Stand for what is right, even when it is not popular. I'm going to suggest someone who is doing this -- and my suggestion will not be popular.
Colin Kaepernick.
You probably get your cackles up just hearing his name. So, you say, here's a guy who won't even salute the American flag, and who betrays all the lives that have been lost in war, and I am casting him as a hero -- a good guy? He's a socialist, you know. He wore socks depicting police as pigs.
Yes, him.
Kaepernick was raised a Christian -- a good one. He was instilled with Christian values. He has tattoos quoting from the scriptures.
I can't help but wonder but what that upbringing had a lot to do with his deciding not to salute the American flag. Along about that time, there was so much news about Black people being shot, Kap decided not to stand for the singing of the Anthem. He sat right through the national anthem. Afterwards, he tried to explain that he couldn't in good conscience salute a nation where such injustice is going on, people are being killed, and the officers shooting them are being placed on paid time off? Paid time off.
Can any of us understand why Kap didn't want to salute? Can we not but wonder but that this is what freedom of conscience is all about? If you think a nation shouldn't be doing something, and you feel it a grave wrong, and if people are going to their deaths because of it . . .
Is he so wrong for not wanting to salute that flag? You and I might continue to salute it. But, is Kap so wrong for taking a stand for that which he believes is right?
Well, for standing up for what he felt was right, he became one of the most despised persons in America. He became one of the most slandered. Everything he was doing, he was doing for money, they said.
Stand up for what you believe is right, even when it is unpopular? Yes, Kap is doing that.
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