Sunday, June 23, 2024


Ah, but then there's abortion
You cannot vote for him
They use it as a shoehorn
To force my foot into a shoe that's too thin

I sometimes wonder if there are those
Who plot this whole thing out
Persuading every Democrat
That abortion is something they can't do without

Then they toss a candidate at us
One with no morals at all
His words and actions scream of tyranny
Ominous signs of our nation's fall

They box us in a corner
Persuade us we have no choice
If we don't vote for their man Trump
Our nation is doomed to abortion and pro choice

Yes, sometimes I think they planned it
Planned it all along
Planted seeds favoring abortion
In those who will hear their song

It doesn't need to be this way
You can stand for truth and freedom, I say
So, I beg you as a candidate
To renounce abortion this very day

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