Friday, March 15, 2024

The Midday Ride of Donald Trump

Listen, my children, and you shall hear
Of the midday ride of Donald Trump
On the sixth of January, in Twenty-One
He wanted to go just a hop-skip-and-jump
From where he gave his speech
To the Capitol
To fulfill his dreams, most tyrannical

Hardly a person is now alive
Who doesn't remember that day
It hangs over America's history
So dark, so ominous and gray

He said to his friends, today, we march
Two miles from here to the halls of Congress
To overturn the vote count
And so, they marched against America's fortress

Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry-arch?
You don't need to do that, but join in our march
One if by land, and two if by sea?
You need no such signal, the signal's from me

And Trump on the opposite shore would stand?
He watched the attack, as leader of their band

You know the rest; in the books, you have read
How America's finest fired and fled
How the Proud Boys matched the Capitol Police
How they broke through the fences and destroyed the peace

The Republican redcoats chased down the lane
Then crossed the barriers, to emerge again

The words of Trump's speech shall echo forevermore
Borne of the winds that tore our nation apart
Through all of our history, no day like this
An hour of darkness and peril, a day of disheart 

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