Tuesday, December 31, 2024
You can tap them on the back
You can warn that they aren't listening
But they shrug and turn away
Sometimes with angry eyes glistening
Warn them of the time
We will have to pay the piper
Warn them it will be too late
To change the world's diaper
Once the atmosphere is ruined
It's too late to change
Not in the ocean
And not in the mountain range
Monday, December 30, 2024
Jimmy Carter Should have been More Appreciated While President
Jimmy Carter's approval rating was 31 percent in 1980. Obviously, he was not a popular president. Nobody liked the guy (well, almost nobody). He was the same person 19 years later in 1999, believing in the same things. But, what's this? His approval rating as a former president jumped to 66 percent -- that's more than double.
Carter is ranked as one of our most religious presidents. He was one of the most morally courageous and ethical presidents we have had -- right up there with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
So, why so unpopular when in office and yet so popular a couple decades after he left office? Answer: We judge our politicians by their politics. Morals don't matter. But, once outside of the presidency, we are no longer encumbered by their politics. Carter won a Nobel Peace Prize. You have to appreciate that.
Bless Jimmy Carter this day. He should have been more appreciated while president. We, as the American people, should value virtue and goodness ahead of politics. We don't. It remains a failing of the American people to this day.
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Andronnikov's Vow
Perhaps MaximilianMaximilian Andronnikov will end this war
He calls himself "Caesar"
And he's prepared to leave everything on the battle floor
Reach Moscow or die trying
Is Andronnikov's vow
Conquer Russia
A feat never possible till now
Putin's warriors are fighting
A fearsome Ukrainian host
They have no time for Andronnikov
And perhaps they fear him the most
Will Putin be forced into peace
In the land of Ukraine
In order to turn his attention
On this Andronnikov seeking his domain?
Friday, December 27, 2024
Thursday, December 26, 2024
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Monday, December 23, 2024
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Alas, alas, and woe is me
The press is already in his hands
He's turned the nation to social media
And the main media is being washed under the sands
Two million followers for Vani Hari
Who's on Instagram
And six million following Patrick Bet-David on YouTube
They are bludgeoning the main media
Like a battering ram
Others like Hari, and others like David
They are all adding up
And as they are increasing
Their growth not ceasing
They grow to a dog from a pup
Friday, December 20, 2024
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Break Things Down
They break things down as much as you possibly canDo Trump and his boys
But there's method in their madness
Their madness will bring them joys
What is broken becomes yours to fix
So, then you get credit for that
Being the person who fixes it
Is such a wonderful stat
Break it down, fix it up
It notches a win for you
And it's a win-win
For the people will love it when you do
Do it with Harm
Do it with harm, is Donald's creedDo it with malice and hate
Do it to destroy America
Do it to bring that as our fate
Do it?
Donald will do it with harm
Do it?
Donald will sell the farm
You might not think he's all that bad
And, well, I guess you are right
But everything he does
He does in hate and spite
No, he doesn't want to destroy our land
But that will be the result
But when our nation has been swept away
Trump will be at fault
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Don't do It
Don't do it, Americans say
Don't throw our democracy away
Don't reign like a king
Don't turn our blue skies to gray
Don't, please don't, please don't
Trump smiles back
A knapsack thrown over his back
Filled with all the things
That a dictator brings
Don't do it
Just, please don't do it
The Americans say
Throw your plans away
Don't do it
Don't do it
Don't do it
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Monday, December 16, 2024
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Saturday, December 14, 2024
The Cannonball and the 409
Barreling down the trackCame the Cannonball
This brand-new train
Was the fastest of them all
Coming the other direction
Was the 409
Challenging the Cannonball
Asking if it had the spine
The 409 taunted
And the Cannonball laughed back
But when they met it the middle
They were both knocked off the track
A Check-in on the Day
A check-in on the morning
A check-in on the day
Sometimes skies are blue
Sometimes skies are gray
A check-in on my sweetheart
A check-in on my love
I am not the only one watching you
There is the God above
I'm thankful we're a team
In watching over you
God and I love you, dear
So, we tag team our peekaboo's
Friday, December 13, 2024
War is blood and death
It's fighter planes in the sky
It's fathers not coming home
It's armies of Jedi
War is mournful crying
It's bombs every day
War is the agony
Of hopes that run away
War is fighting in the streets
It's tanks, grenades and drones
It's graveyards
And unburied bones
It's atomic bombs, nuclear bombs
Chemical weapons, as well
It's the fury of Satan unleashed
In every valley and in every dell
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
We chased them in the Highlands
We chased them in the hills
Then we chased them in the valley
And in the valley rills
We pursued them deep into the forest
And deep into the night
And come the morning sun
We pursued them with our might
War is such a terror
War is such a fright
This killing of each other
Is never, never right
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Friday, December 6, 2024
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Fool the people twice
Trump has that line down to perfection
Yes, twice now, he's won the election
But there's another line
That Trump is also good at
You can't fool all the people all the time
Unless they're drunk on wine
I think I made up the last little bit
Shauflin, it wasWho taught me
He was like a dad to me
Taught me about America
Land of the noble and free
Long ago as Shauflin looked ahead to our day
He warned me the day was coming
When the skies would be dark and gray
He spoke of a coming election
When there would be a dark and shadowy man
Who would take away the freedom
All the freedom in the land
Monday, December 2, 2024
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Friday, November 29, 2024
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Words of warning were not enough
Words of care and concern
Now we must go forward
Backwards we cannot turn
Is there yet a light?
Is there yet a path
Is there a way
To escape the wrath?
Can our nation heal from this deadly wound?
Can it heal from what's been done?
We are lost in darkness
So, now let us find the sun
Monday, November 25, 2024
The poor will pay the price
You know, in fact, they will
If America is to become great again
It's they who must fill the till
Trump doesn't want them
I say they gotta stay
Our economy will only suffer
If we chase them all away
Like nobody else
These are the working class
But they can't do their job
If we make them outcasts
Sunday, November 24, 2024
Donald has the Two of Them
They could pull it off
Donald's two fine boys
If they mess around enough
They just might come up with brand new toys
One would be a rocket ship
Musk is good at that
The other would be a torpedo
To get rid of government fat
Yes, Donald has the two of them
They are such fine young men
And when they fix the budget
Donald's going to grin
Saturday, November 23, 2024
Maybe the baby cried
It gets so dark and lonely
Living in a mother's inside
Does the mother even want you?
Does she even care?
I think she wants to abort you
She thinks that that is fair
Living on Mom's inside
That's where you get your sleep
But it sure is sad
You're someone she won't keep
Ramaswamy has it backwards
And Musk joins him in the tomfoolery
They think to accomplish something
With which the voters would never agree
A chicken in every pot?
That used to be the chime
And politicians still are promising that
Right down unto this time
But Musk comes along
And Ramaswamy joins with him
They're taking everything out of the kettle
It's no longer filled right to the brim
The chicken's out
Folks can go hungry
The gravy train is over
Now, don't get so hot and angry
Friday, November 22, 2024
Praying sometimes becomes a mask
To excuse for who we vote
"God told me to vote for this one"
Is often what we float
And, then on the other side
There's a person who prayed to God
And was told to vote for the opposite candidate
He swears by Aaron's rod
Methinks they both can be mistaken
God didn't speak at all
They already knew who they wanted
So, God failed to speak to them at all
Many prayed before they voted
Some for Trump, some for Harris
And some when they voted, they felt embarrassed
When your vote does not match your standards
When it's blinded from the light
You might become ashamed
For not doing what is right
Still, bless us everyone
Regardless who got our vote
That we tried to do what's right
Should surely be of note
Some read the scriptures
Before deciding which way to vote
They seek guidance this way
Before jumping on a boat
Turn to the scripture that says
"When the wicked rule, the people mourn."
Turning to the scriptures
Is a way to be forewarned
So, before entering the voting booth
It's good to seek the Lord
There are words of wisdom in scriptures
So, bring God aboard
The Land of the Looney
In the land of the looney
In the land of Trump
Trouble and woe lie ahead
We were warned against him
Warned not to vote for him
But we wouldn't believe what was said
So, we've got this man who now is in command
But not in command of his senses
The things he will do and the things he has planned
Will come at our nation's expenses
Thursday, November 21, 2024
"The general population doesn't know what's happening
And it doesn't even know that it doesn't know"
Credit Noam Chomsky for that saying
What has happened to our freedom
Of that we should be praying
But the people do not even know
Nor know that they don't even know
That we are at the brink of losing our freedom
We should pray lest that's where we will go
One man's slogan is another man's servitude
Make America Great
Comes at their expense
Great expense
Toss them in jail for opposing Trump
Prosecute them for that offense
What is right
To Trump
Is what is right for America
Someone must pay the price
For opposing him
The Donald
So, Make America Great Again
These are the doomed
You would call them foreigners
Say they don't belong
But, oh, my, sister, brother
Don't you know that this is wrong?
They came to our shores
Became Americans
Or just as good
We scorned them
Asked them for their papers
Our new president
Called them prison escapers
Mass deportations
He said
These people don't belong
He would rid our shores of them
To make us great again
Lepers in the land of the free
Criminals, they are
We do not realize them
For everything they are
Mothers, brothers, sisters
Dads, as well
Lovers of America
We cannot see that
Through all of our hysteria
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Spider Poem
by Rudy Fransisco
She asked me to kill the spider.
Instead, I get the most
peaceful weapons I can find.
I take a cup & a napkin,
I catch the spider, put it outside
and allow it to walk away.
If I am ever caught in the wrong place
at the wrong time, just being alive
and not bothering anyone
I hope I am greeted
with the same kind
of mercy.
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
I beg to differ, Agatha Christie
For I heard that you once said
"To every problem there is a most simple solution"
Agatha, would you be referring to a revolution?
There are a lot of problems in our land
A lot across all the world
There aren't easy answers, you know
Not even where the American flag is unfurled
You think it's easy Agatha?
Easy answers, you say?
I think we'll put you in charge of solving our problems
Now, Agatha, what do you have to say?
Monday, November 18, 2024
"Eyes will not see when the heart wishes them to be blind"
Seneca the Younger once said
Was he speaking of those who voted for Trump?
To know, we'd have to bring him back from the dead
Trump supporters can't see his conviction for rape
They can't see the 90-plus indictments against him
Nor can they see he tried to overturn the election
No, in Donald Trump they can find no sin
Eyes that cannot see?
That would be supporters of Donald Trump
The cannot see that he's a chump
The Department Comes with a Stain
There is hypocrisy in it
This Government Efficiency plan
Why two heads for the department?
Efficiency would just let one of them stand
And will they really crack down on contractors?
Musk is one of those
Try cutting his paycheck back
And that will be something he's sure to oppose
The department might prove a success
But the hypocrisy will remain
And the two-headed monster of Ramaswamy and Musk
Will leave on Trump's new department a stain
Sunday, November 17, 2024
It's the day America could have been saved
The day patriotism prevailed
But it didn't happen
The voters approved it
The dismantling of freedom
The taking of a wrecking ball to it
Never has an election day
Decimated a country so
Never has a country
Suffered such a blow
Trump carried the day
He won it fair and square
But his leaving us in shambles
Just isn't fair
Saturday, November 16, 2024
The Watchman and the Warriors
The watchman and the warriors
Are certainly a team
The watchman shouts out a warning
And the warriors hear the scream
They bring their swords against the foe
They match them blow for blow
Then gaining the advantage
They watch the enemy turn and go
The watchman and the warriors
Are certainly a team
Together they save the land
Together, peace they bring
Friday, November 15, 2024
A River of Lies
A river of lies has led him
To become our nation's chief
White waters were there to help him
With waves beyond belief
Donald is corruption
And he rides that ship to shore
The waters are deeper and more dangerous
Than when the storm began
And the ship is shipwrecked
When it reaches the beach's sand
The waters shatter against the wall
Shattering democracy as well
The waters rise and rise again
Oh, how the water swells
Trump rides upon the seas
Like a pirate in the night
And he takes command of the ship
And no peaceful waters remain in sight
What if the forefathers were watching
And what if they each had a vote?
Would they say Donald Trump's the best?
That he's the all-time GOAT?
Or would they say he's gotta go
And throw him off the boat
But what if they could have voted in the election
Would they have voted for this crass man
Not on your life, they wouldn't
They'd hardly be his fan
Remember, the forefathers gave us our liberty
And they would be true to that
They wouldn't vote against democracy
If we gave them a turn at bat
Thursday, November 14, 2024
The best blood is only spilled
Where there is a cause
And if Donald Trump takes their lives
That should give us pause
He has his enemies list
And will nothing come of it
Or will he hang them in the gallows
That's the worst that they could get
Hang them for their crime
They were not loyal to him
So, they meet their deaths
In gallows that are grim
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
A Cabinet of Clowns?
A cabinet of clownsWe can hope not
But it may be what
The election of Trump's brought
At least two of the candidates
Make your head shake
They aren't worthy of appointment
Their credentials are fake
The attorney general post
Goes to Matt Gaetz
He's been investigated for ethics
For goodness sakes
And Pete Hegseth
For secretary of defense
Now there's a guy
With no experience
Those two lack experience
Is all we can say
But they're loyal to Trump
And that's all that matters today
Peaceful Transition
Donald Trump says he welcomes a peaceful transition
But what is peace to him
What of his enemies list
Will there be peace for them
Will immigrants be offered peace
Mass deportations mean they won't
Trump has never showered love on them
You might think he and his people love them, but they don't
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
We Know Who You Are
We know who you are, we know who you are
Where have we heard that before
Crime bosses have been known to say such things
We know where you live, and more
These are the words of our border czar
Thomas Homan made such a threat
His words are the words of a mafia boss
They're as same as you're going to get
Emily Huntington Miller
Emily was an immigrantShe came from Old Mexico
And she came to America
Where her talents began to grow
Jolly Old St. Nicholas
Lean your ear this way
That was her greatest poem
Everyone knows it to this day
Donald Trump hates immigrants
He wants to send them packing home
I'd like to think we'd let her stay here
Where the seas are white with foam
Monday, November 11, 2024
Little friends and neighbors
We don't mean much to him
We're just little people
And that includes you, good Jim
The large people in his life
Are the ones who help him out
People like Elon Musk
Yes, Elon without a doubt
The rest of us are little
He doesn't care about us
And when he first sees us
He begins to cuss
Maybe things won't be so bad
That's what you want to say
Maybe Donald Trump will be all right
So, why paint the sky so gray
He will not only rule with an iron hand
But with wisdom, too
He'll make friends of enemies
And they won't be few
But I won't be one of them
I won't be led astray
I know the difference between skies of blue
And ones dark and gray
The honor given Donald Trump
He is the new father of our country
Of course, I jest; I joke
You know I don't think high of him
I still do not like this bloke
"Donald, Donald," people scream
Greatest president of all time
People love him; people praise him
But I wouldn't give him my last dime
Donald is the king
The ruler of our land
And the thing that really baffles me
Is why they think he is so grand
Sunday, November 10, 2024
When Trump won the election
There were soldiers willing to fight on
They marched against the oppressor
Not willing to let freedom be gone
Some in California
Where the governor sought to 'Trump-proof' his state
Some in Illinois
Where the governor said you must come through me, mate
Others across the land
Joined to defy the king
Call them the resistance
For the fought against the oppression
That Trump seeks to bring
To Resist Donald
I joined the resistance today
Donald Trump
We oppose him
We fight to preserve the nation
Against the coming of
Donald Trump
Ours is the chant of the patriot
Ours is the cause of the free
He reaches out
To grasp the country from us
To control
To reign
We tell him no
We tell him
We are the resistance
And our freedom is something
You cannot have
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Friday, November 8, 2024
Thursday, November 7, 2024
For the Neglect of Truth, Freedom is Lost
Donald Trump won this election long before Nov. 5. He won it way back when he persuaded the people not to trust and not to listen to the main media. The loss of truth has led to the loss of freedom. Where there is no truth, the people perish. People have turned their ears from hearing the truth. They have turned to the fables of the right-wing press. They have turned to the memes spreading falsehood. And for their neglect of the truth, freedom is lost.
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Monday, November 4, 2024
Friday, November 1, 2024
What If?
What if you had a county clerk -- a MAGAite -- who was decidated to the proposition of assuring that Donald Trump gets elected? Wouldn't they be quite able to fabricate elections results -- regardless what the vote count might be?
Don't laugh. There is not a shortage of those who support Trump's being elected at all cost. Believing he should be president, they are not shy of doing all in their power to get him elected.
Including cheating.
As I said, don't laugh. In a county in Utah, the county clerk, Aaron Davidson, is being asked to recuse himself from overseeing the election. "Multiple people have been reaching out to me, everyone from average citizens to city council members to state legislators to statewide office holders, all of who are concerned about his ability to conduct the election in an unbiased manner, " said Utah County Commissioner Amelia Powers Gardner."
Such infiltration. Just plant MAGA agents in the election offices to assure that the vote goes their way.
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Katie Bar the Door
This is making the news -- a slight bit, but not nearly as big as it should. You've heard Donald Trump is preparing "retribution' for those on the wrong side of the fence. But there have been no specifics as to what he will do.
Well, now there are. . . . And those plans should scare the heck out of you.
You will remember Michael Flynn. Trump's first national security advisor, he's the guy who won a nice prison sentence for lying to the FBI. Now he's out and working for Trump. Again.
At his side is his longtime aide Ivan Raiklin, a former Green Beret. Raiklin calls himself the "Secretary of Retribution." Now, there's a nice cabinent position.
From a USA Today article, we read: "In dozens of town hall-style appearances this year, including at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, Flynn and Raiklin have talked of the need for Americans do whatever it takes to get Trump re-elected − and then exact vengeance including detention, tribunals and possibly worse."
One of those at one of the rallies spoke of not only draining the swamp, but imprisoning the swamp -- and maybe, on occassion, executing the swamp.
Listen to this, Flynn's own words, ominous in what they offer: "So we gotta win first. We win, and then ... Katie bar the door. Believe me, the gates of hell -- my hell -- will be unleashed."
Friday, October 25, 2024
Don't Want Him Shot
'Twas long years ago, back in '63
They shot our president, in the land of the free
I guess John Wilkes Booth, shot one of them, too
An American president, who would have knew?
Then Ronald Reagan was added to the list
Oh, I wish the shooter just would have missed
And now we're all living in decades beyond
We've even had presidents who are no longer blond
I think I love them all, or at least all but one
But I don't want him shot, and killed by a gun
Thursday, October 24, 2024
"When you choose the path, you choose the destination." -- Glenn Beck
"Sometimes the hardest part of the journey is believing you're worthy of the trip." -- Glenn Beck
"Good for you, you have a heart, you can be a liberal. Now, couple your heart with your brain, and you can be a conservative." -- Glenn Beck
"Political Correctness doesn't change us, it shuts us up." -- Glenn Beck
"To restore America we need less Marx and more Madison." -- Glenn Beck
"Whoever thought a tiny candy bar should be called fun size was a moron." -- Glenn Beck
"Don't fall into the trap of believing so deeply in your own ideology that you cannot even see the flaws in it." -- Glenn Beck
"It's only when we forget about our problems and help others forget theirs that we realize how good we really have it." -- Glenn Beck
"It's only in our mistakes, our errors, and our faults that we grow and truly live." -- Glenn Beck
"The American experiment was about freedom. Freedom to be stupid, freedom to fail, freedom to succeed." -- Glenn Beck
"If you don't find a leader, perhaps it is because you were meant to lead." -- Glenn Beck
The American people care “too much about politics” and “not enough about principles.” -- Glenn Beck
“I think our republic is at the last exit. I could come up with 1,000 ways this thing falls apart. But I can only come up with one way that it sticks together.” -- Glenn Beck
I testify to you here and now, one man can change the world. And I share with you an equal testimony, that man or woman is you.” -- Glenn Beck
“We’ve got to put our petty differences apart . . . or we will, as Lincoln said, be torn apart from the inside. We will fall from the inside.” -- Glenn Beck
“Every truth is holding on by its fingernails,” -- Glenn Beck
“If America decided to vote for less freedom … I could live with that. What I can’t live with is the lies.” -- Glenn Beck
“Any question that somebody says I shouldn’t ask, I’m asking that question. Anybody who says you shouldn’t read this, I’m reading that book,” -- Glenn Beck
"No discussion or debate is unAmerican,” -- Glenn Beck
"Every time the government grows we lose more of who we are." -- Glenn Beck
“To understand Donald Trump, you have to understand he’s a showman first, always has been. He’s a guy that knows how to draw a crowd.” -- Glenn Beck
“Question with boldness even the very existence of God because if there is a God, he must surely rather honest questions over blindfolded fear.” -- Glenn Beck
“I didn’t want to be a Mormon, my gosh, who wants to be a Mormon? You’re a pariah instantly. Nobody likes you. Nobody trusts you. They all think it’s a cult. Then, you can’t do anything fun, you know, except, I guess, get fat, and even that’s not recommended.” -- Glenn Beck
“I’ll never secede. I believe in those documents in the archives. Those documents belong to the United States of America. I embrace them. They don’t. They’re seceding, not me.” -- Glenn Beck
"Question with boldness, hold to the truth, and speak without fear." -- Glenn Beck
"Following the herd is fine, until they all run off the side of a cliff together." -- Glenn Beck
"You got to have an enemy to fight. And when you have an enemy to fight, then you can unite the entire world behind you, and you seize power. That was Hitler's plan. His enemy: the Jew. Al Gore's enemy, the U.N.'s enemy: global warming. Then you get the scientists - eugenics. You get the scientists - global warming. Then you have to discredit the scientists who say, 'That's not right.' And you must silence all dissenting voices. That's what Hitler did." -- Glenn Beck
"You cannot take away freedom to protect it, you cannot destroy the free market to save it, and you cannot uphold freedom of speech by silencing those with whom you disagree. To take rights away to defend them or to spend your way out of debt defies common sense." -- Glenn Beck
"Most times we're so focused on what we think we want that we can't appreciate how happy we already are. It's only when we forget about our problems and help others forget theirs that we realize how good we really have it." -- Glenn Beck
"You can either complain about how hard your life is, or you can realize that only you are responsible for it." -- Glenn Beck
"No one who has passed through the storm has ever regretted the journey. No one stands here and wishes to go back to the other side." -- Glenn Beck