One secret to a strong economy is to have a large pool of the working poor.
Think of it, was not China once a poor nation? But, it became a great nation, economically, in part by taking its working poor, and working them for less than what other nations pay their laborers. Now, it is a principle of capitalism that if you make a product cheaper than someone else, you are going to sell more of that product than your competitors will.
It's basic economics.
China beat us at our own game. They took capitalism, and beat us up with it. By making products cheaper, they sold more. America, America, America: If you are to excel as a capitalist, you must find a way to hold your labor costs down. It is a lesson to be learned.
So, if we really want to make America great again, maybe we shouldn't build that wall.
Let me explain: A friend today pointed out to me that Japan once utilized its inexpensive labor to make transistors and televisions and other such products cheaper than other nations. Then, the Japanese became a little more sophisticated, and turned to making cars cheaper than others, while yielding a good share of their TV and transistor market to other nations.
Now, in the world of "sophistication," America is a leader. Long gone are the days of having a large pool of inexpensive labor. So, if we want to compete with the world -- if we want to make cars for less than other countries, can we find a way?
Hmm, don't think too hard, but don't we more working poor knocking on our door than any nation on earth? Yet, instead of welcoming them in and saying, "Pleeease, come, help us grow," we lock them out. Ironically, we suggest they will ruin our economy if we let them in. We are not too wise. No: We are so self-defeating as to speak of tossing up a wall to keep them out.
Let me say it again: If you make a product at less expense than your competitor, you will sell more products than he. And, if you don't keep your wages down, you won't be the country selling more cars or televisions or computers or sporting goods than anyone else.
The laws of economics will prevail against you. No secret there, is there?
But, we have an advantage over other nations. There is no country on earth where so many working -class people are clamoring to get in. If we were to but to capitalize on that, we might return our land to greater economic greatness than what we are now enjoying.
Make America great again. Knock down that wall before it is ever built.
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