Goodness seeks the truth. And, in pursuing it, it is slow to use the weapons of anger and belittlement. But, it is fast to use that which is not a weapon but rather is the strongest force of all -- love.
Goodness seeks the truth. It does not run from it. It does not hide from it. It does not say, "I will not discuss this with you any further." When there are disagreements, it welcomes discussion. But, it does not conduct its side with hate. It does not make false accusations, such as, "You are of the devil." Nor is it quick to fear-mongering, pronouncing false warnings. Yes, it may warn of dangers, but it weighs their truth before speaking of them.
Goodness does not only seek the truth, it is aligned with it. Which comes first might be hard to say, but one leads to the other.
Goodness does not only seek the truth, it brings it. Once it has found it, it shares it. And, it uses reasoning for its persuasion. It says, "Let's hear both sides and reason together, and then make our decision."
And, when the other side says something Goodness has not considered, it considers it.
I have suggested that before it uses a weapon, it will use a loving word. But, there are times it must use anger. When justice is at sake, Goodness must judge when it is time to endure, and when it is time to insist on justice.
Goodness protects others; it is not all about itself. In dispensing truth, it dispenses not only those truths that favor itself, but those which protect others. And, Goodness seeks out those in need of help, so it seeks the knowledge that will help their cause. If someone speaks ill of others -- especially when it is wrongly -- Goodness might be quick to their defense.
Goodness seeks not division, but unity. It does not seek to divide, by suggesting one group should be favored above another.
If we would learn what the truths are in this society of which we are part -- if we would know where to stand on the issues of our time -- we must know what Goodness is, for it will guide us those truths.
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