Sunny Side Santa was born on Christmas Day. They named him that because they knew he would one day become a Santa. And, being born on a tropical island, well, that's where the "Sunny Side" part comes in.
Never head of him? Well, I suspect you shortly will. He's in his teens now, and I'm thinking he might be ready to be the new Santa. Oh, he will never replace Santa Claus. Santa Claus is Santa Claus, and you can't replace him. He'll be coming down your chimney, same as usual.
But, Sunny Side Santa? He'll just knock on your door. You'll look behind him to see what he drove up in and, well, you'll see a flying saucer parked in your driveway, hoovering off the ground. No reindeer on the roof this time. Oh, and no red suit with all that white trim. This Santa will be dressed more like Peter Pan than anything else. How else would you expect someone from a tropical island to dress?
Now, whereas Santa Claus comes on the 25th, Sunny Side Santa will come on Christmas Eve, a step ahead of the other Santa. And, his presents will surprise you. All the boxes will be about six inches by six inches. They'll have nothing but a piece of paper inside.
What's written on those pieces of paper will be the surprise. Little notes. Little notes pointing our some of the blessings the Christ Child brought with him when he came to this earth. Maybe, one will say, "The gift of eternal life," and another "Families can be united forever." Some will just quote a scripture from the Gospels telling about something about his birth. Others will be scriptures portraying all the good he did while here -- healing the sick and such.
Christmas is really about the Savior, about all the gifts to mankind that unfolded as a result of his being born and coming to earth. Sunny Side Santa will show us what those gifts were. Be lucky, and hope he leaves a couple dozen of his little boxes with you. They'll be boxed in the finest of boxes with the finest of gift wrap, and the finest of bows and ribbons. The paper inside will be of the finest, glittering and pleasing to look at. These are gifts worthy of the finest wrappings.
Now, don't worry if Christmas isn't about Christ to you. Sunny Side Santa will skip your house, then. But, just remember you're going to miss out on seeing the flying saucer parked in front of your house. And, you'll miss out on seeing this Peter Pan-type person knocking on your door. And, you'll miss out on his waving his wand at you, sparkle and glitter a flying everywhere.
And, as his flying saucer leaves, he'll be leaning out, still waving his magic wand, yelling, "Merry Christmas to all. On all of you may good will and peace fall."