It is fortuitous that the earth holds on to all its water, not letting it drift into space. Human life (along with other life) would disappear without that water. Even if the seepage into outerspace were slow, across the many millennia of time, earth would no longer be inhabitable.
And, it is fortuitous that that the earth filters and cleans its own water. The earth is its own greatest water recycler; it is the ultimate water treatment plant long before water treatment plants were created by humans.
Humankind (as well as other life) would have disappeared long ago if the earth did not have its own way of purifying drinking water.
Water is on the earth in the form of rivers and oceans. It is in the earth. It is the skies. We drill wells to get it, and we are blessed with rainfall to have it. It is in living creatures upon the earth. Seventy percent of the earth's surface is water. Sixty percent of the human body is water.
In the United States, we use 355 billion gallons of water a day, a massive amount, but it touches but lightly on the total water on earth: 326 million trillion gallons. All this water is being recycled and used again and again and again. If it weren't, humans would die
And, the water is not dribbling of into outerspace, or we, as humans, would have disappeared long ago.
Whether you say there is a God who brought about this miracle, or you say it is just the way the heavens and a some of its planets evolved, it is fortuitous.
(Index -- Climate change info)
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