Dear people who don't want to snitch -- all of you -- gather 'round the fire here. We need to make something absolutely and positively clear: It's all right to snitch. In fact, when it comes to crime, whether or not you "snitch" is a sign of your character.
Those who "snitch" show themselves of good character. Can you do that?
Character is no more than doing what is right, regardless whether it is unpopular. Character comes when you stand behind what you know. Character comes when you share the truth, not hide it.
So, stand tall and show a little spine.
We come from a crazy, mixed up, lost-value society, where turning someone in for a crime is -- by the rules of the criminal -- a crime, itself.
Don't live by the laws and rules of the criminal world. Honor among thieves is but honor that's lost. Snitch because snitching is the exact right thing to do. It takes courage, but do it anyway.
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