"The British are coming! The British are coming!" he yelled. But this time, nobody was listening. "Okay," he said, "it's not the British, but it is climate change, and we should be mounting our horses to fight it."
He scurried and found a large, 8,500-page book. Opening it and pointing his finger at a spot on one page, he read to them. "Global surface temperature has increased faster since 1970 than in any other 50-year period over at least the last 2000 years."
They gave him a look of annoyance and waved him off.
"Hey, he said. "it says right here that we are not meeting the Paris Agreement goal of cutting emissions. You know that don't you?"
"Well, there's your problem right there," they said. "That Paris Agreement is nothing but communist junk. Those guys are tied in with the United Nations, and you can't trust the United Nations. They just want to control the world, and dumb crumbs like you listen to them. 'The sky is falling! the sky is falling!' Yeah, right."
"No, I didn't say that. I said the British are coming! The British are coming!" he said. "And I only said that because this is serious, just like that was. Back in that day, they heeded warnings. But, I have to wonder if today, they would just greet Paul Revere with, 'Yeah, right."
And, so it is, warnings don't mean what they used to.
Back in Paul Revere's day, they didn't have communists. Good thing, because if they did, he would have been accused of being a communist.
(Index -- Climate change info)
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