Evidence of the Bible, of its truth? To me, there is strong evidence. There are in the Old Testament, what are called Messianic scriptures. One, I believe, says not a bone of his body will be broken. These often are hidden passages, if I can call them that. They don't scream out the page, saying, This is a prophecy. Many of them are in Isaiah or Psalms, but other writers also offer them. They are prophecies, in that they take an event in the life of Christ, and prophecy that it will happen. Now, what are the chances that writers living in one age would write their prophecies, and then along would come another set of writers, who would pick out these prophecies and create events to "fulfill" the prophecies? If these are just books of fiction, what are the odds one set of writers would write these things, and another set come along and write things to "fulfill" these obscure passages? Now, yes, there are times in the New Testament where the writers point back to things from the Old Testament, and say this is a fulfillment of that. But, there are also these other passages, which I speak more particularly of. In them, the Gospel writer does not herald it as fulfillment, but rather just says what happened, passing over it quickly and being on to the rest of his story. If you are trying to make a prophet out of someone, it seems you would be more inclined to shout it out, saying, See, here, It says in Isaiah this would happen, and I'm here to tell you that it did. The beauty of the Bible is that it leaves you to study it, if you want to know of its truth. Just as Christ hid some things in parables, and just as Isaiah spoke in terms that hid things, so it is with these Messianic verses. And, that we have the parables and the hidden language of Isaiah, and the obscureness of the Messianic verses is consistent with the suggestion that it is one being, even God, who is behind the whole of the Bible. There is one voice. Now, consider that Christ says, To him that will hear, let him hear. To him that has ears to believe, let him believe. Those aren't the exact words, but they are close, and I don't have time to look up the exact quote. At one point, I believe, He comes right out and says that he is speaking in parables in order that the disbelievers will not understand what He is saying. But, in another, He says His sheep know His voice, and recognize it. How beautiful is truth, then, and how precious. It becomes more precious when it is hidden, and more of a gem when you must uncover it.
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