If you don't believe in immigration, you better realize how climate change will affect it. If you believe too many people are "invading" America -- coming illegally -- you might want to realize things will only get worse as the planet continues to heat.
They call them "climate refugees" -- people forced out of their countries by collapsing ecosystems, rising seas, and extreme weather. They have been called the "world's forgotten victims" of climate change.As climate change increases, Central America is expected to become among the fastest-warming areas in the world, chasing as many as 17 million people out of their home countries. As they are forced to seek refuge, many will go to adjacent countries, but some will migrate north to the United States. One computer model suggests it won't be just 17 million, but could be as high as 30 million by 2050.
Hoards of people, swarming to get in, not wanting to take no for an answer.
So, if you don't belive in "illegal" immigration, you better believe in climate change. Because if you don't, you won't do anything about it -- and that means those displaced from the southern half of the Americas will swell as they are forced to seek their homes elsewhere.
It means millions -- literally millions -- of immigrants will be forcing their way upon our borders.
Refuge, they call it. But you call it invasion.
(Index -- Climate change info)
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