Friday, May 31, 2024

D.C. Will Become Beijing

A sham of a man
A shame of a soul
If it were Christmas
Santa would bring him some coal

This man would be our president?
No, he seeks to be a king
And if enough people vote for him
D.C. will become Beijing


First King

He always wants to be first
First in everything
And when it comes to America
He seeks to be the very first king

They Can do it to Anyone

If they can do this to him
They can do it to anyone
Trump warns the crowd
And he walks away unbowed

Donald, if they can convict you of crime
Then, yes, they can convict anyone of crime
A president's not above the law
And if he breaks it enough
He ought to do the time

If they can do it to you
They can do it to anyone?
If it were any other way
Justice would be undone

It Makes Perfect Sense

It makes perfect sense
Mike Lee
Perfect sense to us
Congress is so disfunctional
So add upon that crust

Say you won't approve any appointments
Who Democrats suggest
Continue to freeze up our government
That's what you want, no less

Say this strike of yours
Is in response to Donald's conviction
Say what's best right now
Is more fighting and partisan friction

Trump was convicted
Of hiding truth from the voters of our land
The evidence was clear
If you paid attention to the witnesses on the stand

Anarchy is actually a word
For a society that has no rule
And that's about what you're suggesting
Mike, that is not cool

In Mexico, it's Bullets and Coffins

We see our freedoms here in America being challenged by Donald Trump, but how great the threat in Mexico. Campaign events being sprayed with gunshots, ballot boxes being burned, 170 polling places shut down due to the threat of the cartels. I love Mexico. It is our neighboring country. I fear for it as I fear for the United States. Here, the masses are being misdirected by Fox News and others in what truly is a propaganda war. In Mexico, the election is not being misdirected by clever words, but by bullets and coffins.

Trump's Shortfalls and Jefferson's

Donald Trump is no worse than Thomas Jefferson
Argues a friend of mine
If Trump slept around, so did Jefferson
With the slaves that he could find

I've heard those stories and do not know
Though I suspect there is some truth
But if Jefferson had moments of weakness
That he was more honorable, I'd give my middle tooth

He didn't bribe a lady, to keep her little mouth shut
And if he once slept with someone, it probably wasn't a slut
So trying to excuse what Donald did
By condemning Jefferson
To me, is like swallowing poison
And calling it medicine

Hanging a founding father
To set free a foe of liberty
Is not a line of logic
That sets well with me

Donald's Coverup

Donald Trump was found guilty
Guilty of a coverup
Guilty of paying a porn star
To keep her little mouth shut

Don't pretend this was anything less
Don't suppose it just a bookkeeping flub
The Donald tried to cover up his crimes
And therein lies the rub

Give it a spin, and throw paint on the facts
Say these things are shams and political attacks
But Donald is guilty for the crime he committed
Even if it's something he never admitted

He was caught trying to cover up
And throwing a rug over it all
But the jury saw through it
And that's simply where the facts fall


Does Donald Pretend to Election Integrity?

Election integrity
Isn't that what matters most?
Election integrity
Is why Donald is getting the roast

Why are so many upset
With his conviction on 34 counts?
Why do they paint it as something less
Just an flub-up in the bookkeeping accounts?

Blowing a misdemeanor into a felony
With creative and questionable reading of the law
That's all they think this is
So they give it a big poo-pah

Isn't it Donald who has pretended
To be all about election integrity?
Isn't it he who led a rebellion
Completely because of election security?

Well, the chickens have come to roost
Because election integrity is what your case was about
The people have the right to know who you are
Yes, they have the right to know if you're a lout

None of our business, you say
What goes on in Vegas stays there
Don't you go poking into my personal life
Don't you go laying it bare

Donald, what kind of a person you are
Is something voters have a right to know
And if you bribed people to hide it
And cooked your books so we'd never know
And if you were so crooked you tried to back out
On paying once the deal was made
Yes, Donald, you're due 
For an awfully lot of shade

I'm grateful we do have laws
To hold you responsible for your crimes
Election integrity is what this is about
And I have no use for all of your whines

Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Voters Will Be the Jury

The election will be the verdict
So, the jury is still out
The voters will be the jury
Of that I have no doubt

Poisoned in their minds
By the right-wing press
They will free the wicked criminal
They will do what they think is best

When the day comes people choose wickedness 
Then let them have their fate
They are blind to truth and dull to reason
And might come to their senses way too late

Trump is Coming!

The British are coming
And so is Trump
1776 and 2024
Just roll them together
For they fall in the same lump

Ride upon your horses
Spread the alarm
To every middlesex village and farm

Trump is coming!
Trump is coming!
Warn your neighbors now
Leave your fields to come fight against him
Leave behind your plow

We won our freedom in 1776
But now it's on the line again
And we must fight for it just like
We did way back then


Trump's Crime Against Humanity

Crimes against humanity?
No, I am not suggesting they arrest him
But when Donald Trump left office in '21
The damage he'd done was very grim

More than 100
Yes, more than 100 environmental protections
He revoked, rolled back, and erased from the books
And you have to wonder the consequences
To our forests and our brooks

Biden would come along
And restore order to the world
Reversing Trump's actions
Before things got more gnarled

But years were lost in the progress
Of reducing the danger to the earth
For the fumes released into the skies cannot be taken back
Once they've had their birth

Thousands die every year
From heat
And from noxious fumes in the air
And perhaps a few are due to Trump
That's a guilt he must bear

Crimes against humanity?
Yes, I think it's so
And we lay them at the feet of Donald Trump
And not at the feet of Uncle Joe

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Shannon Bream
1211 There is hope somewhere in that building
At 1211 Avenue Of The Americas
Somewhere in that building
Is an honest cuss 

Shannon Bream
Host of Fox News Sunday
Is an honest voice
Even when Sunday passes 
And the sun comes up on Monday

Oh, I've never listened to her
That I should know for sure
But, I've heard that she has put down
Some of the lies that do stir

One guest
Suggested Trump's trial
Was something the DOJ did style

It's a state trial
Bream pushed back
Whether you think there's political motive
The feds passed on this attack

The feds chose not to do it
And that left it to the state
It is not the feds, but just New York
Who are testing Donald's fate

So, 1211 Avenue Of The Americas
The home of Shannon Bream
For standing up for truth
This lady has my esteem



Before it was Biden's fault
The fault belonged to greed
We ascribed that as the reason
For inflation's seed

Now, I don't know everything
Much escapes my mind
But I'm not so sure it's Biden's fault
That the economy does unwind

But I know there are those
Who would make political hay
They blame on Mr. Biden
Things that would happen anyway

Say Goodbye to Truth

Say goodbye to honesty
Say goodbye to truth
That which you won't listen to
Whistles through a broken tooth

Yes, America's media is broken
Yes and yes, indeed
Broken simply because
It's something you won't read

Those who herd the masses
Those who know the truth is a danger to their cause
They tell you not to listen to it
They tell you it has so many flaws

So you turn your ears from truth
To those who commit this crime
And you fail to hear the warning
Of those who could save us just in time

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

If I Understand all that is Involved, Trump is Guilty

  As Trump's hush-money case in New York reaches the deliberation stage, I consider whether perhaps I finally understand it.
   If I do, it is this: It is not against the law, in and of itself, for Trump to have bribed Stormy Daniels. And, it might have been a misdemeanor to have falsified the books, in and of itself, but if it was done in conjunction with election interference, it is a felony and he is guilty.
   So, do you need to be convicted of election interference before the falsifying of the books can count against you? Or do you just need to be guilty of it -- as in, can this jury make its own determination on whether you were trying to defraud the voters by paying Stormy Daniels hush money so voters would not turn against you?
  To me -- just listening to the news -- it seems neither the prosecution nor the defense pressed too hard on the issue as to whether election fraud occurred? Why? It seems as that if the defense felt Trump needed to be convicted of messing with the election by hushing Stormy Daniels before he could be convicted at all, then they would have been shouting that. They would have been saying emphasizing it over and over. Just reading the news, I never saw that. The media brought up the point, so why didn't the defense go big on it? I'm sure it did get some attention -- I would guess -- but the defense's big effort went into discrediting Michael Cohen. They rested their case on Cohen being a liar instead of the crucial point of whether election meddling was involved.
   And the prosecution? Why didn't it go further in showing the connection to the hush money and it being done to influence the election?
   The judge did instruct the jury last week that they should not convict Trump unless they felt he paid out the hush money to influence the election. Did he do that because he felt the issue was not receiving enough attention?
   I'm of the thought that the jury did get enough feel -- despite it not being emphasized -- that Stormy got her money in order that the sordid affair would be kept secret so Trump wouldn't lose votes.
   And, that makes Trump guilty. I'd come back with a guilty verdict.

Maybe You've Never Read a Newspaper

If you support Donald Trump, you have never picked up a newspaper
Never read how he sexually assaulted women
Or did you?
Did you read it, and assume it wasn't true?
Wait a minute, I'm not through

If you support Donald Trump, you have never picked up a newspaper
Never read how he called soldiers who died "succors and losers"
Or did you?
Did you read it, and hem and haw, then decide it wasn't true?
Wait a minute, I'm not through

If you support Donald Trump, you have never picked up a newspaper
Never read how he supports those who attacked America's Capitol
Or did you?
Did you read it, and didn't care if it was true?
Wait a minute, I'm not through

If you support Donald Trump, you have never picked up a newspaper
Never read how he was twice impeached
Or did you?
Did you read it, and conclude it shouldn't have been allowed to be true?
Wait a minute, I'm not through

If you support Donald Trump, you have never picked up a newspaper
Never read how he was indicted on 91 criminal counts
Or did you?
Did you read it, and say it shouldn't have happened, it shouldn't be true?
Wait a minute, I'm not through

If you support Donald Trump, you have never picked up a newspaper
Never read how he is threatening to be a dictator
Or did you?
Did you read it, and swear it isn't true?
Wait a minute, I'm not through

If you support Donald Trump, you have never picked up a newspaper
Never read how he is threatening ethnic cleansing
Or did you?
Did you read it, and get mad and say the ethnic-cleansing part isn't true?
Wait a minute, I'm not through

If you support Donald Trump, you have never picked up a newspaper
Never read how thousands of mental health professionals are warning against him
Or did you?
Did you read it, and say, Hey, that's not true?
Wait a minute, I'm not through

If you support Donald Trump, you have never picked up a newspaper
Never read how he said he could shoot somebody in broad daylight and you'd still vote for him
Or did you?
Did you read it, and laugh about how it just isn't true?

Well, that's it, maybe I'm through
But if you won't pick up the newspaper and read it, we'll all be through

Monday, May 27, 2024

Bless the Soldier

Bless the soldier
The American soldier
Who spilt his blood
To preserve liberty
May he be awarded 
In heaven
Most certainly

Bless his memory
Bless his soul
Thank him for his sacrifice
And as he departs
May heaven's angels greet him 
In paradise

Anarchy needs an Author

Anarchy needs a author
And the right-wing media is that
It stirs up rebellion
Insurrection, in fact

Tyranny needs a tailor
And Fox and Glenn Beck step in
They make lies out of whole cloth
They cut off your shorts with a grin

If you are to overthrow America
You must capture their hearts with your tongue
The right-wing media does that
It replaces truth will fertile dung

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Victims of a Vice

The preciousness of life
Gives us this day
Memorial Day
It is not a day of blue skies
But a day of gray

Dark shadowed
Pallbearers carrying
Life reduced to caskets
What was precious
Tossed in war's waste baskets

Mourn them all
Victims of a vice called war
May they all to heaven soar

America is a Village

Your hometown
Your hometown
In every village
Every state
Bless this town
This land
Don't let it disintegrate

America is a village
A village of its own
Let the people love each other
And reject the hate that's sown

Rejecting the Warnings

The mainstreet press
Would you ignore it?
Would you turn away?
It is not kind to Donald Trump
Not unto this day

To shut your ears to truth
To turn and look away
To not even read the news
Is to not even know the fray

You don't know of his wickedness
You don't believe his plot
You don't even hear about them
If you don't listen to the news a lot

They would take away the truth
Silence it, they will
But I would ask you to pick it up
Read the stories, if you will

Reject the truth
Mock and scorn it, if you will
All through history they have done the same
And rejected what is real

Not Enough Symbols

There are not enough symbols for peace
Two fingers up?
The dove?
An olive branch?
The peace sign with its circle?
Each of them is wonderful
Each one has its sparkle

But peace?
There should be so many ways to express it
That we could do so without cease


Freedom is not Free

There is a thought
And we quote it often
Freedom is not free

The ultimate sacrifice
The best blood of our land
They bring the freedom that we see

We Honor the Fallen

We honor not just those who fought for freedom
No, not them alone
We honor them all
Every soldier who fought honorably
Every soldier who answered his nation's call

It is the leaders of nations that wage unrighteous wars
If there are villains in war, it is they
But, the soldier who is forced into the battle?
He is the but man who did obey

And, those who fell in pools of blood
Who left wives, sons and daughters
To fight?
Bless the blood they left upon the waters

War is not always the cause of the just
But when a soldier falls and returns to the dust
Then let us honor these fallen from every land
For they poured their blood into the sand

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Warn the Civilians Against Having Hamas Among Them

Ten people were reportedly killed this past day in an Israeli drone attack on a school site being used as a shelter. And, if it was a drone attack, that means the Israelis knew what they were attacking. And, if they knew what they were attacking -- a shelter -- then they perhaps suspected Hamas soldiers of hiding there.

We would hope. We would hope it wasn't just an attack on civilians.

And were soldiers found among those who were killed? The CNN story doesn't say. It says children were among the dead, but it doesn't say whether soldiers were among the casualties. It doesn't even say that it is unknown whether soldiers were among the dead.

Or is it just hard to know if they were soldiers? If they aren't in uniforms, how do you distinguish Hamas from civilains?


Every effort should be extended to spare the civilians. The civilians should be warned not to let soldiers stay with them in their quarters. But, how do you stop it, even then? The soldiers are perhaps both intimidating and friendly. The civilians might be too afraid to speak against them. And, once friendships are forged, the civilian might only be too anxious to help his friend, the soldier.

But, the same, drop flyers throughout Gaza -- everywhere residents remain -- warning the people not to let soldiers stay, and suggesting that if they do know soldiers are among them, to flee.

In encouraging Israel to warn the civilians not to let Hamas hide behind them, it does not mean we justify Israel to blow such cites up irregardless of the civilians. We should tell Israel that still is not acceptable.

Lawyers on the Raft

The politicians think they know more than scientists
Down in Florida
It's not those with microscopes
Who have the formula

A lawyer knows more than a scientist
How to make the waves obey
And the sweep of his hand signing a bill into a law
Always saves the day

Climate change?
No matter
We know just what to do
We'll remove the phrase "climate change"
From every state statue

And, poof!
Just like that
Climate change will go away
We can solve all problems
In this very original way

You know we are lawyers
And practiced in our craft
So, there will be no need for scientists anymore
For we control the raft

Fairytales and Science Fiction

By edict of the governor
And the Legislature who loves him so
Down in Florida, they've done away with climate change
By simply declaring it isn't so

With the sweep of a pen
In the governor's hand
He wiped climate change off the books
It was something he couldn't stand

Now, the rest of the world can take a lesson
From Florida's Governor DeSantis
For with the sweep of a pen he's created
A make-believe Atlantis

Fairytales and science fiction
Are all it takes to end climate change
So listen if you must to the politicians
Even though they are deranged

MAGA's Cousin, RAGA

Don't take our guns away
Shouts something called RAGA
That stands for Republican Attorneys General Association
And it's not too far off from being MAGA

Mexico has filed a lawsuit
Against Smith & Wesson and some others
They know their guns are being trafficked south
To their southern brothers

Knowingly letting trafficked guns
Reach the hands of the cartels
Does strike as a bit wicked
It sounds a little distasteful
Yes, a little insipid

Two months ago, is what it was
When the gun manufacturers gathered their money together
They donated it to RAGA
Let it go as if light as a feather

Now two months hence
And MAGA's -- I mean RAGA's members
Each have signed a brief with the court
Dismiss these charges, they demand
Dismiss them, they snort

Money buys a lot of things
It's called the root of all evil
But when it buys justice for gun-runners
That really is primeval 


Cartel Accomplices

Don't blame us for the guns down there
We're only the ones who sell them
And once they're sold, we're not responsible
So don't look at us when you want someone to condemn

We're the gun manufacturers
And we're allowed to sell the guns that go down there
We know the cartels get them
But calling us accomplices ain't too fair

And if you try to stop this
If you stand in our way
You will be violating our Second Amendment rights
So, go ahead and make our day

You can't win and you know it's futile to try
Don't dare oppose the Second Amendment
For with it on our side
All morality we can defy

Friday, May 24, 2024

Hatred is a Weapon

Hatred is a weapon
A weapon in and of itself
Hatred is a knife blade
A bullet from a gun
And those who would employ it
Keep it ready on the mantelshelf

They take it down most often
As often as they can
They polish it 
They practice it
And it makes each of them a madman

Hatred is the weapon
Hatred is what kills
It poisons
It destroys
Those in its sights, it gives the chills

If there's ever to be peace in our land
Peace from coast to coast
We must all put our weapons down
From near to farthermost

Bedtime Stories

Every night before Donald Trump sent them off to bed
He would read Americans a bedtime story
For it had a lesson in it, he wanted them to know most sorely

The picture book told a story of him
Yes, the same Donald Trump
Tell me if upon hearing it, you don't get a goosebump

See, there was this wolf named DT
Who people thought was eating all the sheep
So he wanted to set the record straight
Before he sent them off to sleep

"Everyone knows I don't eat sheep"
He said, reading from his book
"And I just want you all to know
Don't want you to be mistook"

The Americans were the sheep in his story
And they'd gather round and listen
And as he read to them, usually his eyes would glisten

One he'd sit right on his knee
And bounce her up and down
And when the sheep was coming down
He's swallow her right in her nightgown

You'd think the sheep would see what was going on
For each night there was one less of them
But, no, they slipped off to their sleep
Secure in the thought the big wolf loved them 



A dangerous attitude ripples
And we hope it doesn't prevail
There are those who oppose Joe Biden
Being allowed on Ohio's campaign trail

Why help him out
When it's Trump that you want
When it's Trump that you love and need?
Just Trump on the ballot
For who needs a choice
Trump blood is all that we bleed

But cast your eyes toward Russia
Or maybe the old USSR
The highways of their elections
Are often limited to just one car

That a share of Trump supporters
Are pushing for elections the same
Let's us know right out of the gate
That to them, democracy is fair game

Don't give Trump this entry
For already the talk is that once elected, he'll never leave
Hold on to democracy
It's something we should surely believe

House of Lies

The House of Lies is a chattery box
As everyone has lies to share
Everyone tells great stories
They really have a flair

I visited it one day
As I was anxious to see what lies there were
So I went to the House of Lies
Where lies are as thick as fur

They greeted me
They welcomed me
They told me they were glad I came
But they told me not to call them the House of Lies
As the right-wing press was their real name

Thursday, May 23, 2024


Never When They're Violent

"Speech is not violence; violence is not speech"
Words that we should listen to
They have so much to teach
I'm not a fan of Mike Lee whose quote that is
No, I'm not a all
But his words are wise and true
We should listen to their call

On our campuses
All across the land
There are those who protest
With a violent hand

They claim to freedom of speech
But violence is not that
Free speech is not in beating a Jew
Regardless of your frat

But, on the other side of this 
Please realize
Not all protesting is violence
And that's something we need to recognize

When we can, then let them speak
But never when they're violent
Never when that's what they seek

The Kid Gloves Came Off

The kid gloves came off
And Biden went toe-to-toe
With the man who was more famous 
For landing the lowblow

"Sleepy Joe," Trump had called him
So, "Sleepy Don," Biden now fired back
If Biden needed to match Trump in insults
He didn't want to lack

But some questioned the wisdom
Of the approach Biden had assumed
His brand was built on decency
Was he now was giving that the broom?

Too nice of a guy to be fighting like that
Is what some had to say
It's really out of character
For him to talk that way

It works for Trump
But Trump is Trump
But when your name is Joe Biden
Trash talking just might put you in a slump

Ebrahim Raisi

Humanity extends to everyone
Even those who know not its name
We treat right not just the righteous
But the ones who are to shame

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi
Was a butcher of a man
And to mourn his loss
Might seem more than you can stand

Even a dark soul has a good side
So, surely Raisi did have one
Let us never dance on graves
Lest we be the ones who are undone

A Loser With a Smile

"My opponent is not a good loser
"But he is a loser"
Biden lets us know
Look, then, at Trump
To what a loser might look like
Is it better than Uncle Joe?

It's Trump who wears the smile
Waving to the crowds
And so we must ask why
Yes, Trump is a sore loser
And he lost in 2020
But don't expect him to cry

When you lead in the polls
When they say your #1
A smile crosses your face
He might be a loser of a person
And 2020 a loss, indeed
But right now he's winning the race

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

"From the River to the Sea" has Many Meanings; Here's One

Do we ask the protesters what they mean when they chant, "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free"?

When you use a word, it comes with an attached meaning. Yes, it is helpful to ask the person what they meant in using that word, but it does not absolve that person of using the wrong word or phrase. The phrase "from the river to the sea" has many meanings attached to it, one of which is that you intend to have for your own all the land stretching from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. It treats the Jews as unlawful occupiers who need to be expelled from the land, and since they obviously are not going to move out on their own, it just might require exterminating them. Six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust. By comparison, there are maybe 8 million Jews in Israel. Would clearing them off the land that stretches "from the river to the sea" be genocide? You decide. Would it be ethnic cleaning? You decide.

People who use the N-word can say, No, that is not what I meant. People who fly the Confederate flag can say, No, that is not what I meant. But meanings are attached to the N-word and Confederate flag that you cannot escape. We are responsible for the words and phrases we use.

Modern Israel

I will wonder what the scriptures say
And think upon their words
Can I understand Isaiah
Or would that be absurd?

Think of modern Israel
The scriptures are filled with that
Prophecies and promises
About where the Jews are living at

Wonders great are happening
Happening in that land
And if we turn to scripture
Will we understand?

Ezekiel speaks and Zechariah
And Micah also weighs in
Many prophets spoke of this day
So the Old Testament is where we begin

You want to understand what's happening?
Maybe make sense of all the news
Then open up your Bible
For it has so many clues

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Creation of a Unified Reich

The video was up, the video was real
So once you've heard of it, how do you feel?
If Trump is elected America's industrial strength
Will be mighty and strong, it will be stretched to full length

And what will drive this industrial spike?
The video is clear:
It will be "driven by the creation of a Unified Reich"

Such language, such imagery
It takes us all the way back
To the days of Mein Kampf
To those days, in fact

Did Trump really post such a video?
Well, do you really believe he's such a psycho?
His campaign says a staffer posted it by mistake
Trump wouldn't do that, for goodness sake

For Trump was in court at that very time
How could he ever have posted it?
You know we're not lying

But a check of the exact time that the post went up
Reveals he had stepped out for a coffee cup
Lunchtime, it was
Lunchtime, if you will
So while perhaps he didn't do it
It leaves us wondering, still

Monday, May 20, 2024

'My Minute of News'

Today, a tribute
From a poet to a newswriter
But not a normal kind of guy
This guy truly is a dynamiter
Seems he won the Edward Murrow Award
Yes, indeed, he did
And to win a prize like that
Well, you have to be a whiz kid

It's like the Oscars for radio news
And our man won the prize
KSL's Jeff Caplan
So go out and buy him fries

Run a parade
Down the middle of the street
Wait for a call from the White House
That would be so neat

Right here in Salt Lake City
Is the best in all the land
His "My Minute of News"
Is simply very grand

Note: As I studied this further, it appears likely that the 30-second pause in the speech might have been scripted. A "musical interlude," it was called, as music came on during the pause.

I posted the above note over a poem I wrote about Trump's going silent for 30 seconds during his speech at the NRA. I think, now, though, I will must take the poem down and leave this explanation for any who might return to this blog.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Unless there is Punishment, More will Follow

The good news is that some of the vandals were arrested. The good news is that President Biden condemned the attack.

A number of days ago, a convoy full of humanitarian aid from Jordan made its way through the West Bank, on its way to Gaza. But it did not travel peacefully. Israeli settlers living in the West Bank intercepted it, looting the trucks, taking cases of supplies and crashing them to the ground. Then, a short time later, two of the trucks in the convoy were set to flames.

The attacks are but a reflection of perhaps the dominant belief of the Israeli people these days: The Gazans are but Hamas, and they are bad people who deserve no aid. Instead, they need to be wiped off the face of the land.

True, the feelings of the Israeli people have been inflamed by the long history of attacks by Hamas and Palestine. There have been suicide bombers, bombs reigning from the skies, and the chants of "from the river to the seas."

Hatred exists on both sides. But we, as a world, cannot condone it. It is good that some of the vandals were arrested. It is good that Biden condemned the attack. But, somehow, I do not feel enough  has been done. How rapid can the investigation take place? What has become of those arrested? Are they being charged? Have they been released? Will others be arrested? Or were the initial arrests but a show for the media, not to be followed with any punishment?

When incidents of this nature occur, they must be condemned and punished. Such conduct will only continue to spiral if action against it is not taken. 

Had Their Fill

There's a list of patriots
And new names are coming on
These are they who say they won't vote for Trump
For they know it would be wrong

These are Republicans
And true to the Republican cause
But they say they will vote for Biden
So, give to them your applause

Geoff Duncan, former lieutenant governor of Georgia
Republican deep and true
But he says he won't "fall in line"
This time, he's voting blue

Michael Steele, former chairman of the GOP
Vote for country, not for party, he tells the crowd
He refuses to be intimidated
He refuses to be cowed

Adam Kinzinger, former representative from Illinois
He sees Trump as "out to get democracy"
So, it's good of him to stand up for liberty
Stoutly opposing Trump's aristocracy

The list of patriots will grow
At least we hope it will
Hopefully more people will say
That they have had their fill

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Todd Blanche

Todd Blanche, the lawyer
Did you hear what he's up to of late?
He's trying to convince his client
Not to take the bait

His client?
That would be one Donald Trump
The same guy who's out on the campaign stump
And same guy, this Mr. Trump is
Who is stuck in a court room
Yes, it is 

Trump is said to be anxious to testify
But Blanche is saying, Don't do it
You get up on that witness stand
And it's going to mean you blew it

I know you, Donald
Because you're my client
I know just what you'd say
You'd deny having sex with Stormy Daniels
You think the best answer is, Nay

Donald, that would open you to perjury
Perjury charges, indeed
And even if we won the charges at hand
They would catch you for this perjury deed

Now here's a question for the lawyer
The lawyer named Todd Blanche
Did you just confess you know your client had sex
Is that what you're saying, per chance?

If you're saying it's perjury
That means that it's true
Who would have guessed it
Who would have knew

DT Didn't Like My Poems

I was talking to Donald Trump today
And he didn't like the poems that I write
Why can't you be like others? he asked
And pick subjects a little more trite

Poems shouldn't be about politics
Is what he was trying to tell me
Just write poems about romance
Or how peaceful the beach can be

I looked at Donald and smiled
I'm sorry he doesn't like my poems
And I think I understand very well why
For I'm throwing at him my stones

Friday, May 17, 2024

Bless Israel, but not in the Matter of Killing Gazan Citizens

I, along with the rest of the world, am watching what is going on in Gaza. I think of the scriptures that speak of all the world being against Israel and have always wondered how that would be possible. It seemed every country -- well, the good share of them -- were behind Israel. Watching what is happening now perhaps gives insight into how the world could be turned against Israel. We are perhaps seeing prophecy fulfilled right before our eyes. The scripture says all the world will be against Israel and we are witnessing the world turning against it. By killing so many children and innocents in Gaza, Israel is turning world opinion against it. Perhaps we have disagreement as to whether Israel is doing the right thing. God's ways are not our ways, it can be argued. But I do not think that scripture covers Israel's killing so many innocents. Consider the thought, which is scripture to some, that says God will forgive whom he will forgive, but  of us it is required to forgive all men. My thought is that it is not for us to judge that the civilians should be exterminated. If God wants that to happen, he will arrange it and allow it, but it is not for us to make such a decision. When man makes such judgement on his own, he is wrong. 

So, what of Israel? What of the civilians being deprived of food and medical supplies? What of those being killed and massacred? To me, it is wrong. Do not think for a moment, though, that I side with Hamas, or with Palestine. Palestine soldiers hide in the tunnels under the hospitals (and even under the UN offices). They defy Israel to attack them and thus wipe out the civilians. This is gravely wrong. Should Israel wipe out Hamas, then? Well, to me, of course. "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" is but Hamas and Palestine vowing to ethnically cleanse that part of the globe. Every country, every nation should have the right to protect itself. Israel has that right. From all the years we observe of this tragedy, it is clear that Hamas and Palestine will not back down on their pledge to wipe Israel off the face of the map. Let the Jews protect themselves and their homeland. 

But, I do not believe we should condone Israel in killing innocent children, women and old folk -- or even men. Is Gaza wicked, like the Hittites and Jebusites in the Old Testament -- so wicked that they need to be wiped out? I do not see it as so. Hamas, yes; Gazan civilians, no. Many (most) are destitute. They are the poor of the world. They (many of them) 
are herded around like sheep, living in encampments instead of in homes. Perhaps I am not God to say how he feels, but I would not be surprised if the God of Heaven feels much love for the Gazans, since they are in such horrible circumstances.  I would not be surprised if his heart goes out to them. They are the humble of the world. They are at the mercy of the warring factions of mankind. Do many of them side with Hamas? I would guess most of them do. Israel is withholding provisions from them. Israel has massacred some of their towns in years and decades past. It is natural that they should side with Hamas. If Israel wants the residents of Gaza to side with it, it must treat them much more benevolently. 

I am amazed -- literally shocked -- at the way the world is turning on the Jews. I am amazed at all the protesting on the campuses against them. In all my life, to this point, Jews were loved, respected, even honored. Yes, I was aware of the prophecies of how they would be hated and despised, but for the brief window of time that I have been on earth, I have not seen it in my comings and goings. When I read of the hatred being heaped on them at Columbia U. and other places, I am awaken to the fact that the world is turning against the Jew even as we speak. Is this a fulfillment of prophecy that is taking place right before our eyes? I do not know, but it seems so to me. I scream out, Bless the Jews. I feel desperate for them. But, this is God's world, and what he allows is for him to allow. If the Jews are to face more suppression, that is his will. Bless the Jews, the same. And, pray for them. God rules, but it is for us to love all men -- Jew and Gazan.  

That Would Bring Distress

They turned the flag upside down
Flew it that way
You might ask what group of people did it
Who? you're bound to say

The supporters of Donald Trump
Yes, is was them
But, you need to know a little more
Before it's them that you condemn

A flag flown upside down
Is a signal of distress
And when it is flown that way
It means we've got problems to address

Donald's people flew it that way
After the election of 2020
What they simply were trying to say
Is that the election results bothered them plenty

But as a result of so many Trump supporters
Who flew the flag that way
Such a flag has become a symbol
That you are a Trump protege

It's a symbol of their movement
A symbol that says it best
For if Trump is ever elected again
Now, that will bring distress

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Fire in the Theater

Freedom of speech, you know
Doesn't extend to yelling Fire! in a theater
No, you pull a stunt like that
And they'll label you a trouble maker

So, what of me?
Am I doing just that?
I'm running all through the theater
Yelling Fire! and this is where it's at

I point up towards the ceiling
Where you can see the flames
But the people are too involved with the show
And think I'm just playing games

Fire! Fire! I repeat
And Shush! it what they reply
But I have to keep on warning them
'Cause I don't want them to die

We've got a fire named Donald Trump
But folks are too busy with other things to hear
They really don't think the nation's burning down
That's not something they seem to fear

Now, if this Trump's elected
He's going to remember the law
The one that says you can't yell Fire! in a theater
Especially if you do it till your voice goes raw

Donald will have some folks arrested
He needs peace in his theater
And, he'll toss someone like me in jail
For being quite a trouble maker


You Have to Learn to be Stupid

You have to learn to be stupid
If you want to be considered smart
For it's the things that just don't make sense
That people take into their heart

They believe immigrants are invaders
And Donald Trump is cool
And you can teach them a lot of other things
If you're stupid as a fool

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

A Sad Legacy

When they are the victims
Tragedy is easier to be seen
There were eight of them
Mexican migrants
Sent to work a Florida farm field so green

On a bus they rode
Headed to the field
When a pickup truck crossed into their path
And the eight of them were killed

Mexico's president offered kind words for them
But, in America, did our leaders react?
Eight souls lost their lives on our soil
And it wasn't in a national guard attack

These workers are workers
These humans are human
To treat them like invaders
Displays a society in ruin

We are that society
Lost in villainizing the poor
And if we don't change our ways
A sad legacy is in store

The Circle of Life

The poor man from Venezuela
Becomes the migrant at the border
The migrant at the border
Becomes the worker in the field

The worker in the field
Becomes the man deported home
The man deported home
Becomes the poor man in Venezuela

Will Make it So

He raises the fear that we are already there
To propel him to making it so
We haven't lost democracy yet
But Trump will make it so

A Spike

A king is on the ballot
You can elect him if you like
He'll take all your freedoms
And give them all a spike


Eyes were Blinded

Eyes were blinded
Shaded from the light
The land and its people
No longer saw what was right

They began to listen 
To new teachers who arose
And turned away from old news sources
Those they did oppose

They turned their hearts
To insurrection in the land
And placed at their head
A corrupt and wicked man

They supported him in all his crimes
Truth no longer reigned
And so he came to rule the land
Once their ears he had gained

He gained their hearts, he gained their love
They were blind to all his sins
And all he had to do to win their love
Was to turn NBC and others into has-beens

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

West Bank Settlers Need a Talking To

Here is news you do not want to hear: Settlers in the West Bank Monday set fire to two trucks of humanitarian aid that were on their way to Gaza. Earlier in the day, the settlers had broken into the supply provisions when the convoy was at a stop. The West Bank settlers destroyed some supplies at that point, tossing cases to the ground to bust them open. 

We, as a world, should do something. We, as humanity, need to step in. Our governments need to take measures to correct the settlers and help them see the terribleness of what they have done. Not only citizens can protest, but governments. And, in this case, governments should be protesting -- against the citizens. It would be beneficial if Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited the West Bank settlement to reason with the people. It would be great if other groups and organizations sent envoys to the settlers, joining in the protest. The U.N.? Yes, send someone to deal with and correct the problem. 

The settlers who vandalized the aid convoy were angry. They supposed they were doing a just thing. It becomes important that we take the time to correct them and teach them just how wrong it was to commit these offenses.

The Town Clown

"I wish you would have won"
The granddaughter said
Dabbing at her eyes
"I wish you would have won"

The old man smiled and looked back at her
He knew he had fairly lost
He was just glad all the votes had been counted
Not a one of them was tossed

The old man had done his best
In serving as mayor of the town
Now it was time to let go
For the city had elected the town clown

The newly elected was a businessman
There were questions about whether he doctored his books
And questions about how his business ran

Then there was the talk he had frequented the local whore house
He tried to keep that quiet, but truth told, he was in fact such a louse

"I wish you would have won"
The granddaughter called
As he went out the door that day

And out in the street 
As he passed people by
The same words they all chose to say

"I wish you would've won"
"I wish you would've won"
But the town clown had carried the day

Monday, May 13, 2024

Not Much Rain
There aren't flowers in this city
Only cement walks
No grass, no trees
There's not anything with leaves

There aren't flowers in this city
And if there were, they soon would die
There's little water to water them
Not much rain up in the skies

Droughts will come upon the earth
Deserts will become hotter still
And in the cities of our land
It's not just plants that they will kill


Beginning Point

There is a beginning point 
For peace in the Middle East
It begins with dropping the hatchet
For the people you love least

It begins with someone saying
I no longer believe in "From the river to the sea"
I will no longer try to rid the world of you
Nor will you try to rid the world of me


The Ledger on Donald Trump

The Ledger on Donald Trump
It is a very big book
All the entries for him are on one side
But those against him
Simply cannot be mistook

That column runs on every page
All the way through
While the favorable things
End on the very first page
Because they are so few

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Will We Choose the Love of Money Over the Care for the Patients?

Those manufacturing and selling MRI machines are making millions of dollars at my expense. And, at yours. The expense of using the MRI machines is so massive that hospitals have policies in place to curb the use of them.

It seems to me, though, that the diagnosis should come as quickly as possible -- and as freely and without obstruction as can be arranged. This falls in the box called providing good medical care. Do we in the United States want to have a good medical system? Then let's make MRIs more affordable and more accessable. 

The makers of the MRI machines are making big money off their products. It's a gold mine. You will not convince me the machines could not be vastly less expensive. It would require taking some money out of the pockets of the rich, but where should our concern lie here, with the rich medial industrialists or with the people needing good medical care? Which will we, as a society, choose?

I recently went to emergency and received an MRI. It took several hours for an MRI scan to become available. They were booked. The technician explained that he was the only one scheduled to do the work. To me, it seems clear the hospital should staff the position more generously. This is emergency care we are talking about. Don't skimp on personnel when lives and good health are on the line. We have great reason to believe that the money being saved by not adequately staffing our emergency rooms is going straight to the pockets of the hospital executives. 

I do not doubt that any of you, reading this, do not recall when there was a logjam for someone you know who was in need medical care. We often blame it on not enough people aspiring to take up medicine and become doctors. Just a shortage caused by us not paying them enough? I'm not buying that. I blame the hiring practices of the hospitals. Just go out and hire more people. If you do have to pay them more in order to entice them to take up the profession, do so, but staff our hospitals and medical establishments adequately and generously.

We hear much about how the medical systems in many countries do not require such long waiting periods. Can we not see that many of those systems are, well, socialistic (if I can use the term without everyone throwing their hands over their mouths and gasping)? When you have a capitalistic system, the capitalist skims all the money away. Don't try to convince me that with the hospitals being not-for-profit, that can't be the case. Just can't, you say. But consider that there still remains hospital executives living high on the hill while the patients below are screaming in need of better medical care.

The love of money is the root of all evil, someone once said. Why do we let it, then, infect our medical system so deeply?

Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Chump Card 

They once had a board game
I guess it's still around
And in the game called Clue
There was a villain to be found

They lined up the suspects
Put each on a playing card
Each had a name and picture
So, knowing them wasn't hard

Colonel Mustard, Miss Scarlet or Mr. Green
Which one was at the crime scene?
Or was it Mrs. White or Mrs. Peacock?
Or would that just be poppycock?

I'm just wondering
Where is the card for Donald Trump?
Since he's the one who probably did it
We need a card for that chump


Alternate Ending for Clue Poem

They once had a board game
I guess it's still around
And in the game called Clue
There was a villain to be found

They lined up the suspects
Put each on a playing card
Each had a name and picture
So knowing them wasn't hard

Colonel Mustard, Miss Scarlet or Mr. Green
Which one was at the crime scene?
Or was it Mrs. White or Mrs. Peacock?
Or would that just be poppycock?

I'm just wondering 
Do they have a card for Donald Trump?
Because I'm pretty sure he did it
Even though he will not admit it

Tomorrow We Fight

Tonight we rest
Tomorrow we fight
The soldier said with a smile
He pretended to happiness
Pretended to hope
But he knew they were in for a trial

Which war was this?
Ask me if it matters
For all wars leave people
Wounded and blown to tatters

You can fight in Ukraine
Or on the Gazan front
Or Yemen might be your foe
Death comes with battle
Death comes with war
Wherever it is you go

Whatever the war
And whichever the side
Death is all around
And the smile of a soldier
As he goes off to war
Is soon turned to a frown

Friday, May 10, 2024

Stop to Pray in the Afternoon

Stop and be afraid in the afternoon
Just as you've been afraid in the morning light
There are fears to be had for this world
So, pray for Almighty's might

Pray for the children
In foreign lands
Pray for soldiers that fight for the free

Pray for the Gazans
Pray for the Israelis
Pray on a bended knee

Stop and be afraid this afternoon
Stop what you do and pray
Think of the Jews on campuses
Stop and send a prayer their way

Jews in every nation
Jews in every land
Stop and pray for each of them
That blessings pour down upon their homeland

The Fate of the Jew

Do larger things loom?
What are they?
What should concern us more than Israel?
Than the assault upon the Jews?
There is no bigger news

Let us be not just concerned, but shocked
To see the protests on the campuses of our land
People expressing such hatred
Is this something our world can withstand?

We knew this day would come
Prophecy has told us this
All the world will gather against the Jew
If my undertanding is not amiss

Do larger things loom?
For we live in troubled times
But of all the causes large and small
The fate of the Jew is greater than all

Thursday, May 9, 2024


Utah, you say, would vote for him?
Utah, the state so moral and upright?
Would Utah support for president
Someone who sleeps with porn stars at night?

Can this really be?
Utah finds Donald Trump
As someone with whom they can agree

Toss out reason
Toss out sense
Toss out morals
Send them hence

Who cares if he proudly made the National Enquirer
A campaign organ of his
Being corrupt and immoral
Is of no concern
It's really not our biz

 Let Things Not Get That Out of Hand

We should not want to
We should repel
Voting for someone who's had such sexual liaisons?
We should turn and run, pell-mell

We should recoil
Turn away in disgust
To think that any such candidate
Would suggest he's someone we can trust

Not with the highest office in the land
Not as the leader of our band
Sleeping with porn stars and playmates?
Let's not let things get that out of hand

   The bill would have the Federal Department of Education adopt the definition of antisemitism offered by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). You might, then, want to review the examples of antisemitism the IHRA offers. Is it antisemitic to:
-- justify the killing or harming of Jews?
-- make dehumanizing or demonizing stereotypical allegations about Jews?
-- promote the believe that Jews have conspired to control the media, economy, or government?
-- hold Jews as a whole responsible for the real or imagined wrongdoing of a single Jewish person?
-- deny that Jews were subject to the gas chambers during the Holocaust, or that they were the subject of genocide at the hands of Nazi Germany?
-- accuse Jews of being more loyal to Israel than to the interests of their own nations?
-- deny Jews their right to self-determination because it is perceived that the existence of Israel is a racist objective?
-- require standards of behavior for Israel that are not required of other nations?
-- associate Jews killing Jesus as a characteristic typical of Jews, Israel or Israelis?
-- draw comparisons of Israeli policy with that of the Nazis?
-- hold Jews collectively responsible for the actions of the state of Israel?
   My thoughts? I do think most -- but not all -- of those things do fall into the category of being hostile or prejudiced against Jewish people. Perhaps a revision of HR 6090 that uses many of the examples, but drops two or three of them, would be appropriate.
 The bill does end with the declaration that, "Nothing in this Act shall be construed to diminish or infringe upon any right protected under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States."  Perhaps it would be good for the language of the bill to go one step further by specifically saying it is not restricting any of the examples from being free speech. It should say people are allowed to say those things so long as what they say is not in violation with existing slander and libel laws.
  The bill makes a wonderful addition. It notes that current law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. The bill adds to that. It prohibits discrimination based on "shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics." Who would oppose this being in the bill? Of course we do not want to discriminate on the basis of shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics. Of course such discrimination should be out of line.
   One question becomes, how would this bill affect funding of such things as the Middle East Center at the University of Utah? Teachers should be allowed to discuss how some Palestinians would deny Israel self-determination and other such beliefs. However, should the college instructors endorse such beliefs? I suggest they should not. They should discuss how Palestinians believe, "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," as a way of promoting that Jews be wiped off that portion of the map now known as Israel, but they should not be allowed to endorse such a belief. They should not be allowed to endorse antisemitism while collecting federal funds to do so. Nor do we want them to endorse any antisemitism that stirs up hatred towards the Jewish people. People in most cases should be allowed to express their opinions, even when they are hateful and bigoted, but not so in this case. Teachers receiving federal funding can believe what they will believe away from the classroom, but they should not be given federal funds to practice and teach discrimination in the classroom. 

Alas, I will try to remember what I just wrote as an online comment to a letter to the editor of the Salt Lake Tribune. I submitted it, and it got gobbled up with a note saying that it would be reviewed and considered before being printed. Maybe, maybe.

The letter to the editor was from Sharifa Al-Qaaydeh. In it, Sharifa argued that in order to try to curb student protests, the "Anti-Semitism Awareness Act" (HR 6090) was approved by the House. The bill, Sharifa said, would expand the definition of antisemitism to include "the targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity."

The letter-writer suggested the bill could have a "major impact on free speech across this country."
"Since when did the United States, the land of free speech, include criticizing a foreign government as part of the definition of discrimination?" Sharifa suggested. "This would be equivalent to stating that anyone who criticizes the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia must be Islamophobic."

Okay, now I'm worried. I'm a free-speech advocate. I worry much about a government that would come in and quell criticism by silencing the opinions of the masses. Suddenly, my freedom is at stake and I determine I better look into Sharifa's charges.

The letter contains a link the bill, itself. But, when I click on it and read the bill, I do not find what the letter indicates. No where to be found is the phrase, "the targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity." I wonder if perhaps the link takes us to an old version of the bill. So, I look up HR 6090 independently, arriving at the very same text.

Not only does the bill not include the phrase, "targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity," but it specifically says the bill does not license restricting free speech. It closes by saying,  "Nothing in this Act shall be construed to diminish or infringe upon any right protected under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States."

I become more baffled when I search for news stories online, and every one I find does, indeed, suggest the bill speaks of "targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity." The news stories contain warnings from those who do, indeed, argue that the bill will have a chilling effect on free speech.

I, as a person who fears the day Donald Trump will take power and use whatever means he can to imprison those who disagree with him, become very concerned. No, I do not agree with the protesters when they shout, "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," which is a call for Israel to be wiped off that portion of the map known as Israel and the land be given entirely to the Palestinians. No, I do not approve of such a sentiment. I find it appalling. But, yes, by all means the protesters should have the right to utter it. Free speech is theirs and they should be allowed to express their views even if the rest of us find those opinions distasteful and shocking.

But, if the bill does not restrict them from saying that, why are we opposing the bill? Read the bill. It isn't in there. What is in the bill, then? What does it say? What does it do? 

Well, we already have laws on the books prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance. HR 6090 would add to that, suggesting that discrimination on the basis of "shared ancestry and ethnic characteristics" is also wrong, also prohibited when government funding is involved. Why would we oppose that? Of course we are against discrimination based on shared ancestry and ethnic characteristics. Why oppose a bill that prevents discrimination based on these two things?

Well, I conclude I must be missing something. There must be something I do not understand. Something has got to be amiss. However, we are told not to believe everything we hear, not to believe everything in the press. Instead of just swallowing what we are told, we are to determine ourselves if those news stories are true. You can't trust the press, we are told. So, I did my due diligence to determine what the actual truth is. If I have made a mistake, I have made a mistake. I'm not certain how that is possible, however, since I have read the bill and it seems quite clear what the bill actually says. 

I await the morning sun to see if the Tribune prints my comment. It does not go unnoticed on me that my views might not coincide with those of the Trib's editors. I consider that my free speech might be being restricted. I did include in my comment a note that the Trib had printed a guest opinion from the director of the Middle East Center at the U. of U., which delved into the conflict between the protesters and authorities, siding with the protesters. I wondered if HR 6090 will have any effect on the funding of the Middle East Center.

Of a side note, earlier in the day, I spoke to an emergency room worker from the University of Utah. Now, the Trib stories have suggested the protests were peaceful, with the protesters doing no violence. The emergency worker I spoke with, however, said the hospital treated an officer (or officers?) who were injured by bottles thrown at them by the protesters. 

To be clear, I have written numerous times against the offenses of Israel upon the civilians. Do not suppose I do not believe such things are wrong -- gravely wrong. But, I am also very aware that Israel is getting hung out to dry as the wicked party while Hamas and its followers are not being held to answer for the atrocities of Hamas. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

 Headlines You Might Have Missed

What you might have missed in the news
Headlines so big
Or that should have been big
Climate change exacting a service charge

Fires in Chile
Fueled by the heat
Killing 51
Burning 64,000 acres
Such a treat

Floods, landslides in Kenya
So far, more than 200 dead
I wonder how many fled

Record heat in Southeast Asia
What one expert said about it ought to faze ya
"The most-extreme event in world climate history"
Why haven't you seen this in the news?
Now, there's a mystery

Houston, Texas:
21 inches of rain in just five days
The witch in charge of the weather
Cast the worse of hexes

The Guaibi River was on the rise
78 people met their demise
115,000 evacuated by the outpour
One official suggested
"It looks like a scene out of a war"
"A disastrous cocktail" of climate change and El Nino effect

Now, there are the stories you've missed
And you don't believe there's damage in climate change?
You don't know the places that it's wrecked

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Who Does Government Serve and Answer To?
Tell me, is there an organization
A power
Laid over top of the official government?

A supplement, 
A complement
If you will
Not an official part of the government
But very powerful just the same and still

Congress answers to it
This . . .
Deep state power
If you will

Congress was going to pass a bill
On immigration
Hopefully solving this woe
Government, itself, would have moved on this
But, here's the bitter pill:
The Trump organization said no
The whole thing it chose to kill

Congress took its orders
Answered to Donald Trump
Who does Congress answer to?
Cow-tow to?
Donald Trump gets his will

Tell Me

Tell me, do you invite friends to your wedding?
Only friends, I guess
Well, did you know Bill and Hillary
Were among the guests at Donald and Melania's wedding?
You maybe think I'm kidding
But pictures exist
Word is
Hillary and Melania were "chummy"
Well, you know what they say
Truth is stranger than fiction
Still, I find this all quite funny