Saturday, May 25, 2024

MAGA's Cousin, RAGA

Don't take our guns away
Shouts something called RAGA
That stands for Republican Attorneys General Association
And it's not too far off from being MAGA

Mexico has filed a lawsuit
Against Smith & Wesson and some others
They know their guns are being trafficked south
To their southern brothers

Knowingly letting trafficked guns
Reach the hands of the cartels
Does strike as a bit wicked
It sounds a little distasteful
Yes, a little insipid

Two months ago, is what it was
When the gun manufacturers gathered their money together
They donated it to RAGA
Let it go as if light as a feather

Now two months hence
And MAGA's -- I mean RAGA's members
Each have signed a brief with the court
Dismiss these charges, they demand
Dismiss them, they snort

Money buys a lot of things
It's called the root of all evil
But when it buys justice for gun-runners
That really is primeval 

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