasonably and had a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or serious bodily injury if the entry or attempted entry is unlawful and is made or attempted by use of force, or in a violent and tumultuous manner, or surreptitiously or by stealth, or for the purpose of committing a felony.
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