When truth is filtered through politics, all that remains is the absence of truth. Or, so it often seems. It becomes a shouting match, a contest of accusations.
Truth has no chance when it enters the ring with a politician. Yes, once again, so it often seems, though in reality, there are many honest politicians.
With apologies, I do not view Donald Trump as one of them. He's not an honest man, but one bent on elevating himself to power.
I consider all the damning charges being brought against him. And yet, polling has him but becoming more and more popular among Republicans. Trump simply shouts back, indignant, rallying the forces behind him.
It has been said that it is not guns that will save this nation, but whether we choose the right person to march behind as we carry them. And, most gun advocates are marching behind Trump. If private guns do end up playing a roll in whether our freedom remains, it seems they will be carried by those marching behind a politician . . .
One who filters the truth through his desire to return to office. We have a charlatan with a large following -- one who has fooled the people -- and he threatends to destroy the truth, our freedom, and our future. Take 'truth' from the lips of this politician and it will be the kiss of death.
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