Thursday, December 31, 2020

Was Anthony Warner Within His Second Amendment Rights?

    Anthony Quin Warner's right to keep and bear arms. Now, there's a topic that went overlooked and untouched, one that doesn't appear to have been treated by the media. Nor by officials. I heard Nashville's police chief say they couldn't get a search warrant because there was no evidence he was doing anything wrong. Now, they had his girlfriend saying he was making a bomb, and a lawyer was with her when she said it and he added his testimony. What more evidence do you want?

   But, if you have a Second Amendment right to own a bomb, it doesn't matter if the girlfriend and lawyer are warning he is making a bomb. It's his Second Amendment right. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. 

   It amazes me this apparently isn't being discussed anywhere. I google, Anthony Warner Right to Bear Arms. Nothing. I google, Anthony Warner Second Amendment. Nothing.

  We as a nation should be all abuzz about whether bombs are and should be protected by the Second Amendment. This should have brought the issue to the forefront of public debate.

   So, what's going on that there's no such discussion?

   You might suggest it is because bombs are regulated. You have to have an explosive handler's permit. Warner had once received one, but it had expired. Still, even with them being regulated, there is argument whether they should be. The Second Amendment simply says, "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." It doesn't make exceptions. Some of the founding fathers, themselves, owned artillery. 

   Time for discussion. As I said, the Nashville bombing should have brought this discussion to the forefront. Why hasn't it?

Tomorrow's promise is a new day, a new year

  Bless us, bless us, that we have no fear

A new motor and a new ride

  Let's just hope they come with a new gear

Basketball is More than X's and O's; It's !'s, as Well

    Too much coaching and not enough emotion. I would imagine there are times a coach stresses the X's and O's, saying, You need to be here at this moment. You need to do this. You need to do that.

   And, the players step on the court focusing on all the little things they need to do, and -- surprise -- they turn in a lackluster performance. For all the screens and switches and spacing they need to do, they need to play with inspiration more than anything. An inspired player will find a way to get things done. He will improvise. He will see the situation and quickly determine a way thru. 

   Basketball is more than X's and O's; It's !'s, as well. Regardless how well you draw it up, it's emotion that gets it done. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Encase Some Infrastructure Sites in Large Metal Domes

    The AT&T building next to where Anthony Warner blew up his bomb? With the security of the world resting on it, some of these things perhaps should be wrapped and enclosed in massive metal domes.

   The media buzzed yesterday, speaking of how Warner's attack on the AT&T building revealed how our nation's infrastructure is vulnerable to such attacks. With the whisk of a homemade bomb, Warner shut down 911 calls along with telecommunications in an area spanning a few states. You couldn't use your credit card. Flights out of Nashville were shut down. Etc.

   The Nashville explosion caused regional harm. But, a coordinated effort to take down our infrastructure buildings could have national or even international consequences. It was noted yesterday that at one poinr, 60 percent of the internet was being operated out of buildings in Virginia. It was noted that the hardware behind GPS worldwide is located in two buildings on an Air Force base in Colorado. 

   Putting a lid on some of these buildings, so to speak, by covering them with metal domes or some such, might seem a little much. But, is it? We should weigh whether we should do it. We should consider it. Our vulnerability has been exposed. If we are wise, we respond by doing something to alleviate the danger. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Safety of America Rest on Following Leads Like This

    The safety of America depends much on the tips of those who know that it isn't. Like, Nashville bomber Anthony Warner's girlfriend, who warned police more than a year in advance that he was making a bomb. 

    Did officials fail to take the girlfriend seriously enough? They didn't mount much of an investigation, if any at all.  They approached his RV, but couldn't get him to answer, so they walked away. Is it illegal to make a bomb? If not, the police couldn't so much as have gotten a search warrant, for if making a bomb is legal, the judge can't authorize a search.

   Or, is making a bomb indeed illegal, and the officials were simply guilty of gross negligence in not following the lead?

  It is not that the girlfriend was alone in warning police. Attorney Ray Throckmorton was there, and joined in the warning, telling police that Warner "knows what he is doing and is capable of making a bomb."

Monday, December 28, 2020

A Little Love Might Reduce the Number of Acts Such as This

The news story says that for reasons that may never be known, the Nashville bomber's audio switched to Petula Clark's 1964 hit, Downtown.

But, perhaps it should be obvious why Anthony Quinn Warner played this song. He was feeling lonely in life. So, he was going downtown to get his comfort.

The news story itself went on to mention that Warner took his life downtown. "The RV exploded shortly afterward, sending black smoke and flames billowing from the heart of downtown Nashville’s tourist scene," says the story. The explosion took place not far from AT&T, "a landmark in downtown," says the story.

Listen to the lyrics of Petula Clark's song:
"You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares
So go downtown,"

Warner was lonely. He warned the people with the audio he broadcasted. He chose a time of day when downtown wasn't busy. It is good that he took such steps to lessen the harm. That does not dismiss what damage he did do -- does not excuse it -- but thankfully he took some steps to lessen the harm.

Bless us, as a society, that we do not ignore the emotional needs of people like Warner. Bless us that we become more in tune with them, and that we extend more love to all those around us.

"And you may find somebody kind to help and understand you
"Someone who is just like you and needs a gentle hand to
"Guide them along
"So maybe I'll see you there
"We can forget all our troubles, forget all our cares
So go downtown"

As we speak, authorities will continue to look into Warner's past, and search for motives. They will contact his neighbors, they will tear apart his computer to find communications shedding light on why he did what he did. That he believed in the 5G conspiracy theory seems solid. Perhaps, they will find more on that or will find other motives. But, the song indicates loneliness was also a motive -- a definite motive.

Regardless how wrong Warner was for what he did, we as a society would help prevent acts such as this if we were just to love each other more. Many an act such as this results from someone lashing back at society, or seeking reason to justify their existence after reaching a point where they were not pertinent. Give love, give hope to all, and those who receive that love and hope will be less likely to commit such acts as did Anthony Quinn Warner.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

How have We Overlooked Those Living Right Under Our Noses?

   I read a story of how a group is bringing water to those in Central America, Africa, and elsewhere. Wonderful of them.

   Then, I consider that I read just this past week of how the comprehensive funding bill just signed into law tonight includes a part that provides $200 million to fund water for those on the Navajo Reservation in Utah. I think of all the years these Native Americans have gone without running water, while we have been chasing off to South America, Africa, and elsewhere, taking care of them (or starting to, for obviously, much needs yet to be done to get clean water to all the spots in the world). I do not fault our efforts to help those in Africa. Let's expand them, not reduce them in favor of the Navajos (and other First Americans living on reservations).

   I just wonder at how we ever came to overlook those on the reservations. I just wonder at how we are doing so little to relief the First Americans living in poverty. They should be smack-dab in front of our eyes. They are living in what is considered the richest nation on earth. We are a nation loaded with philanthropists. And, yet, so many of them are without electricity, without running water, and living in substandard housing.

   How does this happen?  

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Nurse the First Americans so They can Blossom as a Rose

   I would for a day when Native Americans forge to the front of America's society, when they become greater among this society, when they, so to speak, blossom as a rose.
   And, I look at how so much of our job force is shifting to home employment, and consider that this could be an opportunity for these First Americans. For the better part of two centuries now, many First Americans have been on reservations, where exists little in the way of job opportunities. This, then, is part of the chance we have to help the First Americans escape from their lives of poverty. 
   I think of a Christmas zoom call I was part of, and of how someone spoke of doing Covid tracing, and of how her state had been in need of more of these Covid tracers. I would imagine much of that work is being done by phone.
   Could we not look for opportunities such as this to employ those on the reservations? 
   But, do not let it stop there. Look for opportunities to place other job opportunities on the reservations. Our states have economic-development arms, luring hi-tech firms. Could these economic-development teams target hi-tech employment for the reservations? Many hi-tech companies might not fit on the reservation, as larger employment bases are needed. But, let our economic-development agencies watch for those opportunities that might fit. 
   And, whether it be the economic-development arms or the state education departments or the education departments, let's train those on the reservations for working in the hi-tech industry. I think of Western Governors University, and of how that online university exists. Could not a modest such university be created to train First Americans who live on the reservations? Or, instead of creating a new such university, couldn't the Western Governor's University be utilized to train those on the reservation?
   I look for the day the First Americans will blossom as a rose. I think of scriptures that speak of nations being as nursing mothers and nursing fathers for the tribes of Israel. To some, the First Americans are among the tribes of Israel. Let America, then, look to nurse them towards a greater role in our society.
   That government oversees those on the reservation, and cares after the First Americans on the reservations, is much a fulfillment of the revelation that kings shall be their nursing fathers and nursing mothers. Now, let us step up, and do more, and nurse the First Americans into a greater position in our society.

Friday, December 25, 2020

This is My Christmas Wish: Job Opportunities for First Americans

    Third-World America. That is what you could call the American Indian reservations. Often, no running water, no electricity, and substandard housing.

    It is said unemployment runs between 40 and 80 percent. Often, parents leave their children with grandparents to go off the reservation so they can earn money to support those children. 

   Back in the day, these First Americans lived off the land. They fished and hunted and lived on what the land gave them. Then, we rounded them up and placed them on reservations. Could they still make their way fishing and shooting deer on the reservation? I do not know. But, I think it time we provide employment opportunities that will bring them into the Twenty-First Century. This is not so much a call for government to do more to provide them employment as it is a call to private industry to bring work stations to the First Americans. Some ventures might not require large bases of employment, so the sparsely-populated reservations might yet be able to serve them. So, perhaps we can place some small manufacturing ventures on the reservations. But, perhaps more importantly, we live in a day when many are working out of their homes. This should be a shot-in-the-arm for our ability to provide First Americans with employment. This could open up employment for First Americans. With this opening, we should encourage benevolent to hire those on the reservations to do work that can be done from home. 

   Let government perhaps do more to provide utilities, to improve the housing, and such. But, more than anything, bring those on the reservations to the attention of those who are potential employers. If you desire to open a farm to grow organic whatever, why not put it on the reservation and let the First Americans be your workers? If you want someone to work from home, consider those on the reservation. 

   This is my Christmas wish. 

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Are We Doing Enough for Our People on the Reservations?

    Tucked into the massive $2.3 trillion spending bill Congress approved this week was $220 million to help provide running water to the portion of the Navajo Nation in Utah.

   Which brings up an important topic with an assortment of associate questions: Are there others things that should be done for the Navajos? What about those on the Arizona side? What about other reservations nationwide? Do we string waterlines to each individual home, or expect them to move into the towns if they want running water? 

   But, the overriding question is, Are we doing enough for our reservations? 

Sometimes, We Should Wonder if We are Puppets on a String

    I wonder if we were puppets on a string two days ago, when the stimulus money was announced. No quicker than the news broke, than I was seeing the same message in every post: Billions for pork, billions in foreign aid, but only a wee-bitty $600 for you and me. 

   Its a valid opinion, but what was strange was that this was reflected in every post that I read. I couldn't help but wonder how everybody arrived at the very same opinion so quickly -- as immediately as the news itself was breaking.

   I would bet they all didn't read the story, and immediately come to the same opinion, and all run out in unison at type the very same thing. As perhaps proof of that, consider how you arrived at that opinion -- that $600 was piddly and an insult considering how much was going to pork and foreign aid. You read someone saying that and quickly seconded the opinion. The opinion was not your own original idea, but one planted there by someone else. 

   A wonderful study in how Americans are influenced, it would be, if someone investigated where the first post came from, and how it spread so quickly. Did it all emanate from one person, and that person was somehow able to scatter it instantaneously? Or, were there a number of sources, all breaking the message at the same time? Either way seems incredible. If just one person broke the opinion, and it spread so quickly that it was out even as the news itself was breaking, that's kind of amazing. Or, if a number of sources planted the opinion at the same time, doesn't that indicate they were probably working in unison? 

  So, to have this opinion disseminated as quickly as it did is strong indication someone was prepared in advance to spread it.

   We have been told there are forces at play in our social media, planting opinions. We have been told they seek they seek to sow discord, division, disruption, and discontent. Long, Russia has dealt in propaganda. I sometimes think we believed that more back in the days of the Cold War than we do in these days when they are hitting us directly through harnessing our social media.

   I will concede I might be wrong. I might be jumping to conclusions. I might be speculating. But, if this is speculation, it comes with a heavy dose of reason. It comes with great cause to think it very well could be so. Speculation might often be unwarranted, but in this case it would be wrong not to wonder. 

  No, I do not "know" the Russians were behind what happened. But, I do know two things: 1.) Our Intelligence agencies told us clearly that they are planting messages in our social media to sow discord, discontent, disruption, and division. 2.) With how quickly the common message of outrage spread, there is reason to wonder if somebody was behind it, if someone planned and coordinated it.

   Sometimes, one plus one equals two. 

   And, sometimes, we should wonder if we are puppets on a string. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Puppets on a String

Mueller told us the Russians want to cause division, discord, and disruption, right? They are planting their memes, and scattering their message, and we are slopping it up. We are like a bunch of puppets, dancing to all their memes. Yesterday, when the pandemic bill was announced, it was almost in unison. Every Facebook post had the same complaint: Why are we just getting $600 while all this money is going to Egypt and the Kennedy Center, etc. The same message spread like wildfire through social media. You know, I agree with part of the message: 2.3 trillion is way too much -- way too much. But, I cannot help but notice how, if the Russians were behind all the chatter on social media -- if they were planting it -- this is exactly what they would want. They would be seeking to further incite us to rebellion, and stir us up in anger. If they were writing a script for us, they would have written it even as it turned out. Yes, sometimes I wonder if we are but their puppets on a string.

Monday, December 21, 2020

The Demons of Debt Clamor and Receive Almost $1 Trillion for Covid Relief

   All but a trillion dollars in one fell swoop. Our nation's debt is already at $27 trillion. Forgive, Sen. Romney, but you have spent too much money.
   The pundits are busy tallying the expense, $1.3 billion to Egypt, $15 billion to movie theaters and event venues, $40 million to the Kennedy Center to discourage teens from drinking and having sex, etc.
   Those in need should receive help. Many of us, though, are employed, as per usual, and should not be getting $600. And, there are businesses who might need the aid, others are doing well without it and should not be getting this funding.
   One does not know where this will end, when running up the national debt reaches a point of crash. Reading the stories of this day, we all know the new bill is not only to provide relief for those needing relief, but to stimulate the economy as a whole. Thus, the money stretches deep beyond just caring for the needy.
   Our nation once worried about getting addicted to this type of spending. I do wonder where we stand on that -- how much dependence we are building on such spending. Have we reached a point, where the only way we know out of a large economic downturn is increasing and increasing amounts of spending?
   We should feel little like someone being extorted: You either pay $1 trillion more, or your economy collapses. Which will it be, Mr./Mrs. America? The demons of debt demand more and more, and drive us further and further from solvency.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

A Good Song Leads to a Good Heart

   Singing does at least three things for the heart: 1.) It instills rhythm. And, that can help establish a healthy heart beat. 2.) It brings deep breathing. As you sing, you naturally breate deeper and this contributes to the health of the cardiovascular system. 3.) It instills an upbeat feeling and enthusiasm into the soul. Just as stress is bad for the heart, so is this upbeat feeling good for it, relaxing it and soothing it.

   You need to strive for good vocals. Don't just drudge through the song, mouthing the words but not putting any feeling into it. The closer you can come to making yourself sound like a good singer, the better it will be for your heart. So it is, expressions of joy empower and renew the heart. Sing, as they say, from the heart. The emotions you create by singing, become the person you are. You change yourself, and you literally change your heart. 

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Freedom cannot Withhold its Blessings from Those Who do no Harm

    Freedom cannot withhold its blessings from those who do no harm, not if it would truly be freedom. If a person crosses a border into another country, and that country rejects him or her simply on the basis they arrived without permission, that country meddles with its right to be called a free country. In regards to immigration, it no longer is one.

    If the person arriving is not running from a crime, nor showing clear evidence of coming to commit one, that person should be admitted. What is the argument against this? That we cannot take in all the people who would come? 

   Look at our 50 states. There are no restriction on moving from one state to another. It is clear in our minds that such restrictions would be an invasion of freedom. And, has this lack of restriction allowed California to be overrun? Yes and no. Much of California is so overrun that we've had congestion, pollution, homelessness, and out-of-sight real estate prices. If the U.S. is the land of dreams, California has been the embodiment. Go there and your dreams will know no limit, you might even become a movie star, or a singer, or real estate mogul.

   There has been no law restricting movement to California. No one has said, If we allow everyone to move to California, everyone living in poverty in the other 49 states are going to move there. 

   Some rights are inalienable. The right to move from one state to another is such. And, the right to move from one country to another is, by the same token. Oh, you can take that right away. You can restrict people from coming. But, if you do, you will not be a fully free country, that's all. 


Friday, December 18, 2020

Why are We not Hearing from the President on This

   The Russian infiltration of government and other computer systems began getting the attention it deserves in todays news. 

  Fox News dutifully noted that the recent head of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Christopher Krebs, should be getting some heat, for his was the agency that stands at the front of stopping such attacks. 

   We should also note it took place on President Trump's watch. And, of note, we have not heard from him on the matter. If cyber security is so vitally important in elections, is it not also important in all the other computer systems operated by our government? If you speak out against election fraud, but are silent on this matter, what is that?

   We should be getting a statement from the president on this. But, perhaps we won't unless the issue continues to grow. If this story develops equal to what has happened, it will be the No. 1 story in the country within days. I don't know that it will explode to be that big, but it ought to.

  And, if Trump does make a statement, he cannot just blame Krebs, and say Krebs should have been keeping a watch out. Krebs wasn't his only advisor. The president has a national security advisor, he has the FBI and CIA, and he has the head of the Department of Homeland Security. 

   This happened on the president's watch, yes, but, in truth, I don't believe you lay heavy blame on Trump. It happened on his watch, but it was not the result of negligence, at least from all we know to this point. He did not disregard warning signs. 

  But, the point that Trump should be reacting to this and yet we have yet to hear from him is of note. He is still in office. What is he doing? He is still responsible for doing something. Doesn't he have any reaction at all? Is it not even important enough that he should share a tweet on it? 

On so Many Fronts, the ANWR Leases are Wrong

  Oil and gas leases are to go on sale in northeastern Alaska Jan. 6, opening up land the has been virgin from development for 10,000 years. The threat is to the environment. The threat of increasing climate change is so lucid that even the banks don't want part of this. Even they know this is irresponsible. Federal officials claims as to how much tax will be generated have been called "blatantly irresponsible and fiscally reckless" by Taxpayers for Common Sense. In a day when caring for our planet has finally gained respectability, in a day when not bowing to the oil and gas industry is gaining some acceptance, in a day when we are holding off building new fossil fuel power plants, anyway . . . along comes this. It will be one of the final legacies of the Trump administration.

Does it come in a day when we are finally coming to our senses to realize climate change is real? It does. Does it come in a day when we worry about earthquakes in divers' places? It will all begin with seismic testing to determine how much oil is down there. If you shake and rattle the seismic plates below, be sure there's the chance they will shift.

On so many fronts, this is wrong.

(Index -- Climate change info)

Thursday, December 17, 2020

The future melts when you expect only summers. Some of your finest moments need to be carved from ice.  

This May End Up being One of Trump's Most-Notable Legacies

 When the years of Trump recede, it is possible -- maybe even probable -- that development of the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge will be seen as one of his greatest legacies. For a while, some will see it as being among his greatest achievements. But, with time, the damage  could affect global warming to an unknown tune.

  Sufficient to say, even the banking community is backing out. Have ever the banks refused to borrow to oil developers? They are, now, because of fears of what effect the development in northeastern Alaska will have on climate change. Such lack of cooperation from the banking industry is probably unprecedented. Conservatives have suggested that if climate change were real, the banking industry would not be lending. Well, open your eyes and look at this, then.

Congress has voted on opening the refuge maybe 50 times. And, in all those years, it hasn't happened. Then, in 2018, along came a new president putting together a budget and looking for revenue and deciding he wants the refuge open to oil development so he can make a little cash.

   The Trump administration has scheduled leases to go on sale Jan. 6, making this one of the last dictates of his administration, a dramatic measure in the closing days of his office. Do we remember President Obama's final days in office by his declaring national monuments? Well, President Trump is going the opposite direction, opening up what is said to be America's last great wilderness. The land has been largely undisturbed for ten thousand years. But, no more. 

(Index -- Climate change info)

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

As Sure as Fire Will Burn Down a Forest, Down Burn the Trees

    Three stories stacked on one page in my Salt Lake Tribune today speak of gun deaths, two being alleged murders and the third an accidental fatal shooting during an argument. No, I am not saying ban guns. But, yes, I think we would be wise to realize the impact of having so many guns. When everyone has them, they are more likely to be used. We should be concerned. We should wonder what can be done. When everyone has a gun, it means those with bad tendencies are among those who have them.

  If you walked into a room full of 34 saints and one psychopath killer, and you handed out guns to all of them, telling them them needed to be ready to defend themselves, you would soon have a room full of murder. Along with the psychopath, others would lie dead on the floor. Would we have been wise not to pass out the guns? And, in essence, is this what we do in society? We encourage everyone to get guns, and we accommodate everyone who wants them. So, the psychopath ends up getting them right along with everyone else. And, as sure as the sun coming up in the morning, murder results. We assure everyone the right to have guns, and as sure as fire will burn down a forest, down burn the trees. 

   No, I do not say ban guns. I still remain against it. But, there are times I do consider it. If we cannot find a way to divide out those who shouldn't have them, what do we do?

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

President Trump has Likeness to Those Who Dealt in Darkness

   Among the LDS people, concern of modern-day secret combinations is a discussion. I've surely more than one friend who sees the opposition to Trump and the opposition to the Republican Party as being forms of modern-day devil-inspired leanings.

   Outside my church, such discussion may seem trivial. Who cares what is in the Book of Mormon and whether it has anything to do with current events. Nor, do I want to suggest church leaders are entering this discussion much. I hear none of them saying Democrats are the secret combinations, or Republicans are. 

   I do have my opinion. I do look at the scriptures that speak of the combinations. I do see likenesses. I will also say that, to me, we should be reflecting on the scriptures, and we should be considering whether there are likenesses in our day. I think it not wrong to so search.

   So, with that long preface, I will tell you of Moses 5, a book and chapter that speaks of the first combination, of Cain, and of how he would not accept truth, and of how he became the father of lies. Yes, I think of President Trump, and of how there were so many times he dealt in false information, in lies. If we have had any person in modern world affairs who peddled in the twisting of truth so much, it has been President Trump. Father of lies? Yes, I see a likeness. 

   Cain was also boastful. Master Mahan, he was called, and reveled in the title. I think of President Trump, and of how self-laudatory he was. And, yes, I do see likeness. 

   Trump demands loyalty of his followers, same as Cain. I think of how those who would reveal the truth against Cain were to be punished, even killed. Trump has not power to kill those who reveal truth against him, but he does axe them. Christopher Krebs was fired five days after saying the election was fair. Bill Barr was pushed out of the administration after saying the election was fair. The truth was to be hidden, and if someone stood up and revealed the truth, Trump would have them fired or would seek to convict them of crimes. It was that way all through his administration. 

Monday, December 14, 2020

Russian Hackers Hacked the Treasury and Commerce Departments

  Didn't spot it in the news until I was word searching for something else, but Russian hackers compromised Treasury and Commerce department computers, perhaps going back some time in doing so. U.S. officials were left scrambling this past weekend assessing the damage. 

  The Washington Post broke the story, and it is possible very few outlets picked it up. This, despite the fact cyber security is the issue of the moment with election fraud accusations. It would seem that outlets concerned about cyber infiltrations into the election would also be concerned about such infiltrations into our government. I made a quick check -- not a thorough one, admittedly -- to see if Fox, Newsmax, The Epoch Times, or NTD News covered this news. Didn't find it. 


Door Closes on Trump Replacing Electors in Electoral College

Per federal law, today was the voting day for the Electoral College. And, in accordance, its electors met in their respective states and the votes were cast, though not officially tabulated. That will not come until Jan. 6, when Congress meets to officially tally the votes.

Inasmuch as the Constitution grants individual state legislatures all power concerning who to vote for, does this mean the vote for Biden is now set in stone -- the states cannot switch their votes to Trump?


Says the Constitution, "The Congress may determine the Time of Chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States."

It is true that a Trump advocate might point out that it says, "the Day on which they shall GIVE their Votes." That only refers to the day they GIVE their votes to Congress, which is not until Jan. 6, thus (by that argument) still leaving time for legislatures to toss out Biden electors and appoint Trump electors in their place.

You see. the Constitution says, "Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors." That leaves the legislatures free to toss out one set of electors and replace them with another -- replacing Biden delegates with Trump delegates.

But, if they were going to do that, today was the date by which they would needed to have done it. Even though "the Day on which they shall give their Votes" might correctly be interpreted as Jan. 6, that other part of the same sentence closes the door. "The Congress may determine the Time of Chusing the Electors." Thus, if Congress designates Dec. 14 as voting day, by implication, the electors must be chosen by that date.

Trump's path to the presidency by calling on state legislatures to replace Biden electors with Trump electors has been shut down. That threat is now behind us.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Black Holes, and the Big Bang and Wonders in the Heavens

 We look to the the star showers, to Saturn and Jupiter aligning in the heavens, and to the eclipses. Are not these wonders in the heavens? Do they not fulfill scripture?

    "And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke," says the prophecy.

   But, now, listen to this: I run across a story about how gamma rays might travel faster than the speed of light, and I consider the prophecy in a whole new light. Gamma rays traveling faster than the speed of light, you say? What a thing! The story suggests such superluminal jets could create time reversibility. You say what? And, this is science, not something out of a Jules Verne novel.

   Wonders in the heavens? Learning that something might travel faster than the speed of light is a wonder. Learning from studying the heavens that time reversability might be possible? That is a wonder in the heavens. 

    Suddenly, I think of all the discoveries coming forth as we learn about the universe and the heavens. We marvel at the knowledge as it unfolds. What of when it was discovered that the nearest star is 4.3 light years away? You mean, we would have to travel the speed of light for as much as 4.3 years to arrive at the nearest star? Astounding!

   Consider how we've learned of black holes, and the Big Bang. And of giant planets and supernovas. Are not such discoveries wonders in the heavens? Speak even of the idea of humankind evolving from the elements of the heavens. What a concept! Evolution, itself, supposing it is true, then becomes one of the wonders of the heavens above. 

   Pull out a timeline of astronomy, and learn there was an uptick of discoveries starting about 1543, when Nicolas Copernicus theorized that the earth revolves around the sun. That was but years from when Columbus discovered America in 1492, an event that Latter-day Saints hail as paving the way for the restoration of the gospel. Even as events began to move more rapidly towards the coming of Christ, even so the great lessons to be learned from the heavens increased at the same time.

  In 1929, Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding. In 1932, Karl Jansky detected radio waves from space. And, in 1938, Hans Bethe explained how a star's hydrogen can burn for billions of years. Who would have thought? I would have thought that if you light up some hydrogen, it explodes and burns right there on the spot -- not that it burns for billions of years. 

   And, so the timeline continues. Man goes to outer-space -- that was a marvel. And, he circles the earth and lands on the moon. We certainly marveled at those events. They were wonders in the heavens above. Even the invention of the airplane was a wonder. Though it went not far, it was in the skies above. If God had wanted us fly, he would have given us wings, it was said. But, in marvel of marvels, man flew.

   So, when I read in SciTechDaily how Jon Hakkila and Robert Nemiroff have suggested that blasts that create gamma-ray bursts might exceed the speed of light in the surrounding gas clouds, and that these superluminal jets might create time-reversibility seen in gamma-ray bursts, I think of the scripture that speaks of wonders in the heavens. 

 "And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke." That the last part of the verse refers to "blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke" -- to me -- suggests that the typical interpretation we have is correct. It is referring to star shows, and eclipses and planet alignments. Still, who is to say that these discoveries of knowledge -- black holes and the Big Bang and such -- are not wonders in the heavens? 

Counter-Protesting is Hardly a Path to Peace

   The violence this past day in Washington D.C. today and Washington State this past day demonstrates there are times you should not join in protesting. When protesting pits two sides against each other -- when counter-protesters are present -- it is often time to stay home.

   Both protests involved counter-protesting. And, predictably, both led to violence, at least four stabbings in D.C. and a shooting in Olympia. 

   It is good to express your views. And, if you have grievances against government, you should petition for redress. But, do you want to end up participating in violence such as there was in D.C. and Olympia? 

   There may be times for counter-protesting. But, I wonder if it is usually better to take the counter-protest to another part of town, or have it at another time. When two sides confront each other, each in anger, violence brews. 

   "Congress shall make no law . . . prohibiting . . . the right of the people peaceably to assemble." So says the First Amendment. Counter-protests are by nature not peaceable assemblies. Not that violence always erupts, but anger most always does. Two sides shouting obscenities at each other is not peaceable assembly.

   So, I do wonder if we should outlaw counter-protesters who do not pledge to be peaceable in advance. And, maybe altogether. Many of these protests end up being dispersed once they've started. As soon as they get too uncivil, police move in to clear them out. So, if it is going to come to that, why not forbid the counter-protest from the get-go? 

   We, as a people, generally object to violent demonstrations. We look back on all the violent protests since March, and we do not approve. Maybe it is time to understand that counter-protesting lends to increased violence. Perhaps we should be discouraging our own -- those with political beliefs that fall on our side of the aisle regardless which side that may be -- perhaps we should discourage them from counter-protesting. Perhaps we should tell them that is a wrong thing to do.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

We Might be Under-utilizing Hydro Power

    Ninety-thousand dams in the U.S., perhaps. It depends on whose count you use. But, one wonders, if there are 90,000 dams, how much electricity could be generated if we equipped as many of them dams as possible with turbine generators? 

   Then, one learns that electricity cannot be saved. So, your output at any one time can only equal what the public is using at that moment. You have to open the gates, and let the water thru without it hitting the turbines. Or, shut the gates, and don't let any water thru. We can see how that could be complicated if you had 10,000 dams to deal with. You'd have to coordinate which ones would be turned off and which ones wouldn't. Perhaps it wouldn't be as hard as one might imagine, though. Perhaps you would leave all the smaller ones running, to simplify, and just regulate the large ones. 

   The day is coming when dams will have batteries, allowing them to store the energy. They've already been developed, to a large degree. One wonders why we are not hearing more on the implementation of them. Are we pressing the point? Are we pressing our utilities to install the batteries? 

   Hydro power is an energy we should be stressing. We should be wary of the downsides, where it affects the eco-system. But, when the hydro plants are acceptable, we should have them. If we can add more, we should. If we can utilize the ones we have better, we should. If we can install power generators where they are not already at on existing dams, we should. Who knows how much power is out there, being untapped. Studies have been done, it is true, but we must wonder if they have neglected the full potential. 

Friday, December 11, 2020

Calls for the Dissolution of Our Nation Cannot be Paraded as Patriotism

 Tonight, I read of some Republicans in Arizona speaking of being ready to die for a cause, and of those in Texas speaking of Trump states banding together to form a separate Union. I have a Facebook friend who suggests treason is amongst us. And he is not wrong. Calls for the dissolution of our nation cannot be paraded as patriotism. They are not.

We Need to Fix Air Circulation

   The 'rona spreads even among those masking, sticking close to home, and rarely going out for anything more than a visit to the grocery store. So, if the spread continues, they are either catching it from family members bringing it in, or from the grocery store.

   Grocery store? We've known all along that the virus can hang in the air for many minutes. So, you step up to the cashier, breathing, of course, and if you have the virus, some of it probably escapes your mask. And, since it hangs in the air, the next person comes along and breathes it, some of it getting through their mask. In all that we've done, cannot we see we need to fix the air-flow systems in our stores? Yes, that is an expensive thing, but it needs to be done. The air needs to be either sucked downwards, and into a grate in the floor, or upwards into the ceiling and out. Or, cleaned before being recirculated. 

   We know these particles hang in the air. We've known that since March. Yes, masks work. But, they are not perfect. The spread continues, and this is one thing we should see that needs to be done. We should do it.

All the Marvels of Medicine and Science Stand as Wonders in the Earth

   Part II of that scripture,  "And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke." I spoke of wonders in the heavens yesterday. It is these wonders in the earth that I now speak of tonight.
   All humankind should look to see if the prophecy is true. It is old. It is ancient. People say the scriptures are fiction. But, let us not just dismiss them. Let us wonder if they are being fulfilled. Just as we consider public issues ranging from climate change to gun ownership, this also claims its right as a public issue.
  Wonders in the earth? The typical belief is that the forest fires, the earthquakes, the floods and the famines all around the globe are the "wonders in the earth." And, surely that is true. Surely. But, what of living in a day when modern medicine heals so many? What of living in a day when we speak of breaking the genetic code and breaking free from death as we know it? What of living in a day when robotics might do much of the work? What of the wonders of the Internet? Of voice-overs using digital voices instead of human ones? Are not these to be considered wonders in the earth below? I do not say the ancient prophets were referring to these things. They spoke of "blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke." That sounds more like the wars, fires and earthquakes that we point to as fulfillment of scripture. But, truth being there to look at, the wonders of science and medicine in our day are truly "wonders in the earth below."
   Whether God inspired the prophets to say what they said, even though they themselves did not know this would happen, or whether the marvelous discoveries of our day are but coincidences, we may not know.
   For my thought, I consider that these things surely, surely could be fulfillment of prophecy. That is just my thought. If a prophet comes along and says this is wrong, he is right. But, until then, I will wonder if all these miracles of our day are not the wonders that were prophesied.

(Index -- Climate change info) 

Thursday, December 10, 2020

These, too, are Wonders in the Heavens -- and Perhaps More So

   "And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke." 

   Both Christian and non-Christian alike can look to see if the words of that prophecy are being fulfilled, the Christian to say that God fulfills his word, and the non-Christian to say it is so much bunk. They can look at the planets aligning, and the star showers, and the other wonders in the heavens, and consider whether such things are more abundant.

   But, as I read a story speaking of how gamma ray might travel faster than the speed of light, I wonder if there are not greater wonders in the heavens that are being discovered. I don't believe it has yet been verified that the gamma rays can travel faster than light. But, even if it isn't true, there are many other such discoveries in the heavens that qualify as wonders in the heavens. Gamma rays, themselves, were not discovered until the 1960s. Gamma rays: I have to look them up to even know what they are. "Extremely energetic explosions that that have been observed in distant galaxies. They are the brightest and most energetic electromagnetic events known to occur in the universe," says Wikipedia.

   What of things just in the skies? Wasn't it considered a marvel when the airplane was invented, putting aside the old notion that if God had intended us to fly, he would have given us wings.

   Wonders in the heavens? Those who discovered that gamma rays might travel faster than light speak of the reversal of time. Such a possible thing -- surely a wonder.

   What of all these things coming forth in our day? What of black holes, and the Big Bang, and the suggestion that humans evolved from the elements of the stars? Whether all these things are true, enough of them most certainly are to say these are great wonders being discovered in our heavens.

   Now. listening to the last part of the scripture, "blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke," leads me to believe all these modern-day discoveries in the heavens may not be what the prophets had in mind. Still, whether they are what was referred to or not, they certainly stand as great wonders in the heavens. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

How Many Cities Would Handle Unsanitary Homeless Sites This Way?

   Health care workers, with the help of police, raided a homeless camp in Salt Lake City today in the name of sanitation. Protesters clashed with the police, decrying what they felt was an inhumane way of treating the homeless. 
  Health and sanitation are important, but, I do wonder if they could have gone in, and cleaned things up, and let the homeless stay. Offer to wash their blankets. Or, better yet, give them clean blankets. Haul away urine bottles and replace them with clean ones. Look for another location nearby where they might be more welcome. Bring in portable outhouses so they can be more sanitary.
   It does seem there are things that could be done instead of kicking them out.
   Homelessness and sanitation, then. It would be interesting to survey the various cities of our nation, to see how many favor removing the homeless when the sites become unsanitary. And, how many go in and clean the camps up, but allow the homeless to stay.

Of Athletes and Old Folks and the Stiffness They Share

      I am grateful, at times, for health problems. I have chance to consider on my body, and wonder what is going on, and -- who knows -- maybe figure it out. 

    So, let me tell you of my morning, and of getting out of bed, and my legs stiffening up. I once told a doctor about this, questioning with him why our muscles are stiffer in the morning, He said his bones aren't. He awakes, and gets out of bed, and all is fine.

    I should have suggested to him that when he works out -- as surely he must -- it is then that you have morning stiffness. 

   So, this morning, I awake as usual. I'm fine while laying in bed. No stiffness. But, as I get up, there it is again, like it has been for my last thousand times of getting out of bed. So, I've had occasion to think on what might be going on, and have come to some conclusions in the past, but have never thought it out as well as I did this morning. 

   The lymphatic system. My understanding is that while the heart is a pump for blood, and pushes the blood through the vessels and veins, there is no such pump to push the fluid through the tiny vessels and veins (if we can still call them that) of the lymphatic system. It takes movement. The movement of the body is the pump. I told my doctor that since the body doesn't much much at night, perhaps the fluid in the lymph veins does not circulate. He assured me that we toss and turn enough at night, that the lymphatic system continues to do its work.

    I'm not so sure. At any rate, I thought on it this morning. When I stand up, suddenly there is weight on my body, on my legs. That means pressure. That means that if there are any cavities where muscles and meat are not present, then they will be compressed. I speak of empty lymph veins. If they have drained during the night, the weight collapses them. If a person has worked out the day before, and expanded his or her muscles, that means those muscles are requiring more room in the body. Until the covering of the body also expands, the expanded muscles are cramped. Well, anyway, in the morning when a person gets out of bed, if fluid has remained in those lymph veins, then there is no stiffness. But, as we get older, the fluid tends to drain out during the night. So when old folks get up, they can be stiff. 

  And, athletes? I wonder the expanded muscles, when compacted in the morning as they stand up, press against the lymph veins with such force as to force the fluid out and compress or collapse a portion of the vein, leaving a stiffness. In addition, are the expanded muscles, themselves, contorted as weight is placed on them? 

  I also had thoughts this morning about the attachment of the ends of the lymph veins. I try to remember those thoughts. I am not remembering well enough, and this blog is longer than you want to read, anyway. It is also not on an issue you are used to reading from me. I will only say, I feel these thoughts are important. Learning what is going on in the body could help us avoid unnecessary surgery. They want me to have a hip replacement. I don't want to. Once the bone is gone, it is not coming back. I wonder if there are other solutions, such as finding a way to keep the lymph veins open. We put in stents to keep our blood vessels open, why can we not do this for lymph vessels? My doctor tells me, the vessels in our lymphatic system are too tiny for stents. 

   How, then, do we figure it out? What is the solution? Perhaps I will think more on this tonight.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

An Idea Out of Georgia Could Sweep Trump Back Into Office

   An idea out of Georgia has potential to turn this election on its end, and sweep Donald Trump into office, after all.  

   It's hidden there in the Constitution. "Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors." Let those words echo, "In such manner as the legislature thereof may direct." The Constitution grants state legislatures power to select the electors to the Electoral College -- and it doesn't restrict the legislators in any way in how they go about it. It doesn't say they can't retract one set of electors in favor of another. It doesn't say they can't make the change after the popular election has already taken place. It doesn't say they have to abide the popular vote. 

   "In such manner as the legislature thereof may direct . . .  In such manner as the legislature thereof may direct . . .  In such manner as the legislature thereof may direct."

   It's all up to them. 

   While this idea has potential. It won't make it. Georgia's Governor Brian Kemp has issued a strong statement against the six legislators from his state who want to replace the existing electors. And, in no other state, to my knowledge, is there even a move to replace electors.  

   It wouldn't be just. But, it would be all so constitutionally legal.  

Monday, December 7, 2020

Did Mark Levin Miss the Very Next Sentence?

    Having been asked to watch  Fox's Life, Liberty, and Levin from Sunday, I did. Mark Levin spoke of the election in Pennsylvania, and of how the legislature changed the election rules fourteen months ago, and of how that was illegal because you cannot change the law without changing the state constitution.

   I searched the PA constitution as best I could. I could find no such provision. I searched as long and hard and arduously as I could. I did not find it. What I believe Levin was saying, is that the constitution specifies the date of the election, and therefore all voting must be done on that date, thus rendering all mail-in voting illegal. "The general election shall be held biennially on the Tuesday next following the first Monday of November," says the constitution. This, surely, is what Levine was referring to. And, if you take that alone, he would be right. The constitution would prohibit mail-in voting because all voting would need to be done on the date the constitution specifies. But, in the next sentence, it says. "But the General Assembly may by law fix a different day." Did Levin miss that?  

   Perhaps I am missing something. It would seem Levin could not be this off-base. Surely, he would read the very next sentence. Maybe I should try to call him, and attempt to ask him what I missed. I probably won't make such an effort, but don't put it passed me.

Give an Honest Review to What Dominion Says

   Defaming others in the name of patriotism is not patriotism, but betrays patriotism. 

   We must consider whether all these words against Dominion Voting Systems are possibly false. In America, we have the principle of innocence until proven guilty. It is part of us. The principle of not assuming the guilt of others is part of what we are as a nation, and as a people.

   The principle of giving the accused the right to speak is a patriotic value. The principle of listening to them is a Christian one. So, if you are being swept away by all the things being said about Dominion, perhaps it would be worthy to open their website, and to honestly consider if what they say in their defense is right. Give in honest thought. Don't just rush through it shouting, "Lies, lies, lies!" Be thoughtful, be considerate, be fair. The person who rushes to judgement often rushes from truth.

  Truth doesn't have two sides, but it won't even have one, if you don't listen to both. Those who would persuade you to only listen to their side, usually are seeking only to keep you away from the truth. I am providing the link to Dominion Voting Systems. Consider earnestly what they say in their defense.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

 More important than winning is learning how to lose. Character is built not in victory, but in defeat. 

The greatest causes are taken up not by those who only value winning, but by those who will keep on fighting even when they lose.  

 There is more glory to sticking with the cause and losing than there is in abandoning the cause to win.

Ryan Lael Boudwin was a Wonderful Candidate for the UUP

 One of the candidates posted on Facebook of how he is considering changing from the United Utah Party to the Democratic Party, because he feels he could be more effective elsewhere. I posted my thoughts as follows: Ryan Lael Boudwin You were a wonderful candidate, and you campaigned perhaps as effectively as a candidate could. Here's hoping your remain in the UUP. I will confess, that at heart, I do not like parties, at all. But, UUP came along, aligning with my political feelings, and I jumped to join it. I spent up a storm in this last election, and it had hardly a titch of impact. I saturated my community with yard signs, to the point some voters dashed to their computers to find out what was going on. Alas, when the votes were tallied, I came away with but 3.95 percent of the vote, which is less than what you tallied despite campaigning much more frugally. I would be out campaigning, and explaining my views, and people would agree with me completely, and like what my campaign was about, but then they would ask if I was a Republican or Democrat, and I could tell that was all that mattered to them. Look at the races in which we did do respectably. There was the absence of a Democrat or a Republican in them, thus garnering the anti-Democrat or anti-Republican votes. I would not be surprised if one of our candidates hit more doors and campaigned harder than anyone in the state, and, while it did result in a few percentage points for her, for the large part, she tallied but the anti-Republican votes. Still, I am of some mind to say, Stick with it. A cause to be fought for is a cause to be won, if you keep on fighting. Look back and reflect on what has happened, and consider what it will take for a UUP candidate to win, and find a path. The greatest causes are taken up not by those who only value winning, but by those who will keep on fighting even when they lose.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Dominion Donated to Republicans in Nevada

    Trump's charge is that Dominion Voting Systems donated to Democrats. While my study of the topic continues, the first evidence in is just the opposite -- Dominion donated not to Democrats, but to Republicans in the state of Nevada. 

   The revelation came to light thanks to a tweet from a former Republican candidate for the U.S. House. She was trying to support Trump's claim that Dominion was giving to anti-Trump causes. "Dominion Voting Systems donated thousands of dollars to an anti-Trump Republican PAC linked to our Sec of State in Nevada," Mindy Robinson tweeted. The tweet offered a screenshot of the donation Dominion made to the Republican State Leadership Committee, as found on the secretary of state's website.

   Robinson cited no evidence or reason for her saying the Republican State Leadership Committee is anti-Trump. And, the evidence that has turned up runs counter to that. Says the group's website: "The RSLC and state Republicans are on the offense this year -- and President Trump is powering the way. Across our 12 target redistricting states, at least 115 districts are currently held by a Democrat, but were won by President Trump in 2016. We are going to flip them to Republican when he wins them again this fall."

  That statement indicates support for Trump, rather than opposition. And, either way, the donation was to Republicans, not to Democrats. It might be wrong for Dominion to be giving contributions to a party when it is providing the election equipment for the elections, but if it reflects a bias, the bias is to the Republicans. If Dominion was going to change votes from Trump to Biden in Nevada, why was it donating to the Repubicans?


McConnell Received Donations from Dominion's Workers

  While Trump supporters argue Dominion Voting System donated money to Democrats -- and it might well happen we are going to find that true -- at this point we find it is a dominant Republican, no less than Mitch McConnell who received donations.

   This news is found not in a current story, but in one that ran more than a year ago, way back when Robert Mueller made his report. Newsweek, July 26, 2019, cites another news agency, Sludge, as saying that Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck lobbyist David Cohen, who had worked with Dominion, gave McConnell $2000. And, Brian Wild, who works with Cohen, gave McConnell another $1,000.

  Election security was a concern then, and the article notes McConnell "squashed two bills intended to ensure voting security on Thursday, just one day after former special counsel Robert Mueller warned that Russians were attempting to sabotage the 2020 presidential elections 'as we sit here.' "

  So, Dominion people gave thousands of dollars to Republican McConnell. McConnell then upended legislation to provide election security. Now, here we are today worried about election security and we have to reflect that McConnell squashed such legislation. Why would McConnell ever oppose legislation providing election security?  

Friday, December 4, 2020

The Coming of Large Batteries Might Help Chase Fossil Fuels Away

    Are we on the threshhold of finally ridding the world of fossil-fuel-fired power plants? My understanding is that it is now becoming feasible to store energy created at power plants. 

  What does that have to do with renewable energy? For one thing, the knock against wind farms is that they only generate power when the wind is blowing. So, if you were to rely only on wind-generated power, when the wind stopped blowing, the lights would go out. But, if you could save the extra power created when the winds were blowing by placing the extra power in a large battery, then when the winds stopped, you would still have power to keep your lights on.

  And, the batteries might also benefit the hydro power sector. As is, at moments when not enough power is being used to match the power a dam can produce, they have to open a spillway and let the water pass through without it hitting the turbines, thus turning off the energy-making function. If batteries could store that power, though, then we could produce that power without interruption, and thus have more and be freer from needing as much fossil-fuel power. 

Perhaps We Should Provide Explanation of Why Claims were Rejected

    Alas, I did not get to studying the claims the President made, to try to do my own determination whether they are true. Busy day, per usual. The courts have already rejected most if not all of the claims, if I am abreast on that. Still, the President was very convincing in what he said, at least convincing to his followers. They came away reinvigorated that that he is being swept out of the White House wrongly. "Stop the Steal," they yell.

   Though I have trouble believing the courts were not fair in ruling against the President's claims, it does seem to me we should perhaps look at them, review them again. I listened to his full 46-minute speech, but do not know if I will have time to google and search them all -- or even a few of them -- to review why the claims of voter fraud have been rejected. 

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Is Trump Turning the Tide?

   President Trump maneuvered himself back into contention Wednesday night. He needs to convince a large enough base that the election was fraudulent to give reason for the Supreme Court to take up the case -- or to give him the power to refuse to leave office Jan. 20.

   Wednesday's pre-recorded speech turned momentum on its ear. It was looking like he did not have enough support. Even Bill Barr had just abandoned him. Then, came his speech, distributed by such outlets as NTD (New Tang Dynasty) News, and Newsmax. Many major news outlets were not even notified he would be speaking, and had to play catch-up the next morning. 

   This might be the most important speech I will ever make, he said, as he opened. This might be the most important thing (correcting voter fraud) I've ever done, he said as he concluded. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Put Power Generators at More Stations and Grow Our Hydropower

  I pull out a map filled with dots marking where dams are in the United States. They saturate the map. I google to determine how many dams there are -- 84,000, says one website, 90,580 says another, and 2.5 million says a third.

  I look up a list of hydropower stations in America. I scroll down the page, counting them, and come up with less than 70. Hydopower might be one of our least utilized resources, then, regardless how you count it. How many of these dams could be converted into hydropower stations, I do not know. But, it seems plenty.  

  So, I continue, and find a report titled, An Assessment of Energy Potential at Non-Powered Dams in the United States. "In contrast to the roughly 2,500 dams that provide 78 gigawatts (GW) of conventional and 22 GW of pumped-storage hydropower," the report reads, "the United States has more than 80,000 non-powered dams (NPDs) -- dams that do not produce electricity."

   Now, I'm really getting excited. With 80,000 dams not being utilized to generate power, just how much potential is going wasted?

  Then, comes the downer. "Adding power to U.S. NPDs has the potential to add 12 GW (12,000 megawatts or MW) of new renewable capacity -- a potential equivalent to increasing the size of the existing conventional hydropower by 15%."

   The potential is only for 15%? That is not near as much as I had hoped. Still, looking at the total number of dams, I question if there is not a greater harvest of energy to be had. I wonder if we aren't pulling up way short in suggesting only a 15 percent increase. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The Three Gorges Dam and the Foreshadowing of Earthquakes

    It is said that the largest dam in the world potentially could have slowed the earth's rotation. Call that a myth, but the myth-checkers -- fact-checkers -- have checked it out, and it's true.

   Why this is of importance to me, is that it indicates if reservoirs behind dams can change the earth's rotation, the weight of them could also foster earthquakes.

   Six-hundred-thirty-two square (632) kilometers, is the reservoir behind the Three Gorges Dam in China. That's a very sizable area.  Forty-two-billion (42-billion) tons does all that water weight. That's a massive amount of weight. If, in constructing the Three Gorges Dam, you shift that much weight from one parcel of real estate to another, isn't it going to affect the seismic plates below? With that much weight bearing down on a different spot on the seismic plating -- leading to thier snapping -- it would seem it is surely going to have an effect.

   Now, the weight of all that water is also being raised. Water once closer to sea level is now higher up as it is raised by the reservoir. That means the spin of the earth is going to be affected. It is the same principle you get with a figure skater. As the skater spins, she tucks her arms in so she can spin faster. Or, a diver. He tucks his body in as he spins. The earth is the same, as it spins, if a large, heavy mass is protruding upward, it slows the spin. Thus, 42-billion ton of weight being raised upward might slow the spin of the planet. 

   The faster the planet spins, the greater the gravity and the tighter things are pressed to the core. Thus, it makes sense that the weight on the seismic plates might also possibly be affected by the slowing of the earth's spin. In addition, you must wonder if slowing the spin would result in the biosphere expanding (since things are not being pressed to the core as much), affecting the density of pollutants and the prism area the sun shines thru -- and thus global warming. I doubt the Three Gorges Dam slowed the earth enough to much impact either (seismic plates or global warming), but who knows. 

   But, still, the weight of the water -- 42 billion tons -- all being shifted, it seems that could have some impact on the seismic plates below. If that much mass might slow the earth's spin any at all, it would seem it could also be enough of significance to change the pressure on the seismic plating below.

  Earth's underground upheavals do not come all at once. Fault lines might exist for centuries before earthquakes are produced. Though it has been decades since the Three Gorges Dam was completed, do we know if the danger is behind us? The plates could be bending -- but not yet snapping -- and when they do snap, there we will have our earthquake.

  Maybe this is happening, maybe it isn't. Who knows.

 (The note below was added the morning of 12/2/20.)

Thinking more, Would the reservoir be raised enough to impact the earth's spin? I go back to the story and see the reservoir is 100 yards above the natural river level. I think of the 42-billion tons being up just 100 feet across 632 square kilometers, Would that affect the earth's rotation? And, if it would, what of the skyscrapers scattered around our big cities? They are not empty, weightless. As tall as they are, they must also, then, have an impact. It appear no single city, though, would have an impact equal to that of Three Gorges. New York City covers but 302 square miles. How much weight in the skyscrapers there? I'm guessing less than 42-billion tons.

(Index -- Climate change info)

Monday, November 30, 2020

Hydroelectricity Should not be Slighted

    I repent. The six most powerful power stations in the world are hydroelectric. We need hydroelectricity. Not long ago, I opined that the environmental concerns of many and the earthquake concerns of my own were enough for me to be against hydroelectricity. The dams can upset eco systems. And, I wondered if the weight changes they bring cause siesmic plates to shift, bringing earthquakes.

   Yes, I repent. The concerns are valid. They should be addressed. But, hydroelectricity is green energy. World-wide, it is abundant. If we are to reduce our carbon footprint, we should not turn from hydropower. As for causing earthquakes, does the weight of water really amount to that much, that it should weigh down the seismic plates and cause them to crack. Or, while the weight might seem much to simpletons such as I, is it relatively not that much?

   Many hydro systems do not require large reservoirs behind them.  To begin with, we should look to see if we can add a number of such dams, then go from there.

(Index: Climate change info)

Stories of Cain, Akish Give Insight into How Secret Societies Operate

We have two scriptural accounts of how secret combination operate. One is the story of Akish in Ether the Book of Mormon, and the other the story of Cain in Genesis in the Bible. We find in both them the same ingredients. These are how people in secret combinations operate:

1.) Satan tempts them. He appeals to their vanity, to their lust for power or acceptance, and to their desire for greatness. He puts it into their heart to seek for greatness, such as to rule the country. Satan commanded Cain, saying, "Make an offering unto the Lord." "And Cain said unto the Lord, Satan tempted me because of my brother's flocks." Jared's daughter, "thought to devise a plan," which could indicate Satan put it into her heart. At any rate, it also says Jared sought to rule the nation.
2.) To get the vanity they want, they offer up from the vanity they already have. They put their vanity on display in hopes of gaining greater vanity. The daughter of Jared knew she was beautiful, so she offered to dance. Cain offered up from his crops not because the Lord asked him to, but because Satan told him to do so. Perhaps it was a vain offering and that is why the Lord rejected it. Perhaps it was a, Look-how-great-I-am-to-give-you-this offering, instead of a humble one. Cain said, "Truly I am Mahan, the master." Thus, in both cases, they were proud and sought reason to be even more prideful.
3.) They draw others of like mind into conspiracy. Cain married daughters (plural) of his brother who loved Satan, and they became his following. It also speaks of him having "brethren" in his act, so there were more than just the daughters. Jared and his daughter drew Akish into the affair, and then Akish "gathered in unto the house of Jared all his kinfolk."
4.) They demand loyalty. "And Satan sware unto Cain that he would do according to his commands." Akish told the followers they must "be faithful unto me."
5.) They reject or seek to cover up the truth. Cain "was wroth and listened not any more to the voice of the Lord." Satan pledged Cain not to tell the truth, and made him pledge his followers. Akish sought to hide the truth, not allowing them to "divulge whatsoever thing" he had made known unto them.
6.) They are boastful. "I am fair," the daughter of Jared said. "Cain was called Master Mahan, and he "gloried in his wickedness."
7.) They seek to punish those who will not follow them. If they can, they administer death. "Swear unto me by thy throat," Satan said to Cain. And, Satan made Cain extract the same oath of his followers. "For if they tell it, they shall surely die." And, in the account of Akish, "whoso should vary from the assistance which Akish desired should lose his head . . . the same should lose his life."
8.) They swear by God. "Swear . . . by the living God," it says in the story of Akish. "Swear . . . by the heavens," it says in the story of Cain.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

If We Find a Vaccine for Everything, Will We Find Ourselves in the Millennium?

   What if the world became so good at the art of creating vaccinations that it created one for every disease? Could we reach a point where there were no diseases? And, if there were no diseases, would this bring us closer to the day when death no longer would track us all down? If there were not diseases to cause the body to deteriorate, would there no longer be any cause for deterioration? Who knows. We speak of the Millennium, and of a time when humankind will live for centuries. Could the art of vaccination be the paintbrush the Lord will use to bring this about?

  Yes, every year there is a brand new strain of flu, and it takes a brand new guess to get a vaccination in place to cover it. Clearly, we need to discover a vaccine with a code to inoculate against a variety of flu strains and a variety of diseases.

  What if we found a vaccine that inoculated against all diseases? What if you could take such a vaccine, and in the twinkling of an eye -- a change taking place the second you took it -- live with no more fear of dying from disease?

Perhaps, it is Beyond Question We should Vaccinate

    Perhaps it should be beyond question that we should vaccinate. Smallpox has been swept from the world, eradicated, thanks to vaccines. Polio, measles and tetanus have largely been limited. If you can sweep a disease off the face of the earth, then, of course, that is a good thing.

   What, then, of the thought the body might become dependent upon vaccines -- that it might send signals searching for a vaccine that has been placed in the body instead of sending signals to create its own immunitities? Thus, vaccines short-ciruit the body's own natural defenses. This might possibly be true. But, even so, you then only become sick when you contact a virus without having been inoculated, same as you would if there were no vaccine. Perhaps, eventually, finding no vaccine within the body, the body does then start creating its own immunities.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Do Vaccinations Short-Circuit the Body's Ability to Create its Own Immunities?

  By taking the vaccine, do you block the body's ability to create its own immunities? Wherever did that idea come from? some might respond. Yes, there are those who argue it is better to build up natural immunities. And, yes, there are those who argue vaccinations can be unsafe.

  But, the vaccinations actually blocking the body's ability to built up its own immunities? I don't know that that theory has ever been floated. How would that happen? Maybe, the body becomes dependent on the vaccinations to create the immunities? That would be it. When the body contacts a virus, its defense systems -- having received the unasked for immunities in the past and having been able to rely on them -- send signals looking for the injected immunities -- instead of sending messages to create its own.

  It is not an altogether foolish theory. It might well be that it is wrong. But it should be considered before being dismissed. The auto functions of the body do slip into being stuck on the way they are programmed. If they found the solution already in their body the first time, the next time they are programmed to do the same -- go looking for the solution somewhere in their body -- says this theory. But, without this dependence on the vaccine, the auto functions would send a message to create an immunity. 

Friday, November 27, 2020

Could the Vaccine Start being Distributed as Early as Dec. 11?

    Pfizer's vaccine for Covid-19 could start rolling out, then, as soon as Dec. 11? We are told the vaccine should be available to portions of the high-risk population by the end of December, but could it be sooner than that? Pfizer today announced it is positioning planes to skate the vaccine out just as soon as approval is won. 

   The meeting where Pfizer is to receive the approval is Dec. 10 -- and (mark this) the vaccine could be authorized within the same day. So -- who knows -- that sounds like some people might be getting the shots three weeks from today on Friday, Dec. 11. Mark that day on your calendar, and quit messing with all these NBA and sports dates. This date, obviously too (if it comes thru) is magnificent. Perhaps, in reality, it won't come that soon . . . but, it could. It just might.

  My question, is why we have to wait for Dec. 10 for the meeting to take place? Why can't that meeting be pushed forward?  People are dying each day. Lives could be saved if we pushed that meeting forward as much as possible. 

(Some wording adjustments made 11/29/20)

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Jennifer and Janice in the Great Abortion Debate

   After all these years growing up together, now the two sisters stood on stage -- thousands looking on --  opponents in the Great American Abortion Debate. Jennifer gave a gentle smile, Janice nodded, and the debate was on.

 "Janice, I've always wanted to sit you down, always wanted to explain why I'm pro-choice, why I believe it so important that a woman's rights be a woman's rights," Jennifer ventured. "Now, I get my chance."

  She looked over at her sister standing at the other microphone. She smiled softly, caringly. "Janice, a woman's body is her own. It's her domain. Of all things she owns, nothing does she own more than her body. All of these other things -- car, phone, clothes, whatever -- none of them belongs to her more than her body. Everything else came after she got here -- somebody had to give them to her, or she had to buy them. But, her body was her body right from Day One, right from birth."

  "Excuse me," Janice interjected. "Jennifer, you are great. I do want to note one thing here, though." She smiled back at Jennifer and her smile was equally as soft as that of her sister.

  "Jennifer, when you were born, that body still had a caretaker, other than you. You couldn't even take care of it on your own. Our mother had to do it. You were reliant on Mother. All the choices being made for that body were being made by Mother. "Same as before you were born."

   She paused to let what she had just said sink in, then continued, almost crying, and somewhat in a pleading voice. "Mom also provided your every need before you were born." Another pause. "The difference? You could breath. Before you were born, it was almost as if you were holding your breath. Figuratively speaking, perhaps you were. You were holding your breath to see whether Mother would allow you to be born, or whether you would be aborted."

   "Janice, Janice, Janice," Jennifer broke in, putting out her hand in a motion for Janice to stop, a touch of anger entering her voice. "We said we were going to be civil with each other, but I don't think you are being fair, nor nice."

   They stared at each other for a moment, before Janice responded. "Oh, Jen," she said. "Before we were born, Mother provided everything. But, all that she did was automatic. She fed us. She kept us warm." Another pause.

  "Agreed," Jennifer said. Another pause, and it was unclear which would speak next, each waiting for the other. Finally, Jennifer continued. "I see what you are saying. Mom took care of us both before we were born, and she just kept on taking care of us after we were born."

   "That body of yours, it was no more yours right after you were born than before you were born," Janice said, dipping her head, as if to be reverent. "But, even if it weren't 'your own,' Mother would have been wrong to take it away from you after you were born . . .  and it follows that she would have been wrong to take it away from you before you were born."