We should maintain some love for those who attacked our Capitol, though that love should only be felt by them in measured essence right now. If we could sit them down and talk to them, what would be the right script? If we could lecture them, what would we say?
Let's have an imaginary exchange, to suggest what might be said.
"Hey, guys, how goes it?" Dustin Luftin said as the thousands who stormed the Capitol a few days were walking by.
They nodded, but kept on walking.
"Mind if I have word with you?" Dustin asked. "Come over. Sit down. Let's talk."
Some of them looked at him distrustfully, but they all stopped. Bags were thrown on tables. Some of them found places to sit. Others stood, their arms folded belligerently across their chests.
"You guys are fighting for freedom, I take it?" Dustin asked.
They shouted back in the affirmative, some using more expletives than others.
"Well, its good to want freedom, you guys. That is not a bad thing to be chasing."
More expletive-laced language proclaiming that was, indeed, all they were after.
"Guys, you are great to want freedom. We all want it, too. Guys, I don't want you to think I approved of what you did, but I do want you to know I respect that you were searching for freedom." Dustin was searching for the right thing to say, even as he spoke. He marked it a great blessing that he had seen them coming down the road, a great blessing that he had encountered them on these sidewalks, that he should have chance to speak to them.
As he spoke, a thought shot through his head. He wondered at how much they were manipulated. See, Dustin was of the belief that there are forces in our world, people who spread seeds of discontent and division. He also knew that those forces hardly wanted any love to exist between Americans.
"Just want to say I love you," Dustin continued. "Hope that doesn't sound to corny. Now, I've got a thought, and I hope you will listen to it, hope you'll try it."
Dustin paused, and they all looked at him, waiting for him to continue.
"Whose your enemy?"
The answers filled the air: Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Robert Mueller . . . Government, Government, Government.
"Guys -- and when I say 'guys,' I mean it in the non-specific-sex way. I'm speaking to you gals, as well -- Guys, Love your neighbor. Is that too much religion for the moment? I'm serious about it. Love your enemies. If that is Pelosi, Schumer, Mueller, Clinton, the Supreme Court, or whoever, love them."
The air filled with outrage as Dustin concluded, some of the response using expletives, others not. Some spit into the ground. Some rolled their eyes. But all vocalized their utter contempt for what Dustin was saying.
Well, most of them, that is. Surprisingly, some took Dustin's words to heart. And, as he got up and walked away, he could read the lips of those who mouthed the word, "Thank you."
Even so, love is a silent force. While all the world rages against it, it silently persuades yet a few.
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