Even as news broke that Moscow is spending hundreds of millions of dollars in effort to undermine the democratic systems in foreign countries, word comes that Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson has been swept out.
Hours after she had entered office.
Sweden is divided by eight political parties, so it takes a coalition of them to make decisions. With some of the lesser parties gaining more influence, that division has only heightened. Most notably has been the rise of the Sweden Democrats, which rose up out of the neo-Nazi groups on the 1990s.
As it became evident that the parliament would be so divided, yet opposed to Anderson, she chose to step down -- vowing to come back.
The news story on Russia's covert operations said Albania, Montenegro, Madagascar and, potentially, Ecudor have been identified as targets of Russia's efforts to bring the fall of democracies. But, we would be foolish to believe they are not operating in other countries, as well. Divide and conquer has always been a maxim worth listening too.
We can only be sure of a few things: (1) Russia's social media and other efforts do seek the destruction of democracies. (2) Sweden is in the same part of the world as Russia, and Russia is not likely to overlook that nation. (3) U.S. Intelligence Community reports have long told us Russia seeks to divide, playing one side against another.
Even if the Russians are not behind the fracturing of Sweden's government, you know they are cheering.
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