More is accomplished with carrots than with whips. We do need to rid the world of fossil fuel cars. It is urgent. But a law banning them wouldn't go over too big.
So, hold some carrots in front of people. How about offering discounts at all participating merchants? It would be a volunteer program -- the stores wouldn't be compelled to participate. But, if your trip to the store was accomplished by driving an electric vehicle, you would be rewarded with a discount.
Of course, you are thinking, What would stop anyone from just saying they drove in in an electric even though it is a gas-guzzler they drove? When you issue them their driver's license, mark that it includes electric driving.
So, you say, what's to stop them from using the "electric" drivers license even though they leave the electric vehicle home and drive in in their gasoline car? When they register their vehicle, have a tracker devise installed on it that connects to a chip on their driver's license. The merchant scans the driver's license, determines that the car is out in the parking lot, then issues the discount.
I know there will be those who try to scam the system, but there are ways to keep them honest. What is going to be funny, though, is when somebody pulls up to a gas station and tries to use an electric driver's license.
(Index -- Climate Change Info)
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